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Edward Hopper Capturing Private Solitary Moments

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Edward Hopper: Capturing Private, Solitary Moments

I have a fascination with the paintings of the American artist, Edward Hopper. Somehow—whether by technique, imagination or subject matter—he is able to create the most compelling and evocative scenes, which stir my imagination.

One of my favourites is Automat an oil painted by him in 1927.

A young woman with a yellow felt hat sits absolutely alone in a barren restaurant drinking a cup of coffee. I look at this and immediately feel her isolation and loneliness as if it were my own. Is she running away? What thoughts are in her mind as she stares into the cup?

Right away, Hopper has got us speculating, as he does with all his paintings. Where did she come from? Where is she going? You're caught right in the middle of a story which you can "read" backwards or forwards in time. I was so taken with this painting that the woman in it became the inspiration for a character in a short story, The Thief, and now a novel which I am writing. Struck by her isolation and self containment, I called her Celia.

I search the painting to see what emotions Hopper creates and how he does it. Behind the solitary woman is a large window, blackened by an impenetrably gloomy night. The lights or reflections of lights recede into the background giving a murky, tunnel-like effect, leading to nowhere. The radiator, crouching at the left of the painting, seems just as isolated as the girl in the composition, but almost looks more communicative than her. The lonely, solitary moment is caught in time—permanently engraved on my mind.

Just think how many stories could grow from this one painting! Will someone, a boyfriend or family member enter that door, hoping to bring her back? If no one comes, where will she go as soon as she drinks her coffee? To a dingy hotel room? Onto a train to New York? That would be just like so many other Hopper paintings, which so often depict hotel lobbies, motels and railway cars. Or maybe she will change her mind and go back home.

Perhaps this painting speaks to me of the apprehension of the unknown as we proceed moment to moment through life. So often, we are unsure and tentative, fearing to venture out into the unfamiliar. Then again, maybe the girl is incapable of reaching out to others. After all, for me, Celia — the character in my story who was inspired by this painting — grew into a character that was desperate to get free of her self-imposed isolation from the world. And so, for me — art, painting, sculpture, and photography are so often an inspiration for writing. Of course, all art (whether it is painting or writing or music) speaks of its own time — that is, the time and place in which the artist lived.

Hopper painted much of his work in the twenties, thirties and forties of the last century, when rapid industrialization and urbanization were forcing people from their old dwellings and old ways of living. Consequently, so many people felt lost and displaced. And yet, the emotions evoked by his work are universal, whatever the time and place. Great art transcends time and place and touches a nerve in us all, which communicates those universal emotions and ideas to us. Just like a photograph, Automat is a permanent moment in time existing in a world which, at the same time, seems so transient.

And that is why such a painting as the Automat inspires me even today.
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BONUS : Effective Article Writing And Marketing

Article Writing is becoming increasingly valued by Search Engine Optimisers who recognise the benefits that it brings- it is one of the best ways to increase traffic, search engine attention and returning visitors. When your article is published on a website, a link back to your website can be included. This link is valued highly by search engines- it is a one-way link, it is one of the few links on a page and the page has unique content on it. Because of this, many people have found that by regularly publishing articles (once a week, once a fortnight) their page rank has jumped up. This increases your search engine rank, which naturally increases your visit. It doesnÂ’t take a genius to work out that more visitors equals more revenue!

This greatly benefits the author, but many people donÂ’t realise that it also is very beneficial to publishers too. Search engines like sites that are constantly updated, as it shows that the website is active and widely used, and also like sites with content as it shows they are a valuable website, and not a link farm. Similarly to the benefits authors experience, publishers find their website increases in search engine rank, and so traffic and profits. It also has the added bonus to providing something new to users, who will regularly return to your site.

However, they are a few vital rules that authors should follow to make their article widely used. A badly written, unpunctuated article is not going to be looked twice at by any good webmaster.

Perhaps the most important rule in article writing is to properly punctuate your article, and to check it for spelling and grammatical mistakes. This will make it more enjoyable for readers to read, (and so it will be used more), and will make you, and your website, more professional.

Content is obviously the most important thing in any article. So, quite obviously, you have to know what you are talking about, otherwise no one will take you or your article seriously. Remember, your article will top up what people know, not introduce them to the subject. It is therefore helpful to specialise in a couple of subjects, or in a broad area. However, remember not to assume your audience are stupid, or be bigheaded.

Your article should be helpful to webmasters. To be this, give examples of what you are explaining. It makes complicated things easier to understand, splits up an article to make it readable, and can give the reader ideas on how to achieve what you have just explained. Similarly, give links to sites which may help your readers achieve what you have just explained. It makes it easier for them.

The last thing you should think about is the tone your article is written in. It is much easier and pleasanter for the reader if your tone is a friendly one. Also, remember to use words that are easy to read- for example, instead of ‘Furthermore, it has been discovered that by authoring articles writer’s have been advantaged due to their website being recipient to escalated search engine attention’ simply say what you mean- ‘By writing articles you will receive more search engine traffic’ (OK, so maybe it won’t be that extreme!).

The most important thing in your article from your point of view is what you put in the ‘About the Author’ box. This is your chance to shine, and is what you have written the article for. Whatever you write you will still receive the search engine benefits, however you will not receive the extra traffic from readers if you do not write it correctly. It should be formal but friendly, short, and sweet- it will only be glanced at so it has to grab the readers’ attention in a short amount of time. It should follow the structure of ‘A bit about the author, then tell the audience what you want them to do’. You should promote your website, but not advertise it too much.

For example, a bad information box would be ‘Visit the great website of the king of search engine optimisers, who will regularly update you with fantastic tips and priceless advice three times a week. He is a leader in his field and has had many years of experience with thousands of satisfied customers who describe him as the Internet equivalent to Jesus!’. Instead, write ‘Joe Bloggs has had many years experience in SEO, and is well known for his useful advice. Visit his website today to get great SEO tips three times a week’ (Again, this is exaggerated but you get the idea!).

The final part to writing an article is marketing it. This is relatively easy to do- submit to some article directories, and include it in your newsletter (or ask another website to include it in theirs). Some websites to help you submit it are:,,

Follow these tips and you will get a great traffic boost. Write some articles, and then write one on your tips that you have discovered from your own experience!

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