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Why Should You Depend On Other People

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Why Should You Depend On Other People?

Humans are so dependant on other people’s opinions. Having been assessed positively we feel powerful, successful, intelligent and beautiful. We judge ourselves according to others’ comments on our actions. When being criticized or laughed at, we feel bad, depressed and nothing seems to make us happy anymore. This happens only because our ways are not accepted in the society. “Ego” cries for positivism, but none appears for you base your facts on the opinions of others. The truth is that you will never be in favor of everyone surrounding you. There will always be a group of people that will not positively assess everything you do. One thing that will help against criticism is self-confidence that one should grow within him/herself.

A student may be a perfect example. Since childhood people are likely to overestimate own possibilities and paint the picture of the future in pink colours. When working out a plan for future, we do not consider the majority of possible failures that might occur on the way to success. Perfectionism is a bad feature that is worth getting rid of. Nevertheless it is present in the back corner of a young student’s “ego”. Can you imagine a devastative consequence of a failure? The tutor praises the skills and intelligence. He feels like he is on top of the world and can do anything. You get used to good things easily. When the genius is recognized you start to think of yourself only as of a genius. And after everything goes smooth and bright there is a point when someone, even your beloved tutor, comes to criticize you and your work. Instead of an expected “A” you get an “F”. The perfect world falls apart because this error doesn’t fit into your plan. At this point you build a characteristic of your actions from the way your tutors, colleagues give you. This is the main error in your system of values and priorities. You tend to overlook the world from the point of view of other people. What one should do is to build up his or her own system of values and of course taking into consideration some of social priorities. But every final decision you take should be based on your decision. A failure should only stimulate to move forward and to overcome.

Interference of the society is unavoidable. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to close yourself in a world full of illusions. Hardships make a person more experienced, wiser, stronger. The more you hide and close into depression, the more time you loose to improve the situation. The reality is harsh but it is impossible to live beyond it.
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BONUS : Why The Information Age Is Dead!

The Information Age is dead. We stand at the cusp of a new era. We used to live in the Information Age, but you know how it goes when everyone jumps on the bandwagon. Too much of a good thing became a bad thing. I know you feel it. We both know that everyone is glutted with more information than we know what to do with. You surf the web and there is page after page of information, right? But how do you sort and sift through it all and solve your problems? How do you get what you need—quickly?

We used to want information, but now we want something better. That is why we are at the dawn of a new age. The Recommendation Age. People don’t want information. They want solutions to their problems, and that means they need information filtered through the expertise of someone who has gone before them. And that’s going to be YOU! You will write your book and become a noted expert in your field.

In his book, The Long Tail, Chris Anderson wrote about the dawning of this new age. He said that what people want is not more information, but a trusted guide who can give context to the content.

Your Life Experiences and Passion position you with the natural readiness to make recommendations to others. It’s human nature. You do it all the time in small ways. Think about it. Haven’t you ever told a friend—or even a stranger—to steer clear of a product that doesn’t live up to expectations? Haven’t you ever suggested a tasty dish at a restaurant, or told a friend why she would absolutely love a movie you just saw?

I know you have. We all do this. That’s the power of Recommendation Marketing. It’s time to cash in on a natural human tendency. Since four out of five people want to write a book, chances are excellent that you have always dreamed of telling your own story and leaving your own legacy.

It’s time for YOU to write your book and become an expert millionaire.

Where do people go when they have a problem? The Internet. This is where you should start. Get your book online.

We are drowning in information. The Internet’s greatest advantage is that it level the playing field. Now everybody with a computer and an internet connection has access to the same information. But the greatest asset has also become the greatest annoyance. Today we are drowning in information. We are over-communicated to.

What will you recommend? How will YOU solve other people’s problems. The type of writing that sells the best on the internet is non-fiction. People want help solving their problems.

What problems will YOU solve for people? Look to your own life. What do you do naturally that other people struggle with? What challenges have you overcome?

The information age is dead. We’re drowning in information. What people want now is for an expert to recommend a solution. The Recommendation Age is here. Take your place as an expert and cash in on the Recommendation Age by writing YOUR book—starting now!

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