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Factors To Consider While Writing Your Resume

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Factors To Consider While Writing Your Resume

There are a few fundamental things you need to remember while writing your resume. It should be neat, without any spelling or grammar mistakes, and it should be pleasing to the eye at first glance. This means that you shall never start your resume on brightly colored paper. White paper is best and your printer or copier ribbon should be dark.

ItÂ’s important to consider what your most favorable qualities are. Although every job is different, there are some aspects of your educational or employment history that will get the attention of the potential employer. Highlight these achievements during resume writing. If there is some task that youÂ’ve accomplished that will work in your favor during the review process then include that prominently on your resume.

Something you should consider early in the resume writing process is determining how to showcase your talents. This will depend on what the potential employer or corporation is looking for. If the potential job is dependent on work experience you may want to begin your resume detailing the positions that youÂ’ve held. This way, you can catch the prospective employerÂ’s attention and then highlight your educational achievements.

On the other hand, If education is a requirement youÂ’ll want to place these details near the top of your resume. It might be practical to develop two versions when you are resume writing.

Always keep in mind that any achievement that youÂ’ve had can bode well during the consideration process. This involves including activities like summer internships or volunteer positions. They demonstrate a desire to learn and to contribute. A potential employer will get the impression that you can handle commitment.

Besides that, youÂ’ll also want to mention any awards that youÂ’ve received. Employers recognize these and consider them as an accomplishment. These include things like honors awards or citizenship mentions.

Once you are finished writing your resume, there is still one essential step left to do. That is to proof read your resume. ItÂ’s wise to ask someone else to proof read it for you as well, because during the resume writing process you may have become used to the phrasing of the resume and for that reason you can overlook an error. If someone else scans it over theyÂ’ll spot any mistakes. ItÂ’s much better to have a friend or relative point out an error than the employer you were hoping to work for.

In case you are not comfortable with compiling and developing your own resume there are many resume writing services available for a fee. These individuals or companies specialize in developing resumes that are both professional and welcoming. They will gather your information and handle the resume writing for you.
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BONUS : Fc + Rss = Seo

No, this is not the new math. It is the formula for getting your web site recognized by the search engine spider.

The formula is Fresh Content + Really Simple Syndication = Search Engine Optimization.. This is an easy way to get the search engine spiders to come and visit your site on a regular basis, see that “updates” have been made, and get you ranked higher in the directories.

It isn’t that difficult to write a 300 – 500 word article about your favorite subject matter. What works for me is to set aside a couple of hours a week and knock out 5 – 7 articles at one time to use during the upcoming week. The articles are all different but are similar, so writing them in one sitting is a bit easier. Writing your own content is still the best method but article submission sites can help you out when you have “writer’s block”.

Getting fresh content can be easy with the many article submission sites available on the Internet. All you have to do is search for articles related to your site, copy them and add them to your site. Ensure that you credit the author by leaving the resource box, along with a live link, intact. You can grab many articles at one sitting and save them for later updates. Add some content to your site on a regular basis – preferably daily. You will be amazed at how quick your new site gets indexed and happy with the rankings of your current site as it goes higher and higher.

RSS is an XML formatted style for syndicating content. Users that have RSS readers can then pick up your content and read it at their leisure. Your content will then be all over the Internet giving you maximum exposure.

One additional tip is to add a news aggregator to your site. This will put current news headlines and snippets of the articles on your site. Again, this adds fresh content, making the search engine spiders happy.

So, a few simple adjustments to your web site can bring more visitors, happy spiders and fame and fortune to the authors of the original articles.

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