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Writing Love Letters And Poems For All Occasions

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Writing Love Letters And Poems For All Occasions

Would you like to compose personal love letters and poems for your sweetheart but don't know where to begin? While it's true that a personalized love letter is usually preferred over a greeting card, unfortunately most folks don't put forth the extra effort to compose one. Although this may be due to lack of time, often people are too timid or lack the confidence to write their own. Many feel they don't have the necessary writing skills or flair. Fortunately, writing of this nature can be mastered with a little practice and patience. In no time at all, you could be writing material that captures the heart of your lover.

Writing Tips for Love Letters and Poems

The first thing to remember when composing a love message to your mate is to write from the heart. Let the person know your true feelings for them. This may include telling them how you felt when you first met, describing past events or occasions that are dear to your heart, or telling them of their qualities you find most attractive. Remember you are writing to an individual. Take time to personalize your letter or poem and it will be cherished for years to come.

How many people do you know who have saved love letters that are decades old? Actually it's not too uncommon for a person to keep hand written correspondence from a former or current lover. Now ask yourself how many people would be likely to save greeting cards from years gone by. While maybe a few, the numbers are nowhere near that of hand written letters and poems. This fact alone should inspire you to create your own love greetings.

Special Events and Occasions

The following list contains holidays and events that are the perfect time for letting your lover know just how you feel.

* Valentine's Day

* Sweetest Day

* Birthday

* Anniversary

* Marriage proposal or engagement

* Birth of a child

These are just a few of the special times you may wish to write your own love letters. However, you needn't wait for a certain event to express your feelings of passion. Often receiving a love greeting unexpectedly can have the greatest impact. Your mate will be grateful that you took the time to express yourself for no special reason.

After a little practice, you will become more comfortable writing your own love messages. In fact, your mate may soon start to expect or anticipate hand written correspondence from you. When this occurs, you will know your efforts have been worthwhile.
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BONUS : Writing Memorable Poetry Verses

There are many occasions in life that spur people into writing memorable poetry verses. Some of these verses might come when we fall in love for the first time or they may come when we are exposed to a memorable experience that touches our heart in one way or another. Writing memorable poetry verses will only require a conscious effort since there is no true form to use to express the writing of poetry.

Some of our earliest recollections about writing memorable poetry verses might come from grade school. The time tested exposure to red roses and violets will lead us to create several sentences that tell some other people why we love them so much. Perhaps they already know that sugar is sweet, but they may not have any clue that someone loves them and to hear that verse is a memorable experience.

Other people begin writing memorable poetry verses after they have buried a best friend. The older tombstones at the cemetery might have verses of poetry on them that convey the true spirit of a person that might have lived 100 years ago. Some people are so enchanted by the verses that they read on some of the tombstones that they begin writing memorable poetry verses that can be used on greeting cards.

Many poets will begin writing memorable poetry verses to convey a message. These messages might be long and drawn out and by the time the verses are completed the words have developed into a play. Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet in Acts that turned the verses of poetry into real life conjectures that conveyed how seriously people take falling in love.

When writing memorable poetry verses, poets should consider the power of the written words and realize that some people are willing to commit suicide from the emotion that comes from reading the words put to paper. People choose to compare their lives and their relationships to Romeo and Juliet and end up making the wrong choices in how to deal with their disparity. The poet is not at fault for how others perceive the end product of the he spent writing memorable poetry verses that anyone could find solace or pleasure reading.

Love is a powerful emotion that can enrich lives and form commitments that may last a lifetime. Many marriage ceremonies include poetry that the Bride and Groom speak to each other. They are writing memorable poetry verses that convey words of commitment and fidelity but are more personable because they are spoken when they are standing in front of a congregation of family and friends.

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