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Applying Neuro Linguistic Method In Creative Writing

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Applying Neuro - Linguistic Method In Creative Writing

A lot of Linguists and other scientists tried to establish a lot of methods to improve human memory and make the chain of thoughts and ideas more fluent and coherent. Robert Dilts was one of the scientists that established Neuro-Linguistic Programming as a way to improve writing skills and make then overall view of possibilities clearer. The scientist worked along with his colleagues and observed the work of professional writers to see the main difference. The presentation of it showed that it really helps to improve writing skills. This method can be used by individuals regardless their age.

The main aim of the Programming is: To determine the most active sense and concentrate on tailoring other four to it; To learn to concentrate on the topic and switch on imagination when necessary; Lexical interchanges make your vocabulary richer and nobler. The most important thing about writing is the topic examination. Thing about it as of the thesis statement of your paper and focus on possible styles you may use to depict all you have in mind: it may be a narration, a description, a memo or fiction. Do not forget about the reader’s preferences and desires. It may be a good idea to make a sketch of what are you going to present in a chronological or functional order and work in the direction you outlined yourself. The preliminary stage concerning your composition is ready. Now it is all about arrangement there are also several methods that can suit you.

1. If it is hard for you to formulate a bridge between the sentences, put a connection word you like at the end of each sentence in your mind to make it easier for you to comprehend the idea of previous sentence. This is a way to systematize your thoughts. 2. English is a poly-semantic language rich in synonyms that may be used in different meanings according to the text. Use the interchangeable variants to make it easier to orient within the text. This gives your language fluency you never had in your oral speech. 3. Instead of interchanging words you can alter them. The more lexical units that qualify the subject you use (adjectives, adverbs, participle, gerund etc.), the better. Be sure to apply this into the right style (your text may contain direct speech). A cue you’ve established has to be composed of narrator’s position, connection and sensory verb. The narrator’s position and sensory verb are to stand at the beginning of the paragraph. The connection can be placed anywhere in the text that follows. This is what helps you to develop a unique and outlandish style that is going to become a sample for your course mates. 4. Having mastered several methods, you can successfully use them and mix to your own liking and your abilities will improve with every written assignment. Linguistic research shows that this method is helpful in 92% of cases and the easy application of it makes the studying process enjoyable.
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BONUS : Are You An Article Zombie?

You are sick of duplicate content? Welcome to the club. What should you do different than 95% of article writers on the net?

Article directories and the web in general have been flooded by a tsunami of junk content on just about any topic you can imagine.

However, a great deal of this content does not contain anything useful and is pure advertisement or keyword stuffing. This type of content will hardly get read by anyone.

The people that produce this type of content I call article zombies. Their content does not have a soul. It does not inspire you or give you anything useful. They just bore you to death.

Before you start writing about a topic please make sure that you:

Have something meaningful to share

This does not need to be insider knowledge about a certain topic, but maybe an interesting opinion, a different view - some aspects not everyone already knows.

Know your target population

Before writing an article, know who your audience will be. Would you go on stage with your eyes shut? You need to know who you speak to. What are the interests of your audience? What pain or problem do they try to avoid?

Write for people - not search engines

SEO may be your initial motivation. But remember: There are more humans than search engines. Real people will read your article. If they don't like what they see do you think they will click on the link in your resource box?

Read your own words aloud before sending or submitting it somewhere

Too often you write something, but when you start reading it aloud in your own voice - it sounds stupid. If that's the case it probably is. When you make the transition from words in a computer to spoken voice - this is the first reality check for your train of thoughts and your narrative style.

Do not recycle existing articles

I know everybody tells you to take private label articles and rewrite them. My advice: Don't do it. If you start rewriting somebody else's article it will lose its own voice without getting your personal style into it. What you end up with is just a piece of text without a soul.

Have a strong feeling about what your are writing

This feeling does not always have to be positive. If you are mad at something - write it down. If you disagree with somebody else's article - great - write down your view. If you feel fascination - your words will be fascinating, if you are sad - so your words will be.

But if you feel nothing your words also won't have emotions.

So now let's get into the right mood and produce some really good content for your website - but first of all - for your visitor. Your visitor are human beings. Offer them what you would offer to a visitor in your home: The best you have to offer.

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