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Recycle Your Articles To Gain Tons Of Traffic And New Subscriber

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Recycle Your Articles To Gain Tons Of Traffic And New Subscribers

While there are many effective ways to get more traffic and build your email newsletter list, the one I’ve had the MOST success with is to submit articles for use on other people’s websites and in their ezines.

“But wait a minute,” you say. “Aren’t I supposed to be creating great articles for MY OWN e-zine?”

Yes, you are! And after your article appears in your OWN e-zine, you should then submit it to others. Over the past few years, I’ve found this to be the best way to get traffic, build my list, and increase my sales, for five reasons:

1) You can quickly gain FREE exposure to TENS OF THOUSANDS (or even HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS) of untapped prospects at a time. There are many high-traffic sites and ezines with high readerships that are looking for content from people like YOU.

2) Articles let you educate and share good information with your prospects. They also position you as an expert in their eyes, so they’ll think of YOU as the most respected resource in your field. (Traditional ads don’t do that for you.)

3) You have the right to promote yourself, your business, and whatever else you want at the end of every article. And anyone using your article must keep this information intact. (More on that in a minute.)

4) This is a tried-and-true method that will NEVER stop working, unlike the latest and greatest gimmicks to spoof the search engines. (Try one of those and see how quickly your traffic halts once the bottom drops out.) Search engines love real content and will always love real content.

5) It’s EASY, and anyone can do it!


Browse through your archives and pick an insightful article that really showcases your expertise. Or, if this is new to you, write a basic article on your subject of expertise. (Not a good writer, or need help? Hire a writer from

Publishers will not be interested in your article if it contains typos, misspelled words, grammatical errors, or inactive Web links — these goofs would compromise the integrity of their publications. So make sure it’s Kosher!

At the end of the article, insert a copyright notice, dated when you first published the article. Example: © 2005 Alexandria K. Brown

In exchange for your letting other publishers reprint your article, it’s customary to require they include the contact information you provide. This is usually called the “resource box” and it should come RIGHT after your copyright notice. Here’s where you can ham it up.

Don’t waste time promoting your actual business in the resource box. Why? Remember your #1 goal is always to get prospects on your LIST. You’ll gain MORE clients and customers by FIRST getting them to subscribe to your FREE ezine or special report. THEN you’ve got them! You’ll be in front of them regularly, and that’s when they’ll understand why they should hire you or buy your products.

There are hundreds of ‘free content’ Web sites and announcement lists where you can submit your articles for other publishers to use. Some even let you include a picture and other information about your website. One of my favorites is

For best results, take the bull by the horns and contact publishers directly. But not just any publishers — ones with e-zines that accept articles AND whose readers are your ideal clients and customers. A great place to start your search and build your own list is Charlie Page’s Directory of E-zines.


I know you’re probably thinking right now, “OK Ali, this sounds great, but isn’t this going to be time consuming?”

The answer is most definitely YES. In the past, you’d have to spend several hours a week just to get one article out there. It’s a lot of administrative work, requiring time that you probably don’t have.

But my friend Jason Potash has just released his brand new “ARTICLE ANNOUNCER” software that does all this work FOR you. It blasts out your articles to hundreds of directories, publishers, and other sources to help generate a slew of web visitors to your site, month after month.

My staff and I have tested Jason’s “Article Announcer” product and wholeheartedly recommend it. I urge you to see Jason’s information page NOW, and grab your own copy before the price goes UP in just a few days.

Remember also that if you don’t want to do any of your own article marketing yourself, it’s a perfect task to pass on to an assistant, intern, or freelancer. The key is getting it down to a SYSTEM, which is what this software helps you do.
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BONUS : Red Light Opportunity

Shuffling along the sidewalk with no place to go neither time to be of a concern, I was trying to think of what to do today. Making my way slowly down this avenue of congress of this capital city I already had a free meal at the eleven o’clock serving. As I strolled under the tall buildings casting shadows across the workers of commerce scurrying their way between the doors of the high structures I remembered what day of the week it was. Today was the day I could give plasma; I could spend the rest of the afternoon at the plasma center. Then I could look forward for an evening restaurant hot meal plus some change leftover for some tailor made cigarettes. A night at the mission could top it off for some comfortable sleep and a change of clothes tomorrow morning for my apparel was getting a bit dusty from a three day wear. My latest sleeping quarters under the Fourth street Bridge the past few nights left me a bit on the musty side. I had purpose for the day.

The street was usually busy this midday hour and today no different, I had to dodge between the suits of trade wear, trying to keep on the outside of the crowd. By the street’s end the crowd mostly had thinned ducking into other doors and I stopped at the crosswalk to wait for the light. Now it was either east or a west direction, directly across the street stood the gates of the capitol building. I had to head west a few blocks before turning north for seventeen more blocks to get to the plasma center. I started to get hungry thinking of a restaurant meal; the soup line after a few days kind of shrinks the stomach. A couple of puffed up looking fellows decked out in expensive attire also were paused awaiting the light. They took no note of my presence, after all I was just a street person and they were likely legislators coming from the high dollar restaurant on the corner heading back to business as usual. Something kind of clicked.

“Excuse me,” I said, “You know over half this capital town work for the state or federal or county or city and none of these positions hardly make any money of their own. All they do is drain the average workers paycheck, so possibly, do you think that maybe it’s time to downsize a bit like the corporates and be responsive to the actual needs of the working class which are actually most of your constituents?”

They ignored any sound coming from my person.

“Or perhaps,” I continued a little louder, “You can save some money by being more efficient in operations. Like general program funding, you could handle each case individually and wise up to the fraud that costs more than actual need.”

They shifted in movement, I could see a bit of uneasiness as they lingered.

“Maybe,” I gestured a bit sarcastically, “Rethink and cut half of these government workers that achieve no practical purpose except to spread favors. Also all of those many building projects just for your own wants, like those millions spent on that gym that only you and your staff gets to use freely and you know I wish I had your kind of free medical when I was working. Then there are those high price bids and contractors overcharging for every little piece, do you think you could put a check on kickbacks and corruption and save money by being practical as if this was your money you throw around? Oh, yeah, the new prescription laws you’re about to overcharge the elderly under that blanket of the drug companies, do you think you can simplify and make some rates as needed that might actually really care for the elderly instead?” I was kind of loud on that one.

The light changed and they bolted for the other side, they moved so fast I had to run to keep up with them.

“How about this!” I was kind of yelling now, frothing a bit, getting a little excited, “I use to have a job and you took more than a third out for your taxes, can you even imagine the burden that put on me? Plus all the sales tax, gas tax, property tax, service fees; I was probably paying way over half of what I made just to appease your appetite! You know what I mean?”

They had made it through the gates of the fence surrounding the capital, kicking up pebbles from the driveway as they ran toward the massive doors of the building. I ceased and stood my ground at the entrance, somehow survival kicking in and halting my process.

“You know when you do try to save money,” I screamed after them, “You cut off from the bottom instead of the top! Now just working folks are out of luck!”

They were running out of range and I was getting hoarse. Then I noticed a golf cart at a fast crawl speeding its way toward me, filled with a couple of security personnel. I fled the scene, thinking once past the border of this walled fortress they would cease the chase. I still had time to make it to the center and give plasma.

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