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How To Self Publish Your Poker Or Gaming Book

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How To Self-publish Your Poker Or Gaming Book

Everyone thinks it is so easy to write a book. With so many people writing books these days, it is amazing there are enough people still buying books. In today's world, if you have any amazing life experience, suddenly publishers want you to write a book about it. If it sells, then your experience was interesting enough to stimulate interest from a large audience; and if not, no one really cared.

This is why poker books fly off the shelves. Many people have life experiences playing poker. Many people want to read about these poker-playing scenarios, including the players involved. There will come a time when the reading public will demand more from its poker writers than in past years. After all, there is only so many ways you can cover the same game repeatedly when you are analyzing your own poker hands and games. This is where you come in.

As a writer, you can keep things in perspective. There will come a time when the poker players who write will run out of things to say if they are only covering their own play and games. Writers who are writers first and players second will have the opportunity to shine.

If you have a lot of talent writing about poker and gaming, you can launch your own online e-book store. If you choose to build a website and place your e-books on the website for sale, you will be branching into a new area of business you may not want to explore yet. While it can be profitable to run your own online e-book store, you may prefer to write e-books for clients.

Clients often hire ghostwriters to pen e-books to sell at their websites. Poker players and poker hobbyists who want to read about everything about poker will purchase these books online for a fee. The marketplace, which sells gambling and gaming e-books penned by ghostwriters, is a good example of this.


Many writers who are not brand names in the poker industry choose to self-publish their books and can still easily get their books sold at major bookstores, online and offline, like and Barnes and Noble. Many writers choose to self-publish their books in digital format only because the process is quicker and less of a hassle.

Self-publishing has many advantages:

1. You don't need a literary agent.
2. There is no submission or rejection process.
3. You own the rights to your material.
4. Whatever money you make, you keep.
5. Royalties are much higher if you choose a print-on-demand publisher.
6. The publishing and distribution process is a lot faster. For instance, if you use, you can make your book available in less than a day.

The disadvantage: you are responsible for marketing your book and generating sales. This may be a disadvantage or an advantage for you. For me, I enjoy self-publishing because it gives me control and creative freedom over every aspect of my book, including generating sales. I find self-publishing exciting.

If you are going to self-publish, decide if you will publish your book in digital format or in paperback (plus digital format). I recommend you first publish your book in digital format to test your book in the marketplace. Most writers use, a digital publisher, because of the low cost, quick turnaround, and your book will appear in its marketplace. When you feel it is time to publish your book in paperback, then go with a print-on-demand publisher. Many writers use (owned by Amazon) so their books appear in Amazon as well as other major book stores.

Other self-publishing outlets include:

1) Many self-publishers use as a sales outlet to generate a steady stream of sales for their book. Clickbank has one of the largest audiences of affiliates who are ready to sell your book for a commission. You will need to create your own website and sales page (also known as a “landing page”) for your book and then sign up with Clickbank to use their ordering system.

2) can make your book in digital format and paperback format. Once you submit your book for publication, anyone can order your title, as a print-on-demand or as an ebook. Many popular online book stores (especially ebook stores) order from LightningSource.



If you decide not to self-publish yourself, try a reputable e-book publisher to handle everything for you, including marketing. Many e-book publishers will consider poker-related material. If the e-book publisher decides to publish your ebook, they may also offer to place the book in trade paperback. The publisher will offer more royalties and sometimes a higher advance.


If you choose to write your own books and e-books, then follow these tips:

TIP # 1: Know your market and know where you can gain the most readership.

TIP # 2: Remember, non-fiction sells in poker. Don't try to re-invent the wheel because it won't work.

TIP # 3: Have your manuscript ready before you approach a publisher for electronic submissions or for trade submissions.

TIP # 4: As you are writing your manuscript, begin searching for markets where you will want to submit your work.

TIP # 5: Buy a Writer's Market book so you can read over the markets and decide the best market for your manuscript.

TIP # 6: Avoid work-for-hire contracts from publishers. Sure, what publisher wouldn't prefer to pay an up-front fee to a writer in lieu of royalties? Go for the royalties and take a chance on your own talents.

TIP # 7: Know your poker.

If you want to attract your poker-reading audience, writing books about strategies and systems can sell if it is based on a mathematical advantage or a tried and tested theory. If you aren't able to do this, no one is going to read about going on your “gut” feelings or how poker players win more when the stars line up in their favor. Fact-based theories and strategies will sell, and nothing else will in this corner of the market.

An excellent way to generate book ideas is to attend poker events and tournaments and get close to the action. Go to these events armed and ready to learn all you can. At the end of the day you will have dozens of book ideas buzzing in your head. Spend some time in casino poker rooms to find other topics. Talk and network with poker players and try to find out if they desire to write a book with the assistance of a ghostwriter or with you as a co-author. As a ghostwriter or co-author, an excellent way to gain business is to hand out your business cards at writing conventions, casinos, poker events and poker tournaments.
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BONUS : How To Sell In Your Article Without Selling

Ok, so you're passionate about your website, you love talking about your subject and you're excited to share your knowledge, information, and maybe your products and services with the world. But how do you share your enthusiasm with your readers without coming across like you're making a pitch? How do you sell your products or services without 'selling' them.

No one likes a sales pitch and as soon as a reader senses they're being 'sold' they're likely to click away from your article. Yet quite often, in order to motivate your reader to be inspired enough to visit your website, you need to give them a bit of a pitch. Here's how to motivate a reader to action, without selling them.

The best way to motivate your reader is to provide them with a benefit. One of the reasons tips and how to articles are so popular is that they offer a reader an immediate benefit. Ten tips to make more money today. 3 steps to looking ten years younger. The secret to retiring early. These are all examples of article headlines that promise a benefit. When your article offers content that follows through on your promise, readers are going to be hungry for more information. You've kept your end of the bargain in your article, they'll trust you to provide more benefit on your website.

Tap into your readers' desires. We all desire to be more attractive, wealthier, smarter, happier, more respected etcÂ…when you tap into these desires in your article you immediately have your reader's attention. How does the content of your article help solve their problems and attain their desires?

For example, if your product is an accounting software program and your article is about how to balance your checkbook, you could tap into your reader's desire to be wealthier by keeping track of their money or tap into their desire to be respected or smarter by having their finances at the tips of their fingertips. The headline might look something like this, "Ten Tips to Give You Control Over Your Finances, and more money in your wallet.

When you tap into your reader's desires and offer them a way to attain them, you're a virtual hero and your readers will be excited to visit your website and learn more from you.

Don't give your reader the whole story. Write an article about 3 ways to do something and then in the last sentence of your article tell them this isn't the whole story. Tell your reader if they want to learn more about your article's topic, they can visit your website and learn the whole story. Note that if you are publishing your article in an article submission site, they may not allow you to plug your website in the body of your article. If this is the case, you can plug it in your author's resource box. However, if you're publishing the article in an e-zine or on another website, this is a great way to draw traffic to your site.

Selling in your article copy is as easy as offering valuable content and solving people's problems. This approach also makes it easy to write copy. Tips and how to articles are amongst the easiest types of article content to write. Get writing!

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