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Why The Information Age Is Dead

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Why The Information Age Is Dead!

The Information Age is dead. We stand at the cusp of a new era. We used to live in the Information Age, but you know how it goes when everyone jumps on the bandwagon. Too much of a good thing became a bad thing. I know you feel it. We both know that everyone is glutted with more information than we know what to do with. You surf the web and there is page after page of information, right? But how do you sort and sift through it all and solve your problems? How do you get what you need—quickly?

We used to want information, but now we want something better. That is why we are at the dawn of a new age. The Recommendation Age. People don’t want information. They want solutions to their problems, and that means they need information filtered through the expertise of someone who has gone before them. And that’s going to be YOU! You will write your book and become a noted expert in your field.

In his book, The Long Tail, Chris Anderson wrote about the dawning of this new age. He said that what people want is not more information, but a trusted guide who can give context to the content.

Your Life Experiences and Passion position you with the natural readiness to make recommendations to others. It’s human nature. You do it all the time in small ways. Think about it. Haven’t you ever told a friend—or even a stranger—to steer clear of a product that doesn’t live up to expectations? Haven’t you ever suggested a tasty dish at a restaurant, or told a friend why she would absolutely love a movie you just saw?

I know you have. We all do this. That’s the power of Recommendation Marketing. It’s time to cash in on a natural human tendency. Since four out of five people want to write a book, chances are excellent that you have always dreamed of telling your own story and leaving your own legacy.

It’s time for YOU to write your book and become an expert millionaire.

Where do people go when they have a problem? The Internet. This is where you should start. Get your book online.

We are drowning in information. The Internet’s greatest advantage is that it level the playing field. Now everybody with a computer and an internet connection has access to the same information. But the greatest asset has also become the greatest annoyance. Today we are drowning in information. We are over-communicated to.

What will you recommend? How will YOU solve other people’s problems. The type of writing that sells the best on the internet is non-fiction. People want help solving their problems.

What problems will YOU solve for people? Look to your own life. What do you do naturally that other people struggle with? What challenges have you overcome?

The information age is dead. We’re drowning in information. What people want now is for an expert to recommend a solution. The Recommendation Age is here. Take your place as an expert and cash in on the Recommendation Age by writing YOUR book—starting now!
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BONUS : Why Write A Non-fiction Book

The two central pillars in effective personal marketing are the establishment of credibility and the quest for exposure. You could have a large business or you could be an independent professional. You could be selling a product or a service. Regardless why you’re marketing yourself, writing a non-fiction book is one of the best ways to achieve those two pillars.

Writing a non-fiction book is a daunting exercise. But most people don’t understand the extent to which it will change your life forever. Writing your first book happens only once in your life, if ever. And those who have done so will tell you their lives break down into before the book and after the book. Everything changes once you have written your first book.

The title of this article singles out non-fiction books and there’s a reason for that. Authors of fiction works get tremendous benefits from the effort as well but the finished product validates their writing ability and their creativity, nothing else. For the authors of non-fiction books, the finished product validates their writing ability and their personal knowledgebase. In other words, it positions them as an expert in their field. That feeds directly into effective personal marketing, which is the objective behind this discussion.

Once you have written and published your first book, you will forever more be referred to as an author. No longer will you be a regular human being like everybody else. No. From then on, you will be part of an exclusive club. You will be an author. That label will be used in written references to your name. It will be used when introductions are made. And it will be used when people talk about you behind your back.

Being an author comes with an automatic baseline of respect from most of your peers, whether they know you or not. But it comes with more than that. It comes with immediate credibility within the topic. And if you’re in a professional field, the days of justifying your expertise will come to an end. In fact, the days of looking for new clients may come to an end as well.

Books are a tremendous tool to leverage your time. The finished product presents your knowledge in a structured and optimized format. But at the time it is received by the reader, it requires no effort by you. The reader can read your book while you’re on vacation or sleeping. Indeed, you invest the time and energy once but then you reap the rewards over and over again. That allows countless perfect strangers to experience your highest intellect, all at the same time.

Writing a book also opens the door to a variety of other opportunities that might be quite different than your underlying profession. Not only can the book be sold, leaving you with a profit, but it can position you for speaking engagements in your area of expertise. These opportunities can be very profitable and position you as an industry guru rather than an actual practitioner.

Admittedly, some people would prefer not to be such a guru and that’s fine. But writing a book gives you that option. You can choose either path. You can publish the book and remain in the trenches, doing the same work as before except with tremendous new-found credibility, or you can accept the opportunities and redefine your identity around your new position.

Writing a book is a big job to say the least but it will change your life forever. Tactical Execution provides a lot of guidance aspiring authors can use to complete the job and promote the finished product. Please visit the website to take advantage of the resources available there.

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