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Is She Open

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Is She Open?

Do you think that whether a girl likes you or not is a matter of some magical connection or "luck"? Well, it is. But the good news is that you can learn to use this to your advantage.

There is no pickup artist who can seduce every woman. It's impossible. Some women are in love with their men; some are still hurting after a rough breakup and aren't ready for a new relationship; and others are just not in the mood.

THE MOOD. This is more important than you'd think. While we men are controlled by our logic - and also that "little" brain down there ;) - women are controlled by their periods. It's just how nature has wired them - after all, they need to be able to give birth to and nurture a child. The problem for you is that such periods are unpredictable.

I'll bet you've experienced this: You meet a girl, and she's all happy, smiling and receptive to what you have to say. The next day, the same girl rejects you and is very unfriendly. What's going on?

The secret I'm going to share with you about this perplexing - but common - situation is VERY simple. Upon meeting a man, a girl is either OPEN to him or NOT. All of this happens within the first few SECONDS of meeting her. And by glancing in her eyes, you can learn to recognize whether she's interested in you or not. This can save you from wasting your energy on girls you wouldn't be able to seduce that day anyway.

I have good news and bad news on this subject. The bad news is that you can't seduce all the girls out there. If she's not open to you, you're knocking on the wrong door. The good news is that since girls are controlled by mysterious periods, one day she might be closed toward you - and the next day, she can just as easily be open.

For example, if I meet a girl for the first time and realize that she's in a closed state, I don't really bother with her. Then a few days later, upon meeting the same girl, she's suddenly in an open state. After that, it's ON!

You see, whether you score with a woman or not is determined by two simple things: her state and YOUR ATTITUDE.

Even if she's open, you need to learn how NOT TO FUCK IT UP with her. And this requires a special attitude, the attitude of a real Man.

How do you know her state, you might ask? This is visible within the first few seconds of meeting her - how she looks at you, how she behaves. It's not easy to recognize, but with a little practice, you can learn this skill.

My suggestion is that you take a close look at how other men interact with women. Trust me - you're wearing blinders when it comes to being objective about interacting with women. If you try to learn to recognize her state of openness from your interactions with her, you won't get a clear picture. But if you take a look at how women in general respond to other men, you'll soon learn to recognize your woman's particular state.

When you learn to recognize her state and acquire the right attitude, nothing can stop you from getting hot women. Even your looks won't matter - as long as you take reasonable care of yourself and don't neglect the basics, you'll always have new girls on the go.

With this simple method, you'll know which doors to knock on, and you can avoid rejection and desperation. If she isn't open, you'll know in the first few seconds and you'll be able to move on. Even if only 20 percent of the girls you approach are receptive, you'll still get plenty of the kinds of women you want.

As I mentioned earlier, learning to recognize her state isn't enough in and of itself. You need to develop the right attitude as well. If you want a simple roadmap to a Manly attitude, I suggest you check out my e-book, ALL ABOUT WOMEN. It speaks volumes about women and the motivation behind their actions, and it will show you how to be a real Man, how and where to approach women and how to get from saying "Hi!" to shagging her in no time. Ready to take the first step?
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BONUS : Is Your Dating Personal Ad Really Personal?

The more you say about yourself, the better your responses will be

Are you someone who looks at the personal ad sections of newspapers and magazines, or browses online, but isn’t convinced that this form of dating is for you? Perhaps the whole personal ad world looks too impersonal to you – but these ads have worked for thousands of people and if you use them properly, they could work for you too.

Both online and traditional personal ads are used be a wide variety of people to find a new partner or just a new friend. You can’t do this successfully without telling people a little about yourself, but you can do it without making yourself vulnerable to others. Try these simple tactics when you’re preparing your personal ad:

Anonymous, not impersonal

Safety concerns mean that personal ads are best left anonymous until you decide that you want to tell someone who you are. This doesn’t mean that you can’t be personal when you’re compiling your ad, however. In fact, the more you tell people about yourself, the more likely you are to get responses from people you want to meet. Don’t give out phone numbers, email addresses, home addresses or full names, but do make your personal ad positive and attractive.

What about you?

People are reading the personal ads to find someone that they might be compatible with. In order to have a chance to attract your ideal partner, you need to tell them what you’re like and the things that interest you. Give as much detail as you like, because a personal ad that differs from the norm is the one that will stand out to readers. Summing yourself up in 30 words sounds hard, but if you start with a list of all your positive points, you’ll be surprised how easy it is to focus on the ones that you think might get a good response. You want your readers to come away with a mental picture of you and your lifestyle.

The photo

If you can, post a good photograph of yourself. There are some rules to posting photos, which you’ll find more information about on the a good dating website. In general, though, choose a photograph that just shows you, in a relaxed, informal pose. Don’t get pictures taken specially – just use a good holiday photo, and don’t use one that’s suggestive – it will just get you the wrong type of response.

Personal ads aren’t impersonal; they’re just another great way of linking up with people you wouldn’t otherwise have the opportunity to meet. Use them wisely, and you’ll see exactly how they can enhance your dating experiences.

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