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The Benefits Of Using Natural Sleeping Aids

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The Benefits of Using Natural Sleeping Aids

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For centuries, people have been encountered difficulty with getting enough sleep,with the reasons hardly ever changing through time. It is therefore understandable that the ancients discovered a wide variety of natural sleeping aids that are slowly being rediscovered by modern science.

natural sleeping aids

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Sleep is an integral component of human existence, such that without sleep, you eventually die. There isn't a whole lot that people understand about how sleep works, or how it manages to do what it does for the body. Humans simply have an instinctive understanding that sleep is an important part of their lives and it just isn't a good idea to cut down on it so much. However, trouble getting enough sleep is a problem that is becoming increasingly common in the modern world, as shown by the statistics of how many people are buying sleeping pills. This is, of course, far from being a recent problem. On the contrary, people have been using natural sleeping aids for centuries, because getting enough sleep has apparently been a problem for people for just as long.

Most natural sleeping aids, of course, are of the herbal variety. This is understandable, as they are likely to be more easily available and the source is unlikely to bite back while someone is trying to harvest the necessary ingredient. There are modern drugs that can do the job just as well as their ancient, herbal counterparts, but they have been known to cause some side effects. Besides, with going “all-natural” being such a popular thing nowadays, is it any wonder just how many people are experimenting with natural sleeping aids? In a manner similar to modern drugs and the industry they are in, there are a couple of herbs and tinctures that are proving more popular than others.

Among the most commonly used is chamomile, which is an herb that is often used as a tea. It is easily the most popular among the natural sleeping aids available in the market, largely because it has been in use for centuries. Science is not entirely sure how chamomile works, but some theorize that it has connections to a component of the tea known as apipogen. However, this is only speculation and other components of the tea may be responsible for the sleep-inducing effects. However, as effective as it is, there are a few problems with using this. While it is not narcotic and not habit-forming (as much as any type of tea is, at least, it may cause allergic effects on people who are sensitive to daisies.

Another popular option is Valerian, which also enjoys a history of being used as a potent sleep aid. This plant has a distinct smell that has been compared to that of old socks, caused by some of the acidic components of the herb. It can help if used as a short-term solution, but has better, more pronounced effects if employed as a long-term natural sleeping aid. Patients who have made use of this herb have reported having less trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep. However, while Valerian is effective and does not cause the side effects that modern sleep medication does, it can sometimes cause effects such as dizziness and nausea if given in large doses.

There are a multitude of options aside from the ones listed here, but there are things that need to be considered before taking one in. For example, some of these natural sleeping aids are better used in the long-term and short-term use may not have the desired effects. In contrast, others are easily tolerated by the body and cease to become effective in the long-term, or after continuous use.

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The Connections Between Sleep And The Mind

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The physical toll that insomnia has is a well-documented list of side effects and problems. While the mysteries related to what exactly happens to the brain during sleep are still being explored, it is generally accepted that a lack of sleep is related to a number of mental health problems. There is little evidence so far, there is adequate information to warrant full research into those matters.

anxiety disorders, stress, stress and anxiety, side effects, insomnia, mental health, depression

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Even in this fast-paced and hectic world, sleep is one of those things that are considered indispensable. Regardless of how much stress is placed on someone, a person's body and mind simply will not allow one to go for an extended period without some sleep. There are numerous ways to keep a person awake despite the overwhelming desire to go to sleep, such as caffeine and work-related stress and anxiety. The toll that sleep deprivation and insomnia have on the body is well-documented, but there is less concrete evidence on the effects on mental health. It is generally assumed that the mind does not fully shut down during sleep, but that does not mean it does not require a period of rest. There are several potential side effects of insomnia upon one's mental health, some of which can aggravate the problem itself.

Among the most well-documented side effects of a lack of sleep is instability of emotions. People who frequently lack sleep tend to be moody and irritable. In some cases, their emotions seem to be on hair-triggers, shifting from “normal” to “angry” with the slightest comment. There has yet to be any form of concrete information on why this is the cause, but it is a well-documented problem related to insomnia. It is theorized that sleep somehow replenishes certain chemical receptors related to emotions within the brain, such that a lack of sleep disrupts the normal production of these chemicals. It is currently unclear whether being asleep cuts off production or increases them, or if it affects these compounds in some other way. There are other theories as to why insomnia affects emotions, but those also lack concrete studies to back up their assumptions.

One of the more infamous side effects of insomnia is depression, though it is arguable whether one is really a product of the other. In the same way that emotions are affected by a lack of sleep, one's overall mood can also be affected by prolonged insomnia. Since depression is closely tied to one's emotional state, the disruption caused by a lack of sleep can be enough to push a person into clinical depression. However, there is some argument as to whether or not insomnia is truly a factor for depression. There are some that believe that while there is a connection, it is more viable to assume that depression leads to a lack of sleep, rather than the other way around. It should be noted that, despite the ramifications on mental health, neither theory has been put under serious academic scrutiny.

Some have also attributed some anxiety disorders to insomnia. There is some question as to whether or not this actually counts, however. While there is clear evidence that connects the two problems, most are inclined to believe anxiety disorders cause insomnia, rather than the reverse. However, there is some data showing people developing minor anxiety disorders during a period where they lack adequate sleep. As with the above, further study is required due to the lack of any concrete statistical data to back up the theories and observations.


"101 Astuces pour Vaincre l'Insomnie"
de Christian FALQUE

"Les 12 Trucs les Plus Astucieux pour Vaincre l'Insomnie"
de Michèle LEVY

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