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Writing Job Or Hobby

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Writing - Job Or Hobby?

Writing is a part of everyone’s life. Every one of us has had to write an article, a composition or a letter to a loved one, at least once in our lives. In schools, it is as common task as learning how to count or memorize multiplication tables. Yet as people grow old, some continue on to write until old age while some completely shun writing as if it’s a burden one needs to keep away from as much as possible. The difference between who you are among the two is how you answer the question, “Is writing a hobby or a job for you?” The answer you give could tell you of your perspective of the written form of art.

Job or Hobby?
When does writing become a job then? Some may think that when you get paid then it becomes work. But why then did the great poets of times past who died miserable, alone and broke continued to write until they were on their deathbed? By this example alone you could deduce that writing may still be a hobby even if you are great author as long as the passion and the love for writing is there. But once other factors affect that passion for writing then it’s a different story altogether. Apparently, some great writers have been burned out at least one time in their lives because of the pressure to beat the deadline, the anxiety of having to please the readers and the dreadful idea of not living up to the expectations that surrounds a best-selling writer.

Searching for the Reasons Why One Writes
So then how do you keep the passion to write a love letter, the fervor to churn out poetry and essays, or to still beat the deadline without having to feel that writing is a heavy burden? How do you make writing a productive exercise and still to still call writing a hobby? There are many ways to respond to the posed questions above, but the simplest and most efficient way is to ask yourself, to ask that writer within you what reasons you have that you bothered to continue writing in a journal, a daily diary or on pieces of paper around your flat when in fact no one asked you to. Searching the inner soul could produce many definite answers for you. Maybe you view writing as a way to blow steam off on bad days, or maybe you chose to write your dreams because you want to preserve a memory of yourself, afraid that when you get older, you would somehow become this senseless, disconnected person. Or maybe writing for you is a form of release or expression.

Whatever the reason is, you have to ask yourself if you still have it in you and if the tides of time have not washed away that passion and the reason for that passion to write. If you could answer that positively, then you’ll always be able to view writing as a hobby, as an activity that you will always cherish to do no matter what is going on in your life. A true writer will always write because of internal reasons, whether you are a novice playwright, a successful novelist, or a child who keeps a diary.
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BONUS : Writing Love Letters And Poems For All Occasions

Would you like to compose personal love letters and poems for your sweetheart but don't know where to begin? While it's true that a personalized love letter is usually preferred over a greeting card, unfortunately most folks don't put forth the extra effort to compose one. Although this may be due to lack of time, often people are too timid or lack the confidence to write their own. Many feel they don't have the necessary writing skills or flair. Fortunately, writing of this nature can be mastered with a little practice and patience. In no time at all, you could be writing material that captures the heart of your lover.

Writing Tips for Love Letters and Poems

The first thing to remember when composing a love message to your mate is to write from the heart. Let the person know your true feelings for them. This may include telling them how you felt when you first met, describing past events or occasions that are dear to your heart, or telling them of their qualities you find most attractive. Remember you are writing to an individual. Take time to personalize your letter or poem and it will be cherished for years to come.

How many people do you know who have saved love letters that are decades old? Actually it's not too uncommon for a person to keep hand written correspondence from a former or current lover. Now ask yourself how many people would be likely to save greeting cards from years gone by. While maybe a few, the numbers are nowhere near that of hand written letters and poems. This fact alone should inspire you to create your own love greetings.

Special Events and Occasions

The following list contains holidays and events that are the perfect time for letting your lover know just how you feel.

* Valentine's Day

* Sweetest Day

* Birthday

* Anniversary

* Marriage proposal or engagement

* Birth of a child

These are just a few of the special times you may wish to write your own love letters. However, you needn't wait for a certain event to express your feelings of passion. Often receiving a love greeting unexpectedly can have the greatest impact. Your mate will be grateful that you took the time to express yourself for no special reason.

After a little practice, you will become more comfortable writing your own love messages. In fact, your mate may soon start to expect or anticipate hand written correspondence from you. When this occurs, you will know your efforts have been worthwhile.

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