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How To Overcome Your Dating Anxiety

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How To Overcome Your Dating Anxiety

First of all know that dating anxiety is a common thing. Both men and women tend to suffer from this condition, especially if it is during the first date, or worse during a blind date!

Not knowing what to expect creates an environment of uncertainty. This is the time when individuals bask in self-doubt. They allow themselves to ponder questions that lead to anxiety such as: whether or not their dates are going to like them. They also wonder if they picked the perfect place, or just the right outfit for the occasion.

When individuals experience anxiety, every little thing, even trivial concerns are magnified a hundred times. This is why people who are experiencing this condition tend to worry about things that normally they would not worry about.

But strangely enough, it is these exact same elements that come with dating that some other people find exciting. They just love the rush that goes with greeting their date for the very first time.

Some like the anticipation of what is in store for the evening. They wonder if the night would actually end with a kiss, and secretly they try device a plan that would work towards meeting this end!

Unfortunately there are some people who are prone to developing anxiety attacks when it comes to dating! Luckily, there are some things that individuals can do to counteract this evil.

Here's a list of some of the things that you can do to keep dating anxiety in control:

1. Fess up. If your face is turning blue, and your hands are breaking into pools of sweat, it is pretty obvious that something is wrong. Why not explain to your date that you have a tendency to become nervous when it comes to dating.

Look at it this way, if you are with someone special, a person who truly cares about you, they will immediately come to your aid with words of comfort. Not only will they appreciate your honestly, but they will be supportive and make an effort to put you at ease.

2. Don't forget to breath! Sounds simple enough, but when a person is stricken with panic attacks their heartbeat becomes accelerated and sometimes even erratic. This is why some find it difficult to breath. The best thing to do in this situation is to take long, deep breaths. This will help calm you down, until you catch your breath.

If you are in a stuffy room, or a crowded place, it would be best to excuse yourself for a few minutes so you can get out and get some fresh air. Later if you wish, you can explain what happened to your date.

2. Don't blame yourself. Sometimes things don't run so smoothly despite our best effort to make things go as planned. Some unexpected thing always seem to come up!

If this unexpected thing happened to be that you did not succeed in getting a handle on your anxiety during the date, therefore resulting in a bad date, don't kill yourself with self loathing. Give yourself a break! Bad days happen to everyone, anxiety or no anxiety!

Besides if the person that you are going out with has true feelings for you, that person will be supportive. Just shrug it off, it is not a big deal!

4. Think positive thoughts. When a person starts to become riddled with self-doubt and apprehensions, this is the time when anxiety comes in.

Instead of beating yourself up mentally over your lack of self confidence and uncertainty, give yourself a pep talk. Tell yourself to relax, and enjoy the moment.

Remember that people's attitude shape their perception of their environment. So instead of focusing on your insecurities, focus on having a good time. A little bit of attitude tweaking goes a long way in helping keep anxiety under control.

5. Don't be too hard on yourself. Don't set a goal to be the perfect date! This will definitely lead you to an anxiety attack! Don't worry about saying the right things all the time. Everyone commits mistakes and foibles. The difference is most people don't dwell on it! This is why these people don't get anxiety attacks. They can just enjoy themselves.

Going on a date is never easy, whether you are a veteran of many heartbreaks or just new to the game. The important thing for individuals to remember is to not put too much pressure on themselves, but to have a good time!
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BONUS : How To Overcome Your Shyness With Women

Don’t worry about. Many men are shy with women. Some don’t really get over it, but the good news is, most men do. Its just about self-confidence. Most men are shy because they fear rejection. Being rejected or turn away can be quite an embarrassing situation, but if you handle it right there’s nothing to it. This is a very normal reaction, but if you never take the risk, you risk losing the woman who might very well be the right one for you. Shyness shouldn’t hold you back.

If you continue to be dominated with your shyness you will live a life that is lonely and depressed. It will interfere with the natural ability to coexist with the opposite sex, you will just be holding yourself back from enjoying their company. If you are shy with women, you will lose the ability to communicate well with them, you will be too preoccupied with their reaction and your actions, in other words, you’ll be uptight. Shyness is easily noticeable, women will perceive this as a sign of weakness, thus losing the chance to really get to know you better. You don’t want that. Here are some tips and guides on how to get over shyness with women.

Build up your confidence. Do not be afraid of rejections. One good way in building confidence in getting over shyness with women is picking up or meeting women for others. When you do this, you eliminate the factor of the fear of being rejected. Since it is not for you, they may say no not because of you, but because of your friend. If you have mastered this, you may soon be picking or meeting up a girl for yourself.

Casually open up yourself to everybody, not just to women. Learn to smile a lot more, smiling is much more contagious than the flu. But don’t be too over eager do it gradually. In time you’ll be open up to everybody, even the women.

Don’t look at women as another being, treat her as a more refined guy friend. Be causal at firs, don’t look at her as a sexual object. Have a nice casual talk and things will just develop later on. If all your after is getting laid, women will see right through you. Be gentle with the women but don’t look a her as a goddess as well. If you act like the woman is too nice for you, you’ll never go anywhere. She will sense it and think as well.

Do not expect anything. If you get into her face expecting so much, you’ll be in for a lot of disappointment. This is how jerks are classified. Being too confident is also a bane in the dating scene. Just go with the flow of everything and enjoy yourself.

Do not be afraid of getting rejected. If you don’t take the risk you’ll never know if you could have had her as a great friend. The key in doing this is to stop taking things personally. Sometimes, there are people who don’t really mean what they say. You cannot be bothered if you don’t take it personally. Just don’t be too self-conscious, and soon enough you’ll get over your shyness with women.

Getting over shyness with women is not an easy task, but not impossible. You will just have to learn to trust yourself, try to socialize more. Get out and explore. Everything starts and depends with you.

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