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How To Prevent Sweating

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How to prevent sweating

Sweating problems are common the world over, it is ok to have a bit of sweat under your arms or on your back when you run a marathon however there are some people that sweat excessively all the time for no reason and this is called excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis. We have thus provided this article on how to prevent sweating to give you a number of natural ways to prevent sweating without the use of medications or dangerous surgery.

I know that there is nothing more embarrassing and soul destroying than if you sweat a lot, people taunt, tease and look at you funny if you have sweat stains on your shirt. The first of the how to prevent sweating tips is to do with your diet – make sure that you are drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day as this will help reduce the toxin levels in your body and prevent you from sweating. For the same reason it is important that you put as few toxins into your body as possible, start by avoiding caffeine-rich foods and beverages and alcohol. There is strong scientific evidence to suggest that caffeine-rich foods such as coffee, chocolate, soft drinks, energy drinks as well as alcohol are the real culprits in inducing sweating – cut these foods from your diet completely if you are really serious about preventing sweating.

The next how to prevent sweating tip that you should follow through with is that you should avoid wearing tight fitting clothes that prevent air circulation despite the fact that they are very fashionable at the moment, because sweat rings will never be fashionable. Start wearing loose clothing made out of cotton and wool as these fabrics allow for better airflow within your body. Cotton and wool fabrics are more expensive and a little harder to come by than nylon or polyester fabrics, but you will be better off spending a bit of extra time and money to do all you can to prevent sweating.

It is also really important when you want to find out how to prevent sweating to look at the root of your problem. If you are always wearing heavy clothing that makes you too hot you should not be surprised that you are sweating a lot. Instead make sure that you are dressed for the conditions even if it is a really hot day. Don’t wear five layers of clothing, just wear enough clothing to keep you warm because if you have a history of sweating you don’t need to wear all that clothing as your body produces extra heat anyway.

How to prevent sweating? Taking a bath or shower daily is an effective way to prevent sweating by reducing the amount of bacteria on your skin as well as keeping your body clean and smelling fresh.

To recap and to answer the question of how to prevent sweating there are a number of things that you need to make sure that you do. Make some good dietary changes where you drink a good quantity of water everyday and cut out foods that have known toxins in them. Dress appropriately – avoid heavy clothing and fabrics and wear loose fitting clothes instead of the more fashionable tight clothes. Keep hygienically clean by showering or bathing everyday to kill germs and keep you smelling clean and fresh.
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BONUS : How to stop excessive sweating

Excessive sweating is very embarrassing for all involved, not only is it embarrassing it is very limiting and stops you from doing things that you enjoy doing. People that suffer from hyperhidrosis often become hyper vigilant about sweating and use all of their energy trying to rationalize and stop it. This is why we have put together this article on how to stop excessive sweating because no one deserves to be dragged down by an excessive sweating problem. It is estimated that over 3% of the population suffers from excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis and if you are one of these people you can find out how to stop excessive and begin to live a normal life where you can do all the activities you have always wanted and have the relationships you’ve always wanted to have before excessive sweating got in the way.

How to stop excessive sweating

There are a number of treatments that you can have to treat excessive sweating. These include (in logical order) over the counter antiperspirants, prescription strength antiperspirants, (tap water) Iontophoresis, Oral Medications, Botox and Surgery. We will discuss these treatment options, as some are more effective in treating particular areas over others. Botox is good for underarms while Iontophoresis is good for hands and feet.

To begin with, if you suffer from excessive sweating your first point of call should be to begin using an antiperspirant deodorant at all times. However, most people that suffer from hyperhidrosis find that an antiperspirant deodorant is not strong enough and often need to use a prescription strength antiperspirant. You may have heard of an antiperspirant product called ``Drysol’’, it contains the active ingredient aluminum chloride hexahydrate and is very effective in stopping sweating if you use it regularly.

Many people ask how to stop excessive sweating of the hands and feet and are often pointed to a process called Iontophoresis. This procedure is easily accessible, costs very little and you can also hire/buy the machine so you can do it in the comfort of your own home. All you do is turn the machine on and put your hands and feet in this little bath and an electric current passes through. However, you can not use Iontophoresis to treat excessive sweating of the underarms or head.

The next how to stop excessive sweating tip is to do with oral medications and the effectiveness of such treatments. There are a number of medications that have proven to be effective in reducing how much sweat people perspire. These medications are from a drug group called anticholinergics and they seem to work because they prevent stimulation of the sweat glands. Ask your doctor about them today and see if they may work for you. On the other hand however, many people who sweat excessively often suffer from high levels of anxiety and anti-anxiety medication too does work in some instances.

If you sweat under the arms, injections of botulinum toxin type A are effective in treating hyperhidrosis. This treatment is safe and effective and the effect lasts for about 6 months. Many people who sweat heavily under the arms and have regular Botox injections have said that sweating has reduced by about 80% - not bad for a couple of injections twice a year.

After trying all of the above treatments people still ask how to stop excessive sweating and the last answer I can give you here is surgery. If you have tried everything else to stop excessive sweating and have seen no change, surgery might be your only option left. Speak with your doctor and he/she will discuss with you surgical procedures you can have to fix your predicament.

"Stop Transpiration"
d'Antoine BLANC

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