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12 Tips For Generating Bright Ideas For Writing
12 Tips For Generating Bright Ideas For Writing
Are you running short of ideas for your blogs or articles? Is generating fresh ideas for writing becoming difficult? By following the techniques discussed in this article, you will be a writing power house.
1. Subscribe to a dozen RSS feeds on various subjects you are most interested in. Scan through the feeds every morning or at night and select a few articles for thorough reading. After reading the articles, tag them using your own classification system.
Classifying articles in different categories helps locate them quickly. Use Google's RSS reader for reading and tagging the RSS feeds. You will have access to your categorized articles from any computers connected to the Internet.
2. Subscribe to a few print magazines and read them regularly. After you finish reading an article, record the main points of the article in a Google note. You will have access to these notes anywhere in the World.
3. Use a PDA and carry it with you wherever you go. Better yet, get a PDA with a camera and cell phone. You will only carry one gadget for all your communication, organization, and content generation needs.
Take pictures of interesting places, events, and moments you come across in your daily life. Use the voice recorder of the PDA to record whenever an idea hits you. Every night, transfer the ideas from your PDA to Google notes and upload your pictures to flickr.
4. Scan through the comments posted by others on the online articles you read regularly. Record interesting ideas, pros and cons of an issue, and strong opinions posted by others in your Google notes. Leverage the wisdom of the crowd.
5. Have lunch with friends at least once a week. Bounce ideas off them on any topic. Mix ideas from divergent topics to create new ideas in you own subjects.
6. Use the time like driving, watching TV while exercising in a treadmill, etc. to think about your favorite topics and try to relate to things you observe on the road and on the TV. When you get an idea, record it in your PDA.
7. Go through all the ideas and articles you have recorded in Google notes and your RSS reader to create new ideas by giving new twists to the old ideas. Combine two or more ideas and change or improve an existing idea to come up with your own idea.
8. Use a variety of online tools like Technorati, Digg, Delicious, etc. for writing inspiration. Every hour, hundreds of new articles and news stories are posted in these sites. Check Yahoo's buzz log to find out what people are talking about and searching for. Quickly scan them to hit a few gold nuggets that can serve as springboards for new ideas.
9. Using on-line tools discussed earlier, select an issue and jot down all the pros and cons. Search Google to enhance the idea by adding more pros and cons. Once you have collected a dozen diverse opinions, you will be able to write an article based on those facts in a pro-con format.
10. If you are good at using data for analysis and comfortable in the use of a spreadsheet, draw charts in the spreadsheet and look for patterns in the data. Provide you own interpretation to the data. Illustrate your articles with charts and graphs.
11. To generate topics for your article, use overture keyword selector. Select a single keyword and run it through the overture. You will see a dozen or more keywords based on the search popularity. Copy a few selected keywords to a notepad. Now, take each keyword and do a search in online sites like Digg, Technorati, etc. You will see a number of articles. Read them to generate ideas.
12. Ask yourself what if, what else, and why not questions on an issue and search the Internet to find answers from different sources. Create new ideas generated from existing materials, provide step-by-step guide for somebody to practice an obvious idea, or offer benefits of practicing an old idea.
BONUS : 25 Ways To Fail As A Freelance Writer
1. DonÂ’t set yourself a writing routine or stick to it.
2. Always make sure that doing your writing is at the bottom of your list of priorities, and even when you are writing, if something else you have to do that day springs to mind, then go and do that instead.
3. If one of your friends comes round to invite you out for coffee, just go, no matter how busy you are with your writing.
4. Whenever youÂ’re writing, answer the phone every time it rings and answer the door every time someone knocks.
5. Always feel guilty for doing your writing instead of doing what other people want you to do.
6. DonÂ’t read any articles about writing, especially if itÂ’s written by an expert.
7. If anyone ever tells you of a simple and profitable way to make money from your writing, donÂ’t believe them and never try it.
8. Never take a writing course to hone your skills.
9. DonÂ’t visit any writing sites on the internet, and never subscribe to their newsletters.
10. DonÂ’t join any writerÂ’s forums or participate in any online discussions.
11. DonÂ’t get your own website to showcase your writing ability and writing services to the whole world.
12. Do everything you possibly can not to get your name known in the writing world.
13. Keep your work secret. Always put your writing away in a draw when you’ve finished and never show it to anyone – especially editors and publishers.
14. DonÂ’t enter writing competitions.
15. DonÂ’t submit articles to paying websites.
16. Never even think about writing a book.
17. Especially donÂ’t consider writing a profitable e-book.
18. They say you should write at least 5 article proposals or short stories every week. If you do write them, donÂ’t mail them.
19. If a magazine or publisher offers specific guidelines for submissions, donÂ’t follow them.
20. If an editor likes your work and publishes it, never offer to write for them again.
21. If you send in a query to an editor and donÂ’t hear anything for a couple of weeks, start ringing them and donÂ’t stop until they make a decision about whether or not to publish your work.
22. If one publication rejects your work, assume that itÂ’s worthless and unsuitable for every other publication and donÂ’t send it anywhere else.
23. Whenever you receive a rejection letter, take it personally and throw your work in the bin.
24. Never ever consider the possibility that, if your workÂ’s written from a different angle, it could be suitable for another market and sold again.
25. And if all that doesnÂ’t make you fail, you can always just give up writing.
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