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Why Don T Magazine Editors Like My Article Ideas

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Why Don’t Magazine Editors Like My Article Ideas?

Whether you’re a professional magazine writer with decades of experience or a not-yet-published freelancer, you are bound to get rejection notes. Editors don’t always explain clearly why they’re saying no. Some reasons have nothing to do with you and others have everything to do with you, while many other reasons rank between those two extremes.

To succeed as a freelance magazine writer, you must do your best to optimize the factors within your control. Then accept the rejections that occur despite your efforts, as an inevitable part of the business. Use this list of 10 common reasons for rejection as a tool for crafting article queries that make it hard for editors to respond in any other way than “yes!”

1. We already did this topic. When a magazine has its archives posted online, you should try to make sure this objection isn’t the case. However, sometimes you couldn’t possibly know that your topic is already assigned to another writer or already set to appear in a future issue. Your idea being “in the pipeline” is the quintessential reason for rejection that you can’t prevent. Oh well! Just go on to the next idea.

2. We’re not ready to redo the topic yet. Many magazines revisit some topics after a certain length of time has passed or if there’s a compelling rationale for shortening their normal repeat cycle. If your research reveals that the publication has covered a topic before, explain what’s changed to warrant another article now. For instance, your article would focus on post-Big Dig Boston. Or you’ll cover the fertility treatments that have been discovered since their last discussion of the topic in 2006.

3. It’s not relevant to enough readers. Forestall this response by making a strong case in your query that your topic is either relevant or interesting to their target market. For instance, editors at a men’s magazine would most likely reject an article on eating disorders unless you cite statistics showing that it’s rapidly growing or an increasingly serious problem for men in the age group the magazine serves.

4. Your idea isn’t focused enough. Very often queries go in five different directions for a topic, so that the editor can’t figure out what the article would really cover. If the editor can tell you want to write about volunteerism in big cities but not what you want to say about the phenomenon, that’s a “no.” Whenever possible, include a sentence in your query defining your focus or stating the main idea of the article.

5. You’re trying to cover too much. Editors know what can and can’t be accomplished in 700 or 1800 words or whatever length is usual for their publication. Beginning writers have a tendency to propose something that would need a book-length treatment to accomplish or that’s way too broad for an article. To prevent this reason for rejection, carefully study your target magazine to determine what a reasonable scope for an article is – for instance, “ways to help your child complete their homework,” rather than “ways to help your child succeed in life.”

6. Your focus is wrong for us. If you propose a profile when the magazine runs how-to articles, or vice versa, the editor will say no. The same thing would happen when you propose writing about a tragedy or outrage when the publication prides itself on hopeful, upbeat stories. Research, research, research first!

7. Your query is okay, but not exciting to us. Here the topic and focus may work, but the writing lacks persuasiveness and pizzazz. Head off this reason for rejection by writing vivid, energetic queries in the style preferred by the publication.

8. We’re not convinced you can pull it off. Certain kinds of articles require journalistic experience, technical knowledge, contacts or unusual storytelling skills. Try to anticipate the fears editors might have about your abilities in reference to what you’re proposing and explain what in your background shows you can handle it.

9. There are factual errors in your presentation. Always, always look up the spelling of proper names and check any facts mentioned in a query. One of my writing students showed me a query he was going to send off that described a highway as going somewhere it didn’t and put a tourist spot in the wrong state. These would have been deadly errors. Editors hate working with writers who can’t get details right.

10. Your query is poorly written. Editors also hate receiving assignments that need a major rewrite, so they send queries containing mangled sentences, verbs that don’t match subjects and misused phrases to the “reject” pile. Learn to write correct, competent English, and you’ll ensure a fair reception for your ideas.
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BONUS : Why I Killed My Muse ... And You Should Too

Last night in the dark following midnight I killed my muse (suffocating her quietly with a pillow) and buried her in my back garden. Today I will plant a roses to hide the grave. No one will ever know and I will be free at last of her insidious hold and I will be able to write what I want.

Why did I resort to this deed? After all my muse was lovely and gave me many gifts over the years. She saw me through dark times and helped mark the joyous ones. Many times she inspired me to reach for more and push myself beyond what I thought I could achieve. Knowing all this why would I kill the very source of my inspiration?

Oh, I had my reasons...

It started out quietly. As I would sit at my keyboard or curl up with a notebook, she would perch on my shoulder as was her wont to do. "I don't think you meant to write that sentence," she would whisper in my ear. "That doesn't sound like the best description," she would snipe. "Is that the best you can do?" she would sneer.

I took to sneaking my writing in when I knew she was occupied elsewhere. She never could resist critiquing the writing in the morning paper if it was left spread on the kitchen table. That way I could sometimes write several pages before she began her commentary. "Surely you can find a better way to approach this topic," her mocking voice would interrupt. "That has been so done."

Soon I was spending more time arguing with her, defending my words, than I was writing. Then my production slowed to a crawl as I would overanalyze each word choice and sentence formation before committing it to screen or paper. All that did was give her more time to find fault with the few words I did write.

Despite urgent deadlines and simmering ideas, I started avoiding the computer and all writing materials. I cleaned my house. I read for hours on end. I made plans for a new garden. The need the write built within me but always my muse was watching me with those eyes -- so judgemental, so critical. I would turn away from my office with a sigh and find some other project.

When I could no longer suppress the urge to write I locked her in a closet and had a wonderfully productive morning. I was so happy with my work that I let her out as I went out the door to run some errands. That just made her mean.

She was waiting for me at the door when I came home. Her glasses had slid nearly to the tip of her nose and somehow she'd found a red pencil (I certainly never brought any such thing into the house). I shuddered at the sight of my happy morning's labor marred by vicious slashes of red. The red blurred before my eyes into a crimson haze and then...

Perhaps it is better that you don't know the details. Suffice it to say that I have selected several old-fashioned roses with luscious aroma and delicate coloring. I am sure they will provide both inspiration and comfort.

Despite my late hours and the physical toil involved, this morning I awoke early and have already logged in several hours at the keyboard. My fingers flew across the keys and after completing several long-stagnant projects I outlined notes for some new. Writing is joyful and rewarding again.

I think I might dedicate this next book to the memory of my muse. Perhaps it will serve as a warning to those other muses out there who are on the verge of going over the edge. Perhaps it will inspire those other writers out there who have let their muse stifle their creativity and shove them right into writer's block. Maybe my warning will mean those other muses and their writers will find a way to work things out.

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