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25 Ways To Fail As A Freelance Writer

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25 Ways To Fail As A Freelance Writer

1. Don’t set yourself a writing routine or stick to it.

2. Always make sure that doing your writing is at the bottom of your list of priorities, and even when you are writing, if something else you have to do that day springs to mind, then go and do that instead.

3. If one of your friends comes round to invite you out for coffee, just go, no matter how busy you are with your writing.

4. Whenever you’re writing, answer the phone every time it rings and answer the door every time someone knocks.

5. Always feel guilty for doing your writing instead of doing what other people want you to do.

6. Don’t read any articles about writing, especially if it’s written by an expert.

7. If anyone ever tells you of a simple and profitable way to make money from your writing, don’t believe them and never try it.

8. Never take a writing course to hone your skills.

9. Don’t visit any writing sites on the internet, and never subscribe to their newsletters.

10. Don’t join any writer’s forums or participate in any online discussions.

11. Don’t get your own website to showcase your writing ability and writing services to the whole world.

12. Do everything you possibly can not to get your name known in the writing world.

13. Keep your work secret. Always put your writing away in a draw when you’ve finished and never show it to anyone – especially editors and publishers.

14. Don’t enter writing competitions.

15. Don’t submit articles to paying websites.

16. Never even think about writing a book.

17. Especially don’t consider writing a profitable e-book.

18. They say you should write at least 5 article proposals or short stories every week. If you do write them, don’t mail them.

19. If a magazine or publisher offers specific guidelines for submissions, don’t follow them.

20. If an editor likes your work and publishes it, never offer to write for them again.

21. If you send in a query to an editor and don’t hear anything for a couple of weeks, start ringing them and don’t stop until they make a decision about whether or not to publish your work.

22. If one publication rejects your work, assume that it’s worthless and unsuitable for every other publication and don’t send it anywhere else.

23. Whenever you receive a rejection letter, take it personally and throw your work in the bin.

24. Never ever consider the possibility that, if your work’s written from a different angle, it could be suitable for another market and sold again.

25. And if all that doesn’t make you fail, you can always just give up writing.
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BONUS : A New Collection Of African Tribal Art

Each tribal art embeds the religion and culture of the African tribes people. The very essence of African civilization is seen in their craftsmanship as shown in genuine tribal masks and statues. African masks are depicted as one of the most important part of African tribal rituals. You can see a number of African masks displayed all over the globe in cultural museums and art galleries.

African masks are not made for commercial purposes. They are used in tribal rituals and ceremonies. Over the years, the African mask has been the icon of Africa's culture. They are used in religious ceremonies and everyday living. Not all African masks are old because most of them are used once or twice during rituals.

Creating your own collection of African tribal art can be very challenging. These are not pieces that you can easily purchase. Genuine African masks, statues and other original tribal art are very rare to find. Plus, you need a good eye to distinguish genuine artworks from those that are mass-produced.

There are a lot of antiques stores that mixes tourist-art with genuine African tribal art pieces. What you can do is to know more about your art dealer. You should be confident about your dealer's credibility before making an expensive purchase.

Before you purchase and African art, look at it closely. African masks are well carved. The worn out look is just normal. Always have an image of an original tribal art in your mind and you can compare it with the ones that you would about to buy.

The origin or the location where African art are found usually dictates the price of the artwork. The older an art piece is, the more value it has. Most collectors sell their pieces to dealers. Remember that African masks that are obviously restored decrease their value. If one artwork is very unique in design, prepare to cash out a small fortune. In buying African tribal art, size and appearance rarely matters. Uniqueness and quality are the two things that are sought after.

If you are tempted to purchase an "original" African tribal art from auction sites, be on the look out. Most auction art pieces skyrocket their price, not because of their rarity, but basically because there may be bogus bidders whose goal is to increase the bid value of the product.

The best place to look for genuine African art is in credible art dealerships. You can also find a number of online shops offering original art pieces from Africa. Be wary of fakes and imitation. Since you would not have a chance to take a look at the artwork itself, make sure that they have a guarantee that you can return the goods if you are not satisfied with the "originality" an quality of the art piece. Request for as much pictures as you can and if possible, request for a certificate of authentication.

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