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Wedding Party Favors Expressing Your Love With A Gift

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Wedding Party Favors – Expressing Your Love With A Gift

Wedding party favors can include any number of items. Traditionally used as a token of thanks given to the entire retinue of guests at your nuptials, wedding party favors are usually small items given universally to all your guests. But some couples like to give special wedding party favors to those family members and friends specifically in the wedding party. So how do you choose wedding party favors for your more intimate allies?

At a time when your brain is being used to capacity in planning the most important day of your life, wedding party favor ideas can be somewhat thin on the ground. Wedding party favors can be difficult enough to come up with, but what if you would like to thank your special friends and supporters with a more intimate and personal wedding party favor?

The key to remember when choosing wedding party favors is the special bond you share with each individual member of your retinue. Unlike the wedding party favors you will bestow upon your guests in general, the wedding party favor ideas you use to thank your special friends need to be as unique as each one of them.

Any wedding party favor given to a special associate should reflect both the personality of the friend involved, and the nature of the special relationship you share with them. You want them to look upon your wedding party favor in years to come, and have them instantly reminded of your special day, and the bond you share that made them such an important part of your celebrations.

When choosing your wedding party favors for your special circle, you might think, for example, of how you met them. Was there a unique story there that might be represented in a special wedding party favor? Perhaps there is something this friend does for you that no one else can do – ponder the nature of your relationship with this person, and attempt to capture the essence of that relationship in the wedding party favor you choose for them.

In compiling your wedding party favor ideas, the trick is to think of the love you feel for the friend you are selecting a wedding party favor for. Translate this feeling into a physical form, and you will have found the perfect wedding party favor for your loved one.
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BONUS : Wedding Planning On The Web

Planning a wedding? Whether you're a wedding planning pro or a do-it-yourself bride, I know one thing you don't: you aren't using the web enough.

The web has become the dominant way to shop for electronics, travel, cars, housing, even education. But you can just as easily use the web to find caterers, event halls, dressmakers, DJs, photographers, videographers--even a wedding planner if you decide to take a break from doing it all yourself.

Here's how the web helps you plan a wedding:

* Local search. No, you don't have to sort through vendors from here to Timbuktu. Local search technology now makes finding someone downtown as easy as finding someone anywhere. If you use Google, you only have to enter a place name along with your keyword to get a list of local businesses. Try "wedding planner fargo" (without the quotes) and see for yourself.

* Real people. The people you are buying from online aren't "virtual." They're as real as the people you'd meet in person. In fact, especially with local business, the website is just a first contact. You can always call them up or arrange to meet in person.

* Dedicated wedding information websites. There are now websites solely devoted not just to planning a wedding, but to catering, wedding cakes, even dying shoes for weddings. These same websites often have directories of wedding vendors arranged by location.

* Message boards and customer reviews. You wouldn't buy a book on Amazon without reading a review a customer had left. Now you don't have to buy decorations that way, either.

Web Wedding Planning Alternatives

The web has a lot of advantages over most other ways of discovering and evaluating wedding vendors. Just look at what your other options are:

* Recommendations from friends and colleagues. How much do your friends and colleagues really know about wedding planning? Very often, one person's idea of wedding elegance is any sane person's idea of bad, bad taste. Just look at anyone's wedding pictures. You can't trust this decision to your friends. This is your big day. It deserves a little research.

* Bridal fairs. If the vendors at bridal fairs were so great, why would they be trawling for business? Do you want an in-demand wedding vendor, or one who has to set up a booth and hand out free samples?

* Yellow pages. I remember the time my mother used the Yellow Pages to find a contractor to install some new doors. During the holiday season, the draft would blow out the candles in the window if they weren't electric. Anyone can get in the yellow pages--and believe me, anyone does.

Web Wedding Planning Advantages

* Selection. No offline source will ever have as many options, whether it's songs for the wedding reception or fabrics for the gowns.

* Ready information. As soon as you see an option you'd like to consider, you can find out all you'd ever like to know as easily as copying and pasting into Google.

* It's All in Writing. By their very nature, websites put a lot of information in writing. The written policies regarding shipping, warranties (if any), returns, and service will almost always be easy to access. (Hint: look for links to policies at the bottom of each web page.) The fact that everything is written down gives the vendor much less wiggle room to change the terms of the deal. Almost as good as the paper trail is the photograph trail--at least when it comes to merchandise. Save any relevant images along with the text.

* Better Business Bureau's Convenient BBBOnline. On the web, it's easy to check for Better Business Bureau membership. The site should have the BBBOnline logo displayed prominently on the order page. Click on the logo to be taken to the profile for that business. The BBB page should say that business is a member in good standing. With the BBBOnline, the Bureau's ecommerce program, you can dispute a sale without having to go to the local Bureau where the store is headquartered.

In short, the web makes it much easier to get a perfect wedding.

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