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The Synopsis Made Easy

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The Synopsis...made Easy!

You have completed your mss, you have even written a cover letter to enclose with your mss, but still, that is not enough! You need a synopsis of your work to add to them as well.

What is a synopsis?

A synopsis is a summary of your work. You must always enclose a synopsis with your mss. Do not expect the editor/publisher to read your mss without it, as they do not have much time available. Your synopsis will tell them if it is worth reading further on. So, it is important to write a good synopsis , as it is this document that represents and will sell your work.

How to write a synopsis.

First write the title of your work, followed by your name.

Then write the word SYNOPSIS in the middle.


By Jason Brown


Now, try to be brief and precise. This is only the outline of your work, so skip details or any unnecessary information.

Let us suppose you have written a book about Turtles. You can start:

‘The proposed book, aimed at pet lovers and pet owners would extol the...’

(you must state who your book is aimed at and what it is about)

Then you can add a new paragraph:

‘The book would fill a much needed gap in the market because...’

(You must justify the need for your book. Try to find a good reason, so as to persuade the prospective publisher that it is worth investing on your work.)

Now, go for the lay out of your book. You could write:

‘It is suggested that the book should contain 10 chapters on the breeds..’

The introductory chapter would deal with the...followed by a chapter on...’

Finally, you can end:

‘It is considered that chapters would also be included on...’

Bear in mind that in your synopsis you are marketing an idea, which will be backed up with a specimen chapter and a list of chapters.

You must be original. Publishers need a fresh approach, even if the subject you have written about is common.

Be brief. No more than 1000 words ( original 50,000) or less. Usually one A4 page sheet is enough. The shorter, the better.

Write your name, address contact numbers (e-mail) at the end of the synopsis.

In the case of a novel, write down the plot of the story in one page. Keep the main points and discard the rest. The publisher will only want to know what your story is about, the basics of the plot, and what happens in the end. If he likes it, he will go on to read your specimen copy.

Be prepared to wait for a long time before you get a reply. Do not call the publisher and do not send a fax. Be patient. However, if you don’t get a reply in the specified time, write or e mail to the publisher. e.g. You can say:

Dear Mr. Brown, (publisher’s name)

I wonder what has happened to my novel, (title) , sent to you on (date).

I would be grateful if you could send me a reply at your earliest convenience.


Mary Smith (your name)

That’s all. Now, you can start writing your synopsis.


Liana Metal
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BONUS : The Temptation Of George Rusky.


I’m writing to you to share some of my concerns and
at the same time, ask you for help.
It’s about the Internet.

The biggest problem caused by the Internet, as I can see it, is the openness and accessibility to an unlimited amount of information.

Naturally, one who can touch a key board at least with one finger, should accept the Internet with all its good and evil as an incredible invention of all times.
That’s one side of the coin.

Another one is that I’m totally lost in the ocean of online offers; one is more seductive than other.

”The best method of creating your wealth on line…” shouts at us a sales letter.
“The most progressive ever way of building your list of subscribers…”hollers another.

Tens if not hundreds of messages (most of them, certainly, unsolicited) call us to prosperity on line.

I was raised to respect the word written. It’s not only The Constitution , laws of the state, school textbooks, manuals, instructions, notes, you name it!
The Bible, of course. I will always remember a notorious question my Pastor used to ask me: ”What is written in the Bible about it?”
Looked like for every problem one had ever experienced, Pastor could find the answer in the Bible.
In short, the miraculous power of the word, written in my heart, is written ‘in stone.’

Now, when I read the unlimited list of superlative adjectives of sales letters I feel desperate, thriving to find out ‘where the dog is hidden.’

The messages where the writers start saying:
”Don’t you lose this one in your whole life opportunity, etc”

I wonder, if one can find a pumpkin, who would wish to lose his one time in his whole life chance?
So, I click the link, open the web site and read a special report, nicely formatted, highlighted, emphasized, splashing good news into my face, raping me with ‘order, order, order, and again, order.’

But that’s not all!

“If you order before midnight,” it says, “you will sure get tons of bonuses, so don’t tarry!”
I move aside from my desk everything, spilling a cup of coffee I was advised to grasp before reading a message, fumbling for my ‘electronic wallet’ and just about to fill in the form…

Thanks the Lord, it is still necessary to fill in the form, the last chance to escape the hypnotic daze of the sales letter, cool down, and recover from the fog of a ‘narcotic’ power of the commercial offer.

Uff, sweating and shivering, I regain consciousness, trying to think about something else and put off the hanging above me horrendous cloud of doubt:
”What if this is that one chance from a thousand , which just come only to bold and smart individuals, who, after just a few months report to us:

”I come back to gloomy days of the winter 200? when I didn’t have any money to pay the bills, to do this and that, etc, unless I met John Smith who showed me the big picture… so now my life has completely changed. Look at my house, I bought a week ago and a new car I’m thinking of buying, and, so on.”

To resist this temptation is next to impossible...
With my last effort, I press my right hand so that not to click the desirable link taking me to the treasures island where money grows on the trees and one can experience joy and gladness because one blessed day she clicked this miraculous link!
Paradise lost?
No, Mr John Milton,
Paradise found…

Instead of an epilog.

After nearly four years of trying to find a ‘Magic formula’ for getting rich on the Internet, I’m still where I was last century.
“If I could do it, you can too…”
“Can I?”

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de La Griffonnière

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