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The Ups And Downs Of Marriage

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The Ups And Downs Of Marriage

Marriage is a very important phenomenon in human life. It is a tradition of society as well as a healthy concept for basic needs of opposite sex in life. It bounds two people to be life companions and is the foundation of family system of civilization. Often it divides life into parts. Comparisons between before and after marriage derive the three kinds of marriages.

Happy marriage: - Happy marriage is happy marriage in all prospects. Clear understanding, deep love, mutual respect of thoughts, faith, ignorance of silly mistakes and cool temperament towards disputes are the qualities. Such kinds of marriages are always an energy source for the couple. It doesn’t matter if the marriage is love-marriage or an arrange one.

Unhappy marriage: - This is the one, which others enjoy more than the couple itself. There may be any reasons for the marriage to be unhappy, but basic thing is the lack of reasons of happy marriage. Such marriages cause negative energy and produce mental depressions and tension. Such marriages are not long lasting, if even than, these lasts, (as happens in some tradition enforced marriages in India, where divorce is a social crime) they are always irritating.

Mandatory marriage: - These are manifesto marriages. Such marriages exist for social pretension. These are found commonly in countries like India, where traditions are very respective and hard. Both or one of the couple, is totally neutral about warmness of marital relation. Society and family matters much more than each other. Such marriage goes very calmly, without expectation or romanticism of any kind. Responsibilities matter a lot instead of relations. Marriage becomes an agreement in such case.

If a marriage is a happy marriage, it is a great source of positive energy. Now-a-days effect of professionalisms is transiting marriages towards agreements. Modern youth has a big population of people not interested in marriage. Live in relation ships and short term agreements of natural need are being popular. As such thought containers think marriage, more of a social responsibilities, than a love based life- long relationship. Arrange marriages are now eliminating or being converted into net-arranged or wedding- planner arranged. Even in such panned marriages, there is an important factor of testifying each other, before marriage. Currently professions are gaining lot more attention than marriages, so marriages are being secondary and late in life. After getting late, marriages become a responsibility, because everyone needs a companion, spatially in latter part of life.

For a well-settled happy life it is almost a necessity for a common human, to have a good family and happy-healthy marriage. In some cases, people decide to avoid marriage or to live alone for life long, as if they are doing something so important, that they can not take an extra responsibility or burden; if they had an irritating family history with parents or in past relation experiences or if they think living freely is what they want in life, so there is no need to attach themselves in expectations.

Some people like their marital life and some not. After all marriage is one of the strongest concepts of human civilization and a very traditional custom. In modern age there may be some rare difference of thoughts, but most of the world, believe marriages to be very important for a happy life. In religious view man and woman are incomplete without each other, system of marriage supports the completion very much. It prevents social crimes and helps in building a healthy social system.
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BONUS : This Husband Is Stalking His Wife!

Each week Burrel Lee Wilks III writes a column in his free weekly newsletter--The Burrel Report--answering questions readers send in, and giving other readers a chance to share their point of view too. Over the next few weeks Burrel has agreed to share his advice with you. Keep an eye open for Burrel and his unique style of "life coaching without sugarcoating" and don't be afraid to weigh in on the discussion. Send your comments to

Question of the week: "I 'stalk' my wife..."

Q: Derrick L. Mansfield asks: "Why don't I trust my wife? Every time she leaves home, I feel like I have to trail her. I've even skipped work a day or two so's I can keep an eye on here without her knowing. I know it's irrational but I just can't help myself. She thinks we have the perfect relationship..."

A: Burrel says: "First off, who are you fooling Derrick? She doesn't think you have the perfect relationship. Why do guys always underestimate their women. I don't know what triggered this insecurity you have, but I'll keep it real Derrick, you need some help man. Look at you, like a second rate CIA agent dogging her footsteps! If you can't get things under control, talk to her honestly about what's on your mind, and get back on track, then I suggest you get some professional help. If you don't Derrick you're firmly on a path towards emotional self-destruction."

A: Betsy K. Oklahoma says: "I had a wildly jealous husband and he made my life a misery. He followed me constantly, sat outside my workplace, called all my friends--even questioned my boss one day. It destroyed our relationship, and eventually destroyed him too. Today he's a shadow of the man I met, just holding it together. My advice Derrick is understand that this is your problem, not hers. Speak to someone you can trust. Tackle this now before it kills your marriage too."

A: Joe K. St Louis says: "Whoa man. Cool it. Rather than stalk your missus you should probably be stalking yourself--find out who the heck you are."

A: Phillip J. Missouri says: "I bet she did something pretty bad to trigger this Derrick. Can't imagine you just getting a bee under your bonnet otherwise. If she did cheat on you once, then I don't blame you for trying to catch her out a second time. Still you gotta ask is she worth it? The worry, the missing work, docked pay and all that. Could be time to move on bro."

If you are interested in finding out more about The Burrel Report, Burrel's free weekly, or would like to syndicate Burrel's weekly column please check out or contact us on

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