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How To Create A Winning Title For Your Book

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How To Create A Winning Title For Your Book

Mothers of newborn babies are used to being asked, “What’s your baby’s name?” As innocent as it may sound, the deeper question behind the question is: “Did you give any thought to your child’s name, or did you just pick something out of thin air?” I submit to you, that there are millions of babies around the world who will grow up with names that people won’t understand, with no meaning at all, names they themselves don’t like. Many of them will eventually apply for and legally change their name.

Think of your book as your “baby.” This is not to belittle the birthing process, because after almost losing both my wife and daughter during childbirth on November 26, 1983, I believe that nothing can really compare to it. However, there are some parallels. As your book is born in your heart and makes its way out of your womb, and you finally announce to the world that it is here, how will the name you give it affect how it is received by total strangers? Will they eagerly embrace it, or will they be “like a calf staring at a new gate?”

Every advertising guru I’ve studied talks about the importance of a good headline. Claude Hopkins states: The purpose of the headline is to pick out people you can interest. You wish to talk to someone in a crowd. So the first thing you say is, ‘Hey there, Bill Jones,’ to get the right person’s attention … What you have will interest certain people only, and for certain reasons. You care only
for those people. Then create a headline that will hail those people only.”
Jay Conrad Levinson said: Every guerrilla destined for marketing victories knows very well that if you have ten hours to spend creating a marketing weapon, you should spend nine of them creating the headline. It’s the first impression you make, often the only impression, and the rest of your marketing weapon will live or die by the quality of that headline.

Jay Abraham points out, “A headline is an ad for the ad. Its purpose should be to reach only those who are most qualified to be a prospect for your proposition.” There is very little difference between a headline for an ad and a book title. A standard cliché is, “You can’t judge a book by its cover.” While this may be true, almost everyone does. An original and creative title for your book speaks volumes about you as an author. Even titles that are changed by the publishing houses reflect you, because to most people, the book and author are one. Your title should in some way mirror what your book is about. With a little thought, you will see that there are many ways to do this. Many successful titles have sprung from common phrases, puns, wordplay, songs, nursery rhymes, parts of scripture, and advertising slogans, just to name a few.
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BONUS : How To Create Effective Web Publishing Content

I frequently tell my coaching clients about the importance of regularly updating web site content. Fresh content keeps customers coming back and gets indexed more frequently by search engines. Novelty spurs attention, whether human or technological. A few months ago, I received a question from a student who really wanted to update his web site on a regular basis, but was struggling with finding new material. Here are a few ideas for generating fresh content:

- Update Existing Web Pages. Virtually everything in life changes on a regular basis. You may not notice it, but almost every aspect of your business changes, too. Did you recently update conditions of a service? Add a new product? Create a revolutionary turnkey solution that is likely to save your clients thousands of dollars every month?

Your web site should reflect the most up-to-date information about your business. Update the details and delivery methods of your services, add a new product to your database and web site, and by all means, don't forget to prominently display information about your new and improved solutions.

- Write Articles for Your Web Site. Articles are a valuable resource for your business. Articles on your web site educate your web site visitors and showcase your expertise.

In addition to posting articles on your web site, you can use them in your own newsletters, and submit them to other newsletters and web sites for syndication. Many business owners are looking for web site and newsletter content - let them use your articles, along with your by-line and resource box. This will let you leverage your articles and generate free publicity, exposing you to new audiences.

Many of my clients have asked me how to find topics for new articles. The topics are everywhere - in today's news, conversations with clients and colleagues, networking events you attend, speeches you hear. This very article started as a question from a marketing student.

- Start a Blog. Blogging is fast becoming the tool of choice for showcasing new content on business web site. A blog is an excellent tool to answer your web site visitors' questions, inform them about new products and services and tell them about industry news. Don't be afraid to share your opinions - your blog is the perfect place to showcase your business and expertise. A blog is an excellent vehicle for connecting with your visitors, as well as generating fresh web site content.

Updating your web site on a regular basis is very important. Put article writing and blogging in your business schedule - you will start reaping the rewards of frequent updates very soon.

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