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Wedding Jitters

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Wedding Jitters

These are the most precious possessions that every woman must have on the day that every woman dreams of: a long and white satin gown, fresh flowers, a nice long veil, strappy golden shoes, and a nice looking guy beside her. Well, it is special not only for the woman, but hopefully for the guy with her. It is supposed to be the “day of all days” for every couple about to get married.

More than just an adolescent fantasy, the “Dream Wedding” has been ingrained into each and every little girl from as far back as they can remember. Little girls were taught that the wedding was a holy ceremony and that those who get married are supposed to share a bond that would last forever.

A fairytale-like story, isn't it? Well, of course it is. But as we all know, life is not a fairy tale. And even the lives that nearly become living fairy tales do not happen with just one snap. Getting married is a difficult, if not painful episode or prelude to a normal, happy married life.

Let's start from the beginning ---- right at the time of making The Proposal. Every guy in the world should at least propose to his fianc· Of course, proposing to share the rest of his life to his girl is not that easy. Anxiety takes place from the very thought of proposing. What would I say? What would I do to make this event special? What should I wear? Would she say “Yes”? These are just some of the questions that can make any guy's heart pound with nervousness. Even the most “macho” of men would find their hands sweaty. Most even stutter right up to the very moment of asking the girl to marry him. All these strange yet normal reactions are due to anxiety.

Fast forward. The couple now thinks of the next big step: getting married. A lot of factors are to be considered in planning for the “best day” of your life. It is not just the flowers, the gown, and the church. It is about planning the main event that will be a part of them for the rest of their lives. Given this idea, couples would really feel the stress and anxiety...and who wouldn't if you're planning your dream wedding?

The thing with parents is, that, sometimes, they get to choose what they want to see in your wedding. Call it unfair, but it is what it is. Of course, they do to get to experience anxiety too. They too have undergone the “rigors” of getting hitched. The key is to compromise --- knowing that parents also want the best for the couple. Taking time to prepare for your grand event would decrease the anxiety that you feel as the big day approaches. Think of a spa trip with your fianc? That should do the trick.

Indeed, planning a wedding can make the couple feel the stress and anxiety almost everyday up to the very date of the wedding. Due to stress, the couple may even forget a lot of important things. One of the most important things to sort out before the wedding is the guest list. Weddings are not complete without a list of guests. Now in this area, both of you should think of the size of the wedding. How many people should be invited for each side of the family, and yes, invitations? Then comes the church. Where would be convenient for everyone? What has a nice interior? Will everyone fit there? How about the priest? And most important, when will the wedding be? How about the reception? Catering? The flowers? The cake? and everything else in between? All these questions should be answered while going through the wedding plan.

Considering all these, the couple, especially the bride-to-be, could experience anxiety even if she is just having her fitting for her dress. Of course, the feeling of getting married, being with your fianc for the rest of your life --- are just some ideas that would make pre-wedding jitters even worse. Stress and anxiety often comes hand in hand while the wedding day gets nearer but it is perfectly normal to feel so. But as a last resort, hiring a wedding planner just might be easier way to get your Dream Wedding.
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BONUS : Wedding Party Favors – Expressing Your Love With A Gift

Wedding party favors can include any number of items. Traditionally used as a token of thanks given to the entire retinue of guests at your nuptials, wedding party favors are usually small items given universally to all your guests. But some couples like to give special wedding party favors to those family members and friends specifically in the wedding party. So how do you choose wedding party favors for your more intimate allies?

At a time when your brain is being used to capacity in planning the most important day of your life, wedding party favor ideas can be somewhat thin on the ground. Wedding party favors can be difficult enough to come up with, but what if you would like to thank your special friends and supporters with a more intimate and personal wedding party favor?

The key to remember when choosing wedding party favors is the special bond you share with each individual member of your retinue. Unlike the wedding party favors you will bestow upon your guests in general, the wedding party favor ideas you use to thank your special friends need to be as unique as each one of them.

Any wedding party favor given to a special associate should reflect both the personality of the friend involved, and the nature of the special relationship you share with them. You want them to look upon your wedding party favor in years to come, and have them instantly reminded of your special day, and the bond you share that made them such an important part of your celebrations.

When choosing your wedding party favors for your special circle, you might think, for example, of how you met them. Was there a unique story there that might be represented in a special wedding party favor? Perhaps there is something this friend does for you that no one else can do – ponder the nature of your relationship with this person, and attempt to capture the essence of that relationship in the wedding party favor you choose for them.

In compiling your wedding party favor ideas, the trick is to think of the love you feel for the friend you are selecting a wedding party favor for. Translate this feeling into a physical form, and you will have found the perfect wedding party favor for your loved one.

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