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Write From The Heart With Colibri Pocket Watches

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Write From The Heart With Colibri Pocket Watches

Contrary to what most people think, writing involves more than stringing words together to form a coherent thought. Anybody can write, but only a chosen few can be real writers. Writing is an art, a craft that must be honed and perfected before true accomplishment is met. It is a skill that has been around for thousands of years and those who have it possess true power in their hands.

The True Writer

Any writer can make a well-loved monarch look bad or a criminal look good, but a true writer can write about anyone or anything without prejudice and without judgment. He or she can write about Colibri pocket watches just as well as he or she can write praises dedicated to the Taj Mahal. Indeed, no subject is too mundane and no person is too unimportant for a true writer. He or she writes the truth as he or she sees fit and can spin tales around Colibri pocket watches to spellbind even the most skeptical reader. Such is the power of a great writer.

Writing Right

To write and to be great at it, you need more than a computer or a pen and paper. You need more than skill and talent. Like all great endeavors, determination and tenacity is needed.

A writer must have the patience to do painstaking research in the pursuit of truth or accuracy. It doesn’t matter if you are writing about the President of the United States or Colibri pocket watches. You have to do your research and gather the facts. There is nothing more disgraceful than an erroneous report or a fabricated statement, even for something as seemingly innocent as Colibri pocket watches.

If you want to be a writer, you have to write the right way, and the way to do that is to persevere to know the truth, stick to those truths, and be ready to substantiate those truths. You must be free of prejudice and supposition and know that ego is your folly.

Appreciating Criticism

As a writer, you have to know that you won’t please everyone. No matter how proud you are of the piece you wrote on Colibri pocket watches or of your dissertation on the works of James Joyce, you have to accept that there will always be people who will criticize you. Know that all criticisms are constructive and you can learn many things from them. Remember that the world is constantly changing and there is much to be learned in every single instance.

Going For It

With all these in mind, you’re well on your way to being a part of the freedom of expression at its very best. If you have a story to tell, pick up a pen and write it. If you have something to say or a message to deliver, get those fingers working and start typing. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to put your work out there. Remember that you’ll never know your true worth as a writer until you’ve been read.
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BONUS : Write Novel's First Line To Guarantee Sales

Start your writing with conflict if you want to guarantee sales, grab an agent or publisher, get paid a big advance. Your protagonist wants something and your antagonist wants to block it. If you want to be the publisher’s star-of-the-month, just hand out a strong dose of conflict right up front. Bold like. Then, they’re wrapped up in your story and it’s too late for them to escape. Trust me, readers, agents and publishers are going to consider writing with a strong dose of conflict as good fortune for their company. Readers will not want to put it down. The big boys just might pat you on the head and pay you a six-figure advance.

As conflict is so essential to good writing, whether it’s fiction, or nonfiction, children’s books or memoir, it will aid your attention-getting cause. I suggest you start practicing the art of writing conflict right now for your openings. Read the examples and write your own:

· James walked in ready to crash and that’s when he saw the monster. (Antagonist wants to take protagonist's calm time away)

· When I walked in, Emily had on my favorite blouse I was going to wear tonight. She stood there trying to apologize for tearing it.(Antagonist has blocked protagonist from wearing her favorite blouse tonight.)

· Jimmy worked ten hours at ten dollars an hour, and now John was saying he was worthless, he wasn’t going to pay. (John wants to take Jimmy’s earning away).

The sentences are off the top of my head and I don’t consider them profound or anything. But remember, my job is to make all of the big, foreign sounding things simple. My sentences clearly show characters in conflict. You can “feel” the tension. Your protagonist wants something and your antagonist wants to take it away. Your antagonist may not even be a person. It may be a rock against the door, keeping your protagonist from escaping the bad guy.

In my novel, The Mayor’s Wife Wore Sapphires, the mayor’s young wife wants to change the image of an inner city by making it the Black Camelot; her antagonists want to destroy the incubator idea that could make that happen.

It is conflict that grabs the reader’s attention. Eighty percent of all readers continue to read because of conflict. If there is no conflict, the story lies flat on the page, it falls apart and loses the reader’s interest. It’s yawning-kind-of dull. When conflict is present, readers perk up and wade through bad syntax, misspelled words, structure flaws, and bland dialogue to find out how the conflict ends. I’m not suggesting that you neglect any part of the writing craft, though. It’s just that conflict is one of the strongest elements of good writing, and all too often we lose the reader’s attention because we neglect that writing tool.

So, when you want to grab an editor, an agent, or a publisher’s favor, just allow them to feast on gripping conflict from the very first line and see your story rises through the slush pile to increased sales.

In the Mayor’s Wife Wore Sapphires, the story opens with two unknown characters, whispering in what seems like a clandestine place. The host balls the newspaper in rage and throws it on the dark wood table. We see that it states: Council Upset Rumored. Now the guest thrust his head out of the shadows and says that “In my country, his kind disappears without a trace.” He wants to take out the mayor; his opposition wants to fix the situation before the council meeting.

In The End Justifies The Means, the protagonist, Jalen, is trying to sleep; his mother and father are having a violent argument. He wants them to stop it; they get louder.

In the Color Purple, Celie’s baby is happy for giving birth to her baby; the antagonist, her father, is taking the baby to give her away. She is screaming, “No!” The father is already gone.

Agents and publishers are trained to recognize conflict, and they look for it. So take advantage of that now. Write conflict in your first line for practice.


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