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The Article About Nothing

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The Article About Nothing

Hmmm, no ideas? So what? Ever thought of writing about….nothing? You know this is actually common nowadays. I don’t know how you feel but I am overwhelmed about the abundance of information that can be found everywhere.
Everyone is writing about everything. The same subjects are written and rewritten and rewritten and I look and them and wonder how the hell is this supposed to help the modern man become more efficient? The truth is that we are in a hurry, our whole lives are spent running from place to place, trying to keep up with the others around us. We sleep less trying to make more time for ourselves, but we end up wasting that time on useless things.
How about TV ? How useless is that? I really think that you are in the danger of becoming dumber if you spend too much time in front of it. There are people that spend half of the day, that becomes half of their life in front of the TV. You know what the worst part is ? Most shows on TV are for complete morons … instead of watching someone live a stupid life on TV maybe you should go outside and live your own life…maybe you’ll start liking it.
Internet….oh this is a big one. At first I thought wow, what a useful thing, and don’t get me wrong, if you know what you’re looking for and how to find it, you’ll probably find it on the internet. The sad thing is, that besides information, it is full to the teeth with crap. People selling made-up information, spammers, people trying to scam other people. How in gods name is it possible to search for something and the first 10 or so results you find are scams? Let me tell you why…because these guys know SEO, they will do anything to be listed first in search engines to make more money. Instead, the good old sites that offer information and recreation aren’t well placed in search engines because they don’t do SEO, they just rely on offering good content .
This is not good, I’m at paragraph 5 and I still have nothing to write about…this is turning out to be just another useless piece of article, made just to confuse the common man. Another article in the immensity of useless articles that just take up space and help no one. Hope you didn’t reach this point and I’m really sorry for wasting your time in this manner, you know the other day I read something I found really enlightening. It said something like this : “If you stay and do nothing, you don’t kill time, you commit suicide”.
At least let me give you an advice I hope you’ll take, because it’s for your own good. Stop wasting time and do something with your life. Never say I’ll do this tomorrow, if you have time, do it now, and live to the maximum !

Have a nice life !
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BONUS : The Banned Narrator-are You An Epistolary Novelist?

Do you like to write letters to those who have meant something to you? Do people like receiving your letters? Have others said they always look forward to your letters?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions you could be an Epistolary Novelist.

This novel approach to fiction writing is unique in that the entire novel is composed with letters written between main characters or a solitary writer.

One of the classic Epistolary Novels in Christian fiction is the Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. In this work two demons are conversing by letter to learn ways to frustrate Christians. These letters provided unique insight into the lives of Christians and how we respond to the world around us and the frustration we sometimes feel when dealing with other Christians.

One element that is totally removed from an Epistolary Novel is the narrator. Each chapter is composes specifically of a letter from of the novel's main characters and presents a perspective unique to that author. There is no tool to lead the reader in any particular direction; they are influenced only by the words of your fictional character.

Another benefit of an Epistolary Novel is that you can present many unique points of view because each letter contains a prospective unique to the fictional author.

It may be difficult to think about how to manage a series of letters, you must learn how to take your plot and direction through the use of one or more voices. You have to work at keeping the characters and voices separated so each letter (chapter) bears the unique stamp of the character you have developed.

It is possible to develop an Epistolary Novel using only one character. In this scenario the novel may read much like a journal with an entire series of events being passed along in a time stamped dateline.

You will find there are several issues in the story that may not be resolved in subsequent letters. It may be several letters before an issue addressed in one letter is finally clarified. The intent is to present a realistic representation of the manner in which letter writing takes place.

A few authors have used the Epistolary Novel approach using email correspondence instead of standard form letters, but the truth is you can set your work of fiction in virtually any time period you choose.

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