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Fiancee Visa The Key Point Of Foreign Marriage

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Fiancee Visa, The Key Point Of Foreign Marriage

What's the fiancee visa ? The fiancee visa is just like the identity card which can prove your Identity and status in one country.

If you want to marry with an foreign citizen and reside in this country , you must have the Fiancee Visa of this country. There are the different fiancee visa in different countries. For an instant, A citizen of a foreign country who would like to come to the United States to marry an American citizen and reside in the U.S. will have to obtain a K-1 visa. The K-1 visa is American Visa which can identity your status in American society.

Before you go to apply for the fiancee visa, you must ask for the fiancee visa guide which can make you know the whole procedure of getting the fiancee visa of one country.

Commonly, if you go to apply for the fiancee visa of one country, you should submit the petition first. Then, the people of consulate of that country will verify whether your are ineligibility. They will check whether you have any communicable disease,or dangerous physical or mental disorder as well as whether you are drug addicts or you have committed serious criminal acts and so on. If you have any illegal or dangerous acts, you will be considered as ineligibility. After you pass in this testing, The consular officer will ask you to submit some files, such as birth certificate,valid passport, Medical examination and so on..

The fiance visa is very important for your marriage and immigration. If you have no the fiancee visa, your immigration will become illegal act. If you immigrate to one foreign country and marry with the citizen but have no the fiancee visa, you will be arrested and punished by local government.

To be quite frank, the process of getting fiancee visa is very complicate, so sometimes, you should need a attorney and he will handle everything for you. Hiring an attorney to do this job, it has been become very very popular in recent years. Commonly, the applicant of fiancee visa is very anxious to get the approval and entry the foreign country soon, so if you hire an attorney, you can save much time and finish the job soon!

As above said, the fiancee visa is the key point of the marriage in foreign country. In the fast developing society of today, it is very important for people to masting the relative knowledge of getting the fiancee visa. Most people will meet this kind of question in his life. If you know this,you can handle this thing easily and successfully.

Generally, The process of getting fiancee visa is, mostly, a matter of getting your papers filled in correctly. Masting the correct and detail information of yourself and keeping all of your important file well will help you much in this course.
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BONUS : Financial Advice For Young Married Couples

Mention unfaithfulness in a marriage and more then likely your thoughts will focus on sexual relationships. Yet over 50% of divorces are not at all related to sexual unfaithfulness but rather financial unfaithfulness. In today's debt ridden society, the face of unfaithfulness is financial and divorces are happening much more repeatedly as a result of uncovered financial secrets. More often then not, women are financially unfaithful compared to men however financial unfaithfulness is wide ranging and will annihilate a marriage as quickly as sexual unfaithfulness.

Young married couples and debt are common however, they also form a cocktail for marital ruin. Often with a young married couple, one of the partners will hide certain financial things to prevent confrontations and getting help. As soon as the unfaithfulness begins, it usually does not stop until it hits the point of no return. At this point, financial debts become too big to hide and either the partner will reluctantly bring it up or the other partner will discover it on their own, which will bring with it feelings of great frustration, bitterness and often is the beginning of the end for the marriage, especially if professional help is not seeked out immediately.

Men seem to be less apt to handle the financial unfaithfulness then women and when it is discovered that their spouse has been financially unfaithful then a battle will often begin. So what is a young married couple to do to avoid this disaster?

Be accountable to one another and help each other prepare and maintain a budget. When only one spouse has their hand in control of the cookie jar, temptation can often cause for the hand to dip in more then its fair share. This can often start out innocently but quickly grows into a problem while the other partner sits by innocently unaware of the financial burden that is starting.

If a young couple is set on only having one person in control of the budget, that is fine however it is wise to site together once every week and review the income and expenses and allow for open questions and answers. This will provide that additional step of accountability that is often more then enough to keep the temptation of financial unfaithfulness at bay.

Marital problems that are caused from a lack of financial maturity do cause many best friends to become bitter enemies and in any marriage, it can certainly be the brutal destruction of the foundation for which it stands. If you are hiding financial problems from your spouse, come clean with them immediately and seek out financial guidance. If you are not sharing the budget responsibly currently, then start.

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d'Antoinette BOILEAU

"Comment Éviter et Surmonter les Crises de Couple ?"
de Camille ROCHET

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