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Yes You Need An Article Submitter

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Yes, You Need An Article Submitter

The adage "Work smarter, not harder" really applies to writing and submitting Ezine articles.
Ezine articles are without a doubt one of the best ways to drive traffic to your affiliate site and to increase your SEO.

Whether doing a submittal manually or using an article submitter, the basics do not change. Before submitting to an article site one must register. This procedure is usually filling out an online form, and receiving a confirmation sent to your e-mail address. Click on this confirmation and you are a registered user. You log on to the submit site using your ID and password. Next, enter a Pen Name. Now you are ready to click on Submit Article.

It is at this juncture where an article submitter comes into play. Submitting manually gets the job done but is tedious and time consuming. An article submitter speeds up the data entry. Why is this important? It is generally accepted that to be a successful Ezine article writer, one must submit 2 - 3 articles per week to hundreds of article sites. Doing this by hand is simply not possible. Look at the author statistics on any site and you will see that the successful authors have submitted hundreds, even thousands of articles. They are making impressive monthly incomes.

There are many article submitter software programs on the market, Article Submitter, Article Submitter Gold, My Article Pro, My Article Submitter, and Article Money, to name a few. They vary in features, ease of use, and cost. Most offer a Free download for trial use. These are fully operational, but some limit the number of days the program can be used and others limit the size of the submit site database. Why do they give a Free download? So you can see for yourself the benefits of the program by hands-on use. For example, in my case I downloaded a Free trial version and used it to submit an article to several sites. I was impressed with my article being Auto-Filled instead of having to do the tedious cut and paste exercise. The trial program came with a database of 80 article sites, but I immediately ordered the full version with a database of over 600 sites. To me, the program was worth the price if for nothing more than getting the list of 600 sites to submit articles. Now I had the tool to quickly submit articles, complete with list of sites that would be continually updated. My time could now be better spent on writing new articles.

What should an article submitter NOT do for you? It should not be a robot spam type program. This type of submittal is frowned upon, a nuisance to the submit sites, and can get you banned from the best article sites.

What should a good article submitter do for you? It should let you go through the submit process step by step as you normally would, just making it easier and faster to make the submittal. Logging on to a site for the first time, requires a few steps whether manual or using an article submitter. One must enter the ID and Password, and select a Pen Name. Lets go through the steps and see where the article submitter saves time. Go to the article submit website. Immediately your ID and Password are filled in by the article submitter. You can go directly to Submit Article. Instantly your entire article is auto-filled, the Title, Author name, Summary, Body, and Resource Box. Stunning, no time consuming cut and paste. Manually select a Category, as this the only way to ensure that your article ends up in the correct category and sub-category. Click Submit, then Log Off. Your article will look totally hand submitted. The article submitter will automatically enter the submit date in your database, and give you a chance to type in a note or comment. No more pencil and paper notes covering your desk. Then, on to the next site. And where did the next site come from? The site database in your article submitter! The article submitter is a win-win, saving time by eliminating the tedious article cutting and pasting, and eliminating the time consuming chore of building your own list of article submit sites.

If you are not using an article submitter, you may very well be spending more than you are making. Quality articles quickly submitted to hundreds of submit sites is the key to being successful. There is a way to accomplish this. Yes, You Need an Article Submitter.
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BONUS : You’re Not Done Yet: Eight Strengtheners For Your Sales Copy

Writing sales copy for a new or to-be-relaunched product takes a lot of energy and concentration. When you finish that first draft, take a rest. Then go back to what you’ve written with this sales copy checklist, which outlines the eight most frequent corrections and improvements I make on copy given to me by clients or students.

1. Pronouns. Do you have a preponderance of "we" or "I" and very little "you"? Wherever possible, change pronouns to "you," which comes across as more captivating and relevant to the reader than "I" or "we." In many cases, this seemingly mechanical rewording task forces you to ask yourself, "Why should the reader care about this?" or "What does this mean for customers?" That’s great, because shoppers and information seekers are looking for what’s meaningful to them, not for a monologue about the company.

2. Verb tense. Hunt for places where you used future-tense verbs ("will ____") and change them wherever you can to present tense. This conveys more confidence and has a stronger impact. For example, change "Before leaving, we will check all pipe connections to make sure they are tight" to "Before leaving, we check all pipe connections and make sure they are tight" or even better, "Before leaving, we make sure all pipe connections are tight."

3. Extra verbiage. Now find all the spots where your writing takes the long way around, and make your choice of words crisper and more direct. Get rid of the extra helper verb in "Together, we work to create reachable goals," for instance, changing it to "Together, we create reachable goals." Instead of "In almost every case, executives who have the intention of fostering teamwork do not know the best methods of getting optimal results," write "Usually, executives who want to foster teamwork don’t know the most powerful techniques," or even better, "Few executives know the most powerful teamwork techniques."

4. Unnecessary sentiments. Wherever you said things like "It goes without saying that…" or "When we say X, it’s not just words," either express the idea in a stronger, more interesting way or leave it out. Remember: If it truly goes without saying, then don’t say it!

5. Sentence variety. Look at the length and types of sentences in your copy. Do they mostly have a simple, short "subject, verb, object" pattern? If so, combine some sentences and sprinkle in longer sentences starting with a subordinating word like "when," "because" or "through." Are most of your sentences long and complicated? If so, make some of them short and stark: "This works." "Not any longer." "Benefits sell." By helping the copy to flow, sentence variety keeps the reader reading.

6. Bulleted lists. Bullets organize points for fast, easy skimming. You can make bullets even easier to read quickly by adding short, boldface headers to the beginning of the bullets. The same goes for numbered lists – as in this article, where each point starts with a summary of the topic in one to three words.

7. Company focus. Never assume that you can say something once and have the reader keep it constantly in mind! Suppose the copy you’ve written describes a service for chefs. Although many companies provide this service, only this company specializes in providing this service for chefs. Instead of making this point just once, drive it home repeatedly by adding the word "chefs" again and again throughout the copy: "For chefs…"; "When chefs…"; "Chefs find that…"; and so on. This drumbeat of specialization also helps attract search engine traffic.

8. Call to action. Most copywriters know that you need to ask for a response to get a response, by ending any piece of copy with a call to action, such as "Call today to start a free, no-obligation discussion of your needs" or "Order your Wonder Widget now." But on a multi-page web site, I usually see a call to action missing on most of the pages. Probably people are thinking that visitors take a certain sequenced path through the site, getting eventually to the page where they’ve placed the call to action. That’s not how people engage with web sites, though. To prompt action, end every page on a web site with a call to action.

Although many other factors also contribute to the power and success of copy, the neglected ones above have a surprisingly strong impact on readers when consistently applied. They create lean, lively, relevant writing. Practice these techniques and enjoy a more vigorous response!

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