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Seeking Love Through Matchmaking For Marriage Relationship Ii

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Seeking Love Through Matchmaking For Marriage Relationship (ii)

Why employing matchmaking service

Different people would have different reasons when going for matchmakers or matchmaking service. But certainly they have one common ground -- they are all serious love and marriage seekers desperately looking for long-term love and marriage relationships.

The following quotes nearly summarize almost all overt reasons why nowadays more and more people are employing matchmakers or matchmaking service:

"...Tired of chance meetings: Compatible Introductions will introduce you to many more compatible people that you could ever meet by chance in a relatively short period of time.
Time is a precious commodity in the 21st century: You don't want to waste time meeting people who have nothing in common with you.
Safety: All of our members are carefully pre-screened. We meet and interview all our new members personally.
Personalized and individual: we always inform you in advance personally before you are introduced to a compatible member.
No 'blind date': you see the person in a color photo before you are going to me.
Ready for Commitment: Our members are sincerely interested in finding a compatible mate.
You are selective: You want to know whom you are going to meet in advance.
You achieved your professional goals... now is the time to focus on your personal goals..."

"...Matchmaking services are a perfect alternative to pubs and clubs ... completely confidential and you know you are meeting genuine singles who are prepared to invest cash to meet someone suitable for a relationship or friendship..."

"...discreet, safe and caring way of finding a real relationship in today's uncertain environment..."

"...Most busy professionals don't have the time and resources for meeting other single, successful people outside of their own office, industry or social circle. A matchmaker has unique access to quality people.
A personal matchmaker can screen and pre-qualify the right matches for you similar to the way an executive recruiter screens candidates for a specific job.
It's all about TARGET MARKETING.
Sometimes, single people are guilty of selecting Mr. or Mrs. wrong over and over again. A matchmaker keeps you from repeating the same pitfalls of the past.
A personal matchmaker provides the privilege of a wide variety of choices. It's a 'numbers' game, but working with a matchmaker, there's an ongoing supply of highly desirable people to choose from.
It's more dignified and safe. You don't have to suffer the awkward indignity of blind dating or barhopping. With a matchmaker, you are guaranteed to meet people who you want to meet and who want to meet you one-on-one.
No more singles events, clubs or mixers with no guarantee of who you meet and/or if they'll measure up. A matchmaker caters to commitment-minded single men and women. Whether the goal is marriage or an exclusive relationship, an introduction service takes you beyond simply meeting new people. Its sole purpose is to introduce you to a sufficient number of pre-screened individuals who are more likely to be suitable matches.
A matchmaker represents many intangible aspects of a person's identity beyond what a simple photo and vital statistics could ever convey. And nobody likes the arrogance of someone tooting his or her own horn. Instead of bragging about yourself and all that you have to offer, let the experts do it for you in a much more objective and credible way..."

"Quality Singles... introduces you to great people you'd never meet on your own.
No Games - Online chat seldom works... for people who truly want to meet someone special and don't have time to play games.
Meet Serious Singles...don't just want to date. They are interested in meaningful long-term relationships."
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BONUS : Seeking Love Through Matchmaking For Marriage Relationship (iii)

Matching tools adopted by matchmakers

We could see what most if not all the matchmakers are basically applying in matching people is the nowadays "scientific" tools.

Following are extracts from some matchmaker sites showing the tools and attributes that are most commonly adopted for matching people seriously seeking love and marriage relationships:

"... is the only relationship site on the web that creates compatible matches based on 29 dimensions scientifically proven to predict happier, healthier relationships. To help you better understand these 29 dimensions, we've grouped them into Core Traits and Vital Attributes. Core Traits are defining aspects of who you are that remain largely unchanged throughout your adult life.
Vital Attributes are based on learning and experience, and are more likely to change based on life events and decisions you make as an adult..."
"...matches you based on compatibility in the most important areas of life -- like values, intellect, sense of humor, and 25 other dimensions..."

" proven to be more effective than any relationship tool on the Web. By identifying your traits, we determine your romantic compatibility type and suggest ideal matches for you. And unlike the eHarmony experience, you're free to accept those matches or do your own search based on any criteria you choose..."

"...matchmaking system is based on 30 compatibility factors based on research and long time experience in successful introductions..."

"...matched with individuals that are balanced and counter balanced with your Key Core Compatibility Analysis as well as your physical criteria, personality requirements, hobbies, interests..."
"...who don't have time to meet the 'right' person, nor do they have time to waste with the wrong person. Our Members come to us to find someone that matches their lifestyles, attitudes, values and goals as well as someone matching their physical requirements...
...Life is short - but if you are with the wrong person it is long, very long."
"...matches based upon your desires, goals, motivations and our instincts..."

"...'You', Will be Matched -- With People of
Similar Backgrounds, Similar Interests, Similar Values, and Similar Expectations..."

"...who best match your...Values...Lifestyles...Interests...& Goals..."

"...Do you guarantee a 'match'?
No one can predict how a relationship will evolve. Our objective is to connect you with an individual who meets the specific criteria you provide regarding what you are looking for in a lifetime partner (not just someone to 'date'). After the two of you make the first connection, it is up to the two of you to proceed in a manner that is mutually appropriate..."

"...Our culture, interests, political views, career, education, class, religion and income level all indicate compatibility. We match our members with people who share ideas and lifestyle..."
"...Other important factors on which we base our proposals are self-esteem, self-confidence, sex drive, appearance, habits such as smoking/drinking and life style..."

"...a profile based on personal background, relationship history, family values and interests -- as well as personality type. A unique Psychographic Matching Process reaches into the basic character and personality traits..."

The phenomenon is overwhelming that almost all people in the matchmaking service industry truly believe compatibility is the golden rule for love and marriage relationships.

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