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How To Get A New York Publisher

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How To Get A New York Publisher

When you look at the numbers, it’s clear that the New York publishing scene is a tough nut to crack. The reality is that with 83% of Americans wanting to write a book, the competition for a publisher’s attention is steep. So what’s an author to do? Well, if your attempts for finding a traditional publisher aren’t bringing any results, maybe it’s time to think like a publisher, instead of an author.

Writing a book is the easy part, and while publishers look at writing style and voice, there’s a whole lot more that goes into a successful book than just how well it’s written. When it comes to success, a publisher looks at this much differently than an author does. Truth be told, a publisher gauges a book’s potential success largely by the author.

Now don’t misunderstand me, there’s market consideration as well, but the author’s “salability” is looked at very closely. What we refer to as a “platform” is something all authors need to have, regardless of their target market. A platform is not who you know, but who knows you. It’s your area of influence. A platform can be any of the following:

• Your business
• Your fan base
• Speaking gigs you have coming up
• Your email list of potential buyers (i.e. fans)
• Your website (if your site is drawing traffic and capturing email addresses)
• How well you’re known in your market

If you’re new to the book world (meaning this is your first book) you may not have a single item on the above list in your vault of marketing tools. That’s okay. Now’s the time to build them.

The next piece of this is to write for a market. Over the years I’ve seen countless authors write a book on something for which there is no market. They believe their book will create the market. This won’t happen. Ever. First, if you’re self-publishing a book you probably don’t have the funds available to you to “create” a market even if you wanted to. You may respond to this by saying, “Yeah, but new markets are created every day.” And yes, this is true; what’s also true is that while it may seem that these are “new” markets, they were in fact already existing but, perhaps, untapped. Finding these markets can cost you a fortune in consumer research, advertising, product/book placement, etc.

When a company like Coca-Cola decides to put out a brand new product, you can bet that millions of dollars has gone into this prior to the launch. When authors come to me and say, “I have a great idea and it’s never been done before,” I suspect there’s a reason why, a publisher will too. Now, let’s say that you’ve done the research, you’ve spent years working in this arena and you know there are readers out there. Millions of them. If this is the case then I’d suggest you show up armed with your (current) research and data.

The ability to self-publish your book has (thankfully) brought a number of books to the attention of a traditional publisher that might have otherwise gone overlooked. Why? Because publishers like what other people like. If you have a book that you’ve self-published and it’s done well, a publisher might consider this for commercial access as well. By “commercial” I mean consumer, trade paperback, mass market. The key is to keep a close eye on the track record of the book and document your success. This form of documentation will later become the resume you use to entice a publisher into considering your book.

I was talking to an author the other day who had a great idea. He had a hard time getting a traditional publisher interested in his book, so he self-published with the intent of getting a major house to publish him. With that he mind he solicited referral letters from bookstores. Why bookstores? Because if you can get a bookstore excited about your book and tell publishers it “flew off the shelves,” you’ll be a step closer to piquing a publisher’s interest. Why? Well many (if not all) publishers will solicit advice from booksellers on the sales potential of a book they’re considering. They do this because they know that the bookseller is front and center with the consumer every day. They see what sells and what doesn’t. Having a bookstore (preferably several) in your corner could be a tremendous thing for your future and the future of your book.

And finally, let’s be realistic. With 500 books published each day in the U.S., the competition is fierce for gaining the buyer’s attention. Your book is your resume and because of this, it needs to be letter perfect. You should never wait for a traditional publisher to come along and “polish” your book, it should be gleaming with perfection. Yes, there are always things you’ll want to change after it’s published, but having a book that’s edited with a cover that sparkles will not only get you noticed by a publisher, but by your reader as well. And in the end, it’s the reader we must reach. Once you do, the world will beat a path to your door.
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BONUS : How To Get People To Know That Your Book Is Out There

Ok so you have been through the writing process, where you have wrote that perfect novel, and rewrote it again and again until it's perfect. Then you found either a Publisher or Agent to represent you. Your book has been through the editing stage, cover art finalized, and a Published Date assigned, now what? Is the job done? Have you did all you needed to do to make this book a success? Nope, you have only begun. Now you have to market that book, get it into book stores, let people know it is available.

First off you need to find out from your Publisher or Agent where you book will be available at, who is doing reviews and any promoting they plan on doing. Once you have the answers to these questions you now know where to start.

A review is the first step to getting your book known. You can begin requesting reviews as soon as the Publisher has a final proof copy available. Most review sites can be found in the Search Engines by simply typing the Genre of your book, Examples are Romance and Sci-Fi, and the key words book reviews. You will then see either reviews done on books in your genre, which you can trace back to the source of the review or the actual review sites. Reviews are a great way to get the word out about your book and shows someone else’s opinion of it.

Your local book stores is a good place. I know what if they don't want to carry it? Well that is something you have to find out. More than likely though you can go and speak to a manager who will either point you to someone else or they can handle your questions. So how do you approach them?

Begin by preparing a summary of your book, maybe a short excerpt or possibly a copy of a review. Your business card, and if you don't already have don't fret there are many places that make them, and if you access to the internet and a printer you can make one online and print afterwards. There are keys things to consider when you design your business cards, one being your name, contact information, title of the book, and ISBN#. These things have to be on the cards, and they have to be in legible writing. Another thing to take with you is a copy of your book, now you don't have to give them a copy though many do. However you do need one to show them the quality of the books and that they are ready for sale. Besides isn't seeing something better than just hearing about it. Take cookies as an example, hearing about one is fine, but smelling them, touching them and tasting them is better.

Now that you have a basic press kit, dress nice or in character such as if its a pirate book, wearing a flowing skirt or men wear a ruffled shirt. Just remember first impressions do count and more than likely mean the most when you ask for that all important interview. Also don't be afraid to ask for a book signing these are great incentives, plus gives you a chance to talk to the reader about your newest creation.

I guess the one other thing to remember is have fun, you have fulfilled a life long dream.

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