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Is Your Dating Personal Ad Really Personal

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Is Your Dating Personal Ad Really Personal?

The more you say about yourself, the better your responses will be

Are you someone who looks at the personal ad sections of newspapers and magazines, or browses online, but isn’t convinced that this form of dating is for you? Perhaps the whole personal ad world looks too impersonal to you – but these ads have worked for thousands of people and if you use them properly, they could work for you too.

Both online and traditional personal ads are used be a wide variety of people to find a new partner or just a new friend. You can’t do this successfully without telling people a little about yourself, but you can do it without making yourself vulnerable to others. Try these simple tactics when you’re preparing your personal ad:

Anonymous, not impersonal

Safety concerns mean that personal ads are best left anonymous until you decide that you want to tell someone who you are. This doesn’t mean that you can’t be personal when you’re compiling your ad, however. In fact, the more you tell people about yourself, the more likely you are to get responses from people you want to meet. Don’t give out phone numbers, email addresses, home addresses or full names, but do make your personal ad positive and attractive.

What about you?

People are reading the personal ads to find someone that they might be compatible with. In order to have a chance to attract your ideal partner, you need to tell them what you’re like and the things that interest you. Give as much detail as you like, because a personal ad that differs from the norm is the one that will stand out to readers. Summing yourself up in 30 words sounds hard, but if you start with a list of all your positive points, you’ll be surprised how easy it is to focus on the ones that you think might get a good response. You want your readers to come away with a mental picture of you and your lifestyle.

The photo

If you can, post a good photograph of yourself. There are some rules to posting photos, which you’ll find more information about on the a good dating website. In general, though, choose a photograph that just shows you, in a relaxed, informal pose. Don’t get pictures taken specially – just use a good holiday photo, and don’t use one that’s suggestive – it will just get you the wrong type of response.

Personal ads aren’t impersonal; they’re just another great way of linking up with people you wouldn’t otherwise have the opportunity to meet. Use them wisely, and you’ll see exactly how they can enhance your dating experiences.
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BONUS : Is It Worth It To Enter Relationship Counseling

When it comes to counseling, the one that is most called upon is relationship counseling. Out of every twenty couples, 17 of them have underwent some form of relationship counseling. With good reason, too, since relationships tend to be counter intuitive. Counselors who specialize in relationships have helped couples to live happier and more fulfilled.

To dispel the myths surrounding relationship counseling, it is important to know that it is not about winning or losing or placing blame. The central focus of the counseling is to develop the communication skills needed to learn from your partner and balance your needs with theirs. Blame only helps to alienate and push you partner away. A lot of the problems that cause us to pull our hair out are in fact nothing that is worth getting too angry about, but it takes an outside party to realize it.

Relationship counseling also puts both into a controlled environment where they can vent and get everything out in a safe way. The counselor sets the guidelines and rules the force and enable civilized discussion. Now that is not to say that what works for one couple will work for another. Some couples need a mediator, someone who just listens on the sides. This counselor will set guidelines for communication, allowing the couple to talk things out themselves.

Other couples need someone who will guide the discussion. Attempts to work things out on their own quickly degrades into yelling matches and bare knuckle arguments. Relationship counseling here aims to guide the conversation and not let it get out of hand or uncontrollable. Over all, there is a variety of couples who will need an equally variable number of counselors. Despite this, counseling is statistically certain to improve your relationship.

One of the things that needs to be learned is to identify and address the issues that threaten relationships. Unfortunately, the emotions and stresses that plagues relationships make it especially difficult to identify those issues. That is what relationship counseling is made to do. Counseling will identify the unique problems that prevent a couple from communicating, address the problems that are there and bring the couple to a place that will allow them to thrive.

You may think that your relationship will not be helped by relationship counseling. However, what should be kept in mind is that what is good for a relationship is not something that would seem logical. Counseling can only be help relationships. They enable the free flow of information and communication so that problems existing below the surface can be discovered and addressed.

If you are one of the three out of twenty who can find happiness without entering relationship counseling, then more power to you. You have found something that enables you to communicate and discuss your problems, then you are well ahead of the curve. But if you are one of the 17 out of twenty, then you will find that relationship counseling will improve the quality and happiness in your partnership.

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