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The Sweet Taste Of Success

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The Sweet Taste Of Success

Writers are an interesting breed of humanity – they can make us feel joy, sadness, anger and empathy. Sometimes they can cause us to feel all these emotions simultaneously.

There are certainly more lucrative methods of gaining an income, yet everyday thousands of individuals will sit down at their keyboard pounding out a story that may never actually be published.

There is a creative energy required to create a meaningful story. It is hard to invest that energy into a story if there is a feeling the story has no chance of success, yet writers will do so.

What motivates a writer to spend their time and talents on something that may bear little fruit?

The answer is found in a quote from author Isaac Asimov, “I write for the same reason I breathe -- because if I didn't, I would die.”

For many writers the reason stems from the fact they have a story in their mind that wonÂ’t leave them alone until the story is drained onto the written page only to be replaced by a new story that requires telling. The story might be for the author alone or it might be for a larger audience.

Many writers are not in the market to be famous, they simply agree with the sentiments of François Mauriac, “Each of us is like a desert, and a literary work is like a cry from the desert, or like a pigeon let loose with a message in its claws, or like a bottle thrown into the sea. The point is: to be heard -- even if by one single person.”

When there is a drive to say something important it is also important to have some hope that your words were ‘heard’ by someone who was encouraged or challenged by those words.

Sometimes the joy found in writing is simply in reaching the end of your story. Famed Novelist Tom Clancy stressed, “Success is a finished book, a stack of pages each of which is filled with words. If you reach that point, you have won a victory over yourself no less impressive than sailing single-handed around the world.”

Most writers do not begin writing with the hope of becoming incredibly wealthy. They begin because they often have no choice. Writers will rarely receive back even minimum wage for the overall body of work they produce, but it is a burden they carry gratefully and are willing to allow others to consume their work one tasty thought at a time.

For many writers this is success enough.
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BONUS : The Synopsis...made Easy!

You have completed your mss, you have even written a cover letter to enclose with your mss, but still, that is not enough! You need a synopsis of your work to add to them as well.

What is a synopsis?

A synopsis is a summary of your work. You must always enclose a synopsis with your mss. Do not expect the editor/publisher to read your mss without it, as they do not have much time available. Your synopsis will tell them if it is worth reading further on. So, it is important to write a good synopsis , as it is this document that represents and will sell your work.

How to write a synopsis.

First write the title of your work, followed by your name.

Then write the word SYNOPSIS in the middle.


By Jason Brown


Now, try to be brief and precise. This is only the outline of your work, so skip details or any unnecessary information.

Let us suppose you have written a book about Turtles. You can start:

‘The proposed book, aimed at pet lovers and pet owners would extol the...’

(you must state who your book is aimed at and what it is about)

Then you can add a new paragraph:

‘The book would fill a much needed gap in the market because...’

(You must justify the need for your book. Try to find a good reason, so as to persuade the prospective publisher that it is worth investing on your work.)

Now, go for the lay out of your book. You could write:

‘It is suggested that the book should contain 10 chapters on the breeds..’

The introductory chapter would deal with the...followed by a chapter on...Â’

Finally, you can end:

‘It is considered that chapters would also be included on...’

Bear in mind that in your synopsis you are marketing an idea, which will be backed up with a specimen chapter and a list of chapters.

You must be original. Publishers need a fresh approach, even if the subject you have written about is common.

Be brief. No more than 1000 words ( original 50,000) or less. Usually one A4 page sheet is enough. The shorter, the better.

Write your name, address contact numbers (e-mail) at the end of the synopsis.

In the case of a novel, write down the plot of the story in one page. Keep the main points and discard the rest. The publisher will only want to know what your story is about, the basics of the plot, and what happens in the end. If he likes it, he will go on to read your specimen copy.

Be prepared to wait for a long time before you get a reply. Do not call the publisher and do not send a fax. Be patient. However, if you donÂ’t get a reply in the specified time, write or e mail to the publisher. e.g. You can say:

Dear Mr. Brown, (publisherÂ’s name)

I wonder what has happened to my novel, (title) , sent to you on (date).

I would be grateful if you could send me a reply at your earliest convenience.


Mary Smith (your name)

ThatÂ’s all. Now, you can start writing your synopsis.


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