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Writing The Article

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Writing The Article

Just as a builder would hesitate to erect a house without a carefully worked-out plan, so a writer should be loath to begin an article before he has outlined it fully. In planning a building, an architect considers how large a house his client desires, how many rooms he must provide, how the space available may best be apportioned among the rooms, and what relation the rooms are to bear to one another. In outlining an article, likewise, a writer needs to determine how long it must be, what material it should include, how much space should be devoted to each part, and how the parts should be arranged. Time spent in thus planning an article is time well spent.

Outlining the subject fully involves thinking out the article from beginning to end. The value of each item of the material gathered must be carefully weighed; its relation to the whole subject and to every part must be considered. The arrangement of the parts is of even greater importance, because much of the effectiveness of the presentation will depend upon a logical development of the thought. In the last analysis, good writing means clear thinking, and at no stage in the preparation of an article is clear thinking more necessary than in the planning of it.

Amateurs sometimes insist that it is easier to write without an outline than with one. It undoubtedly does take less time to dash off a special feature story than it does to think out all of the details and then write it. In nine cases out of ten, however, when a writer attempts to work out an article as he goes along, trusting that his ideas will arrange themselves, the result is far from a clear, logical, well-organized presentation of his subject. The common disinclination to make an outline is usually based on the difficulty that most persons experience in deliberately thinking about a subject in all its various aspects, and in getting down in logical order the results of such thought. Unwillingness to outline a subject generally means unwillingness to think.

The length of an article is determined by two considerations: the scope of the subject, and the policy of the publication for which it is intended. A large subject cannot be adequately treated in a brief space, nor can an important theme be disposed of satisfactorily in a few hundred words. The length of an article, in general, should be proportionate to the size and the importance of the subject.

The deciding factor, however, in fixing the length of an article is the policy of the periodical for which it is designed. One popular publication may print articles from 4000 to 6000 words, while another fixes the limit at 1000 words. It would be quite as bad judgment to prepare a 1000-word article for the former, as it would be to send one of 5000 words to the latter. Periodicals also fix certain limits for articles to be printed in particular departments. One monthly magazine, for instance, has a department of personality sketches which range from 800 to 1200 words in length, while the other articles in this periodical contain from 2000 to 4000 words.

The practice of printing a column or two of reading matter on most of the advertising pages influences the length of articles in many magazines. To obtain an attractive make-up, the editors allow only a page or two of each special article, short story, or serial to appear in the first part of the magazine, relegating the remainder to the advertising pages. Articles must, therefore, be long enough to fill a page or two in the first part of the periodical and several columns on the pages of advertising. Some magazines use short articles, or "fillers," to furnish the necessary reading matter on these advertising pages.

Newspapers of the usual size, with from 1000 to 1200 words in a column, have greater flexibility than magazines in the matter of make-up, and can, therefore, use special feature stories of various lengths. The arrangement of advertisements, even in the magazine sections, does not affect the length of articles. The only way to determine exactly the requirements of different newspapers and magazines is to count the words in typical articles in various departments.
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BONUS : Yes, You Need An Article Submitter

The adage "Work smarter, not harder" really applies to writing and submitting Ezine articles.
Ezine articles are without a doubt one of the best ways to drive traffic to your affiliate site and to increase your SEO.

Whether doing a submittal manually or using an article submitter, the basics do not change. Before submitting to an article site one must register. This procedure is usually filling out an online form, and receiving a confirmation sent to your e-mail address. Click on this confirmation and you are a registered user. You log on to the submit site using your ID and password. Next, enter a Pen Name. Now you are ready to click on Submit Article.

It is at this juncture where an article submitter comes into play. Submitting manually gets the job done but is tedious and time consuming. An article submitter speeds up the data entry. Why is this important? It is generally accepted that to be a successful Ezine article writer, one must submit 2 - 3 articles per week to hundreds of article sites. Doing this by hand is simply not possible. Look at the author statistics on any site and you will see that the successful authors have submitted hundreds, even thousands of articles. They are making impressive monthly incomes.

There are many article submitter software programs on the market, Article Submitter, Article Submitter Gold, My Article Pro, My Article Submitter, and Article Money, to name a few. They vary in features, ease of use, and cost. Most offer a Free download for trial use. These are fully operational, but some limit the number of days the program can be used and others limit the size of the submit site database. Why do they give a Free download? So you can see for yourself the benefits of the program by hands-on use. For example, in my case I downloaded a Free trial version and used it to submit an article to several sites. I was impressed with my article being Auto-Filled instead of having to do the tedious cut and paste exercise. The trial program came with a database of 80 article sites, but I immediately ordered the full version with a database of over 600 sites. To me, the program was worth the price if for nothing more than getting the list of 600 sites to submit articles. Now I had the tool to quickly submit articles, complete with list of sites that would be continually updated. My time could now be better spent on writing new articles.

What should an article submitter NOT do for you? It should not be a robot spam type program. This type of submittal is frowned upon, a nuisance to the submit sites, and can get you banned from the best article sites.

What should a good article submitter do for you? It should let you go through the submit process step by step as you normally would, just making it easier and faster to make the submittal. Logging on to a site for the first time, requires a few steps whether manual or using an article submitter. One must enter the ID and Password, and select a Pen Name. Lets go through the steps and see where the article submitter saves time. Go to the article submit website. Immediately your ID and Password are filled in by the article submitter. You can go directly to Submit Article. Instantly your entire article is auto-filled, the Title, Author name, Summary, Body, and Resource Box. Stunning, no time consuming cut and paste. Manually select a Category, as this the only way to ensure that your article ends up in the correct category and sub-category. Click Submit, then Log Off. Your article will look totally hand submitted. The article submitter will automatically enter the submit date in your database, and give you a chance to type in a note or comment. No more pencil and paper notes covering your desk. Then, on to the next site. And where did the next site come from? The site database in your article submitter! The article submitter is a win-win, saving time by eliminating the tedious article cutting and pasting, and eliminating the time consuming chore of building your own list of article submit sites.

If you are not using an article submitter, you may very well be spending more than you are making. Quality articles quickly submitted to hundreds of submit sites is the key to being successful. There is a way to accomplish this. Yes, You Need an Article Submitter.

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