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Something Old Something New

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Something Old, Something New

The union of two lovers has understandably been steeped in tradition for centuries. Over time, some wonderful and interesting customs have sprung up around this important rite of passage.

One of the nicest may be the tradition of the bride's gathering "something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue." These four items each represent a special symbol, and the very act of carrying on this tradition provides a real connection with past and future brides and the people close to them at the time of the wedding.

The meaning of the item for "something old" has to do with the bride's heritage. Usually, a treasured family heirloom will be chosen, often a piece of jewelry.

Almost anything can be designated as "something new," including the bride's wedding dress. But to make it meaningful, many mothers or fathers give their marrying daughters a new piece of jewelry or another special gift, such as a brand-new Bible in which to record the family's names.

The significance of the "something borrowed" is usually interpreted to symbolize the support the bride can count on in her new life from her family. A very nice borrowed token can be as simple as a pair of lace gloves, worn by the bride's own grandmother at her wedding, especially if that lady was happily-married.

For "something blue," the hands-down favorite choice of most brides is still a blue garter or a pretty blue ribbon tied around her thigh and hidden under her wedding dress.

There is another part to the old rhyme, which is fast becoming history these days:

"And a silver sixpence in her shoe."

The sixpence symbolizes good fortune with money and a prosperous life together. One could substitute a penny.

This wonderful four-part "something" wedding tradition is often a last-minute scramble, which—far from diluting the significance of the wedding ritual—only adds to the fun and provides a lighthearted way to deal with the high emotion of the moment.

We're of the opinion that every little bit of luck helps, and it certainly couldn't hurt!
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BONUS : Speeches For Brothers And Sisters Of The Bride Or Groom

Attending the wedding of sister can be a lot of fun because you just get to sit back and let her soak up all the attention and love on her big day. Even if you have always been competitive, her wedding is one day where you want her to shine. Many sisters are so busy sitting back watching all of the planning for the big day that they forget that they also have something important to plan for: a sister of the bride speech. If you happen to be the maid or matron of honor you have probably thought about this, but it is also customary for the sister of the bride to give a speech and wish her sister and her new brother in law well in their new life together.

The sister of the bride speech process isnÂ’t all that difficult really; you just need to break it down. If you arenÂ’t the maid of honor you may just need to make a quick sister speech at the wedding and then you can pass on the microphone to the next family member to let them sweat a bit! Still, you should have something planned so that your nerves donÂ’t get the best of you. Your speech neednÂ’t be overly polished or cheesy if that is not your style, then again if you want to get sentimental you can!

ItÂ’s a good idea to start out with formal congratulations. You can tell the bride and the groom that you were just as nervous as they were, and that you are glad that all of their hard work and planning has turned out so beautifully. Your sister may like hearing from you that things look great, and are exactly as she planned. Then, youÂ’ll want to make the speech more personal, since this is your sister that you are speaking to. If you have a story about weddings from when you were young, like how you used to share your fantasy wedding ideas with one another or something like that it will spark fond memories for your sister and share a little something with the rest of the family and friends and the reception. Personalizing the speech is important, because you arenÂ’t just that fifth cousin who was invited; you are the sister of the bride!

To close the speech you can tell your sister that you can only hope to look as beautiful as she does when you get married, if you arenÂ’t already. Also, welcome your new brother in law to the family. If you share a common sense of humor donÂ’t hesitate to make a few clean jokes and then congratulate the couple and pass the torch to the next family member so that they can express their congratulations as well.

Many sisters feel as though they need to write some prose or something to that effect for a sister of the bride speech, but that is not necessary. Of course, if you want to write a poem for the new couple, that would be great and very sincere. But, you can go casual and simply tell your sister and brother in law that you are happy for them! Since you are the sister, toast wedding congratulations and a bit more and you are off the hook. Just make it sincere and let both your sister and your brother in law know that you are happy for them, in whatever style most suits both you and them.

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