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Writing Success What Does It Mean To You

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Writing Success: What Does It Mean To You?

Like most creative professions the question of a qualified success in writing is not easy to concentrate into one definitive answer.

Just as there are a multitude of writing styles, so too are there many examples of writing success.


1. "If I can just finish my first story, I will have success."
2. "If I can just work up the courage to submit this to a publisher, I will have success."
3. "If I can actually receive a check in the mail for a magazine article, I will have success."
4. "If I can just publish my first book, I will have success."
5. "If I can just have my book published by a major publisher, I will have success."
6. "If I can just get my book in the bestseller list, I will have success."
7. "If I can just keep up with all the writing work I have been commissioned to do, I will have success."
8. "If I can only be thought of in the same way as other literary giants, I will have success."

"The secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have, and to be able to lose all desire for things beyond your reach." Lin Yu-t'ang

There is a difference between contentment and complacency. In the first case, we learn to be happy in the circumstances we find ourselves in. In the second case, you simply settle for where you are without an interest in doing something more.

"A man will never be content with what he wants until he is content with what he has." - Bill Gothard

As writers we should always reach for our best. It is a good idea to set a small attainable goal for the short term with perhaps a one and six year plan in place for where we would like to be. This goal can be readjusted annually.

The problem many writers have is they set their goals so high they may not be able to reach them, or they make the goal sacrosanct they miss out on life in pursuit of the goal. Should they actually reach the goal, the effect of reaching the pinnacle often serves as a pin to pop an inflated balloon. For some, the ultimate goal they have chosen leaves them feeling hollow because they never understood the need for contentment. Once the 'ultimate goal' is realized the author has nothing more to look forward to and they struggle through issues related to their overall motivation.

By learning the fine art of contentment while refusing to be complacent will serve you well as you wrestle with issues of personal writing success.
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BONUS : Writing That Resume

When preparing your resume make sure the skills you list are accurately conveying your experience and knowledge in each area. It is also recommended that time be spent reviewing the skills the company is looking for in order to highlight these skills in a job interview or cover letter. The cover letter should briefly outline any skills or achievements that you might have and explain why you are a suitable candidate for the position.

Make sure when creating your resume you don’t have job functions that are not related to your skills this can make the person hiring you believe that you are not qualified for the job you are applying for and cause them not to read the rest of your resume. Clearly highlight the special skills and experience you have that the hiring manager is looking for. The employer looking to fill the opening will be interested in the work experience and job skills that correspond to the position they are trying to fill.

What skills do you want to utilize. All you need are the basic skills and knowledge:. A clear understanding of what specifically you have to offer; Thorough knowledge of your market place and what is wanted; An excellent command of the English Language.

For some job opening, employers receive hundreds and even thousands of resumes. A resume makes it easier for employers to evaluate whether a person who is applying for a job is a possible candidate. When creating a resume there are key points that employers are looking for in a resume, make sure you list the most important key points and keep the other less important points off the resume. On the negative side narrow resume objectives can be used by employers to eliminate a candidate, and often objectives are over-used, generic, and state the obvious.

Because employers want to know in a few seconds what you can do. The people who have similar careers to what you want will tell you about their own personal experiences in obtaining and maintaining the job, while those in human resources will be able to discuss what the employers in that field are truly seeking.

Avoid clichés and don’t copy a resume format or wording from someone else. Your resume outline is the blueprint to success containing everything you need to fill-in-the-blanks of your resume regardless of the format (chronological, functional, or combination).

The most popular style for resumes is the Chronological Resume. Practice with a few, and then see how comfortable you are with that resume style and your own employment history. To do this, you should choose a resume style that is tailored to your educational and professional experience.

You can also access other people’s résumé’s that are posted online which will give some great ideas for style and content.

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