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Engagement Rings Buying Essentials

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Engagement Rings Buying Essentials

Engagement rings encompass in them the sense of love, commitment and fidelity, they are given at a special moment in the lives of two people, promising an eternal love and honor between the two.

So you are now faced with the first decision of your new life, it is clear that making a proposal is far more important than anything material, your marriage proposal is going to be remembered for a long time, and will be told over and over again to all of the closest and dearest people in your life. A marriage proposal is something to consider and reflect about.

While most people know that the intention of inviting someone to share your life with forever is the most precious thing a men can offer, many disregard the importance of symbolism in the act itself and the gift that comes with it. An engagement ring is a sign that a promise has been made and that a time of significant change will arrive in the life of the person wearing it. Do not forget that most woman keep their engagement ring on their hands long after the marriage, sometimes on the same finger as the wedding ring.

Most people choose a diamond ring as an engagement ring, this means that you need to learn a thing or two about diamonds before actually going to the shop to choose one. Understanding diamonds requires knowledge of the basic four elements, the color, cut, clarity and carat.

Color is the result of the composition of a diamond and it can not be changed, meaning that a diamond does not change or can not be changed into any other color . When a jeweler is describing the color of a diamond they are referring to the presence or absence of color in white diamonds. Because a diamond with no color allows maximum light to pass through, colorless diamonds are preferred for their sparkle.

The common thing to think about when thinking of a diamond, is the way they shine and the different facets they have (turning a diamond in light produces this affect which indicates the cut), the cut refers to a diamonds reflective quality. This is very important when shopping for an engagement ring.

Most diamonds are cut with 58 facets. The brilliance of diamonds is heavily dependent on the cut. The different angles and the finish of a diamond determine its ability to reflect light and cause its brilliance and fire. The cut of a diamond is very important, in engagement rings especially, because some woman have only one diamond ring – the engagement ring, you should pay close attention to the cut of it, sometimes a cutting fault can produce very evident flaws in the quality of the light passing through the ring, it is easy to notice, but important to know. The cut has an importance on the durability of the diamond, if you are looking for an engagement ring that promises stability you should probably make sure that the engagement ring you buy has been dealt with professionally.

Carat is the diamond industry standard, it is a unit of weight to measure diamonds. When speaking of one carat you are in fact speaking of 200 milligrams of weight. The carat itself is made of one hundred particular parts called points. These points in the carat are the ones you refer to when talking about points, for example 150 points in would be one and a half carats.

The clarity of the diamond is a clear indication of its worth, the clearer the better and more expensive. A ideal diamond ring should be flawless, from the outside and the inside, but that would cost a lot of money. The clarity is the factor of the inner quality of the diamond, since during the formation process some inclusions occur in most diamonds you will have to compromise for some kind of decreased clarity .Engagement rings are not expected to be perfect rings, with perfect diamonds, it is normal that a diamond on a engagement ring would not be flawless. To be considered flawless, a diamond must have no surface or internal imperfections visible upon being viewed by a skilled diamond grader using 10 power magnifications.

Carat is the unit of weight by which diamonds are measured. One carat is equal to 200 milligrams. A carat is divided into 100 segments called points. 150 points would equal one and a half carats.

Now that you know the basics of diamonds you can start shopping for the engagement ring, traditional engagement rings have a huge rock (“look at the size of this rock!”) on them, it is not necessarily the best way to go, try to think of the woman you are buying it for, what is her favorite color, does she have any sensitivity to any kind of metal, what is her opinion of diamonds and how flashy would she like her hand to be.

Do not be afraid to ask the jeweler questions, it is not every day that you will be shopping for an engagement ring, and speak your mind.

Good luck buying your engagement ring, and I wish you a life full of happiness and glitter, just like a brilliant diamond engagement rings has…
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BONUS : Engagement Rings - How To...

Even thought buying a diamond engagement ring is the same as buying any other engagement ring, there are a few things you should think about before you step into the shop and let the experienced salesperson talk you into paying your last 3 months of hard work away.

One thing is sure. You made up your mind, you are going to ask the big question, you got the night all planned in your head… but you still need a ring to seal the deal. Take your time and read this through, ring buying can be very expensive for someone who doesn’t do any research, There is much to consider when purchasing a diamond – especially diamond engagement rings, do what a men do and have been doing throughout the last 300 years, get down to your knee and look for that small box in your pocket… now try and get all those words out correctly, and you may have to start thinking about wedding rings.

Most woman will expect a ring to accompany a wedding proposal, so make sure you got some idea of what her taste is like and who she is, would she go for a small, modest ring, or would she love to have everyone understand she is getting married just by the shine of a huge rock sitting on her finger, remember that an diamond engagement ring is also a clear sign for society to start congratulating both of you.

Budget is an issue here, since one can spend unrealistic sums of money when you are talking about diamonds rings, try and think of how much you can spend (not saying how much you want, since we all want to spend a lot on an engagement ring) and what kind of ring you can afford, not everyone can put in a few months of his hard work into this, and realistically, maybe you should save a little for after the weeding, don’t blow it al on the diamond engagement ring. Usually the ‘two months salary’ rule is the one to use. This means that the ring should cost the equivalent of two months of your current salary. Consider financing, go to the jeweler of your choice and tell them that you plan to buy an engagement ring, and that financing will be necessary. Make sure you do not give in easily to the jeweler and start getting into the numbers, see what kind of rings you can afford, and what is the general cost of different rings.

When in the store, keep a negotiation going, try not to let the sales people walk you through the buying experience, be involved and alert, and stick to what you want. Keep talking about prices, what you actually get in each ring and why is the price different, get a few rings that you like in front of you and keep comparing them. The average salesperson works on commission, and that the profit on these sales is huge, you can cut prices if you know how to talk shop with these people, even if you are not good at this – you can always try this system. Compare as many rings as you like, put them all in front of you, keep asking about prices and make sure you go back to the one you like a few times. You can also say that you really like it, and ask if he can make the price a little sweeter for you. Not a lot of sales people let a sale walk out the door, if you play your cards right, you can cut some of the price.

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