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Relationship Advice For Over 40s

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Relationship Advice For Over 40s

If you are after 40, relationship advice can come as a real breath of fresh air to you or your relationship. It's very easy to get stuck into routines and patterns of behaviour that are damaging your marriage or relationship, and sometimes even the simplest of advice can make you see things in a different light. Check out the rest of this article for some tips to help you.

After 40 Relationship Advice 1
Remember why you are together-if your relationship has lasted a long time, there must be a reason. What were the reasons you got together in the first place? Figure out what they were and try to recreate them. Often in life we get so caught up in habits and routines that we lose sight of our actual reasons for doing things. If you can stay true to these reasons you can stay true to each other.

After 40 Relationship Advice 2
Speak to each other. Communication is the key to any happy marriage or relationship. And no, everyday “necessity” conversation doesn't count. Asking your partner to move their car or wash up the breakfast things doesn't count. I mean conversation for conversation's sake. Sit down with your partner and ask them about their day. Take an interest in their life. You'll be pleasantly surprised when you do. You may find that your partner is suddenly more interested in you.

After 40 Relationship Advice 3
Spend quality time together. An hour per night stuck in front of American Idol together doesn't count. Find some real quality time. Maybe find an activity or hobby you are both interested in and start it together. Even if you can't find anything, you should still strive to spend some good time together away from the habits of the home, even it means just taking walks together or something.

After 40 Relationship Advice 4
Don't bottle things up. If you have a problem, tell your partner. There's no gain in leaving things, in fact the problems are more likely to get worse as time goes by, especially if it's something that concerns both of you. Opening up to your partner in this way is a great way to develop trust between you both as well.

After 40 Relationship Advice 5
Have respect for your partner. It's hard to be kind and loyal to someone whom you have no respect for. You can show that you respect them by listening to them when they speak, and refraining from being critical about them. Criticism, although often meant well, can often get under the person's skin and cause them to resent and distrust you.

I'm hoping that this after 40 relationship advice will help you out and get your relationship back on track. Check out the links below for some more great help.
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BONUS : Relationship Advice In The Long Term

If you are having problems with your long term relationship, advice can really help. Being in a relationship sometimes means you can't see the woods for the trees, so some outside input can really help you see things in a new perspective. Check out this article for 5 golden pieces of advice.

Long Term Relationship Advice 1
Learn to communicate again. By far the most common cause of problems with any long term relationship is lack of communication, or lack of appropriate communication. Everyday life tends to blunt our communication skills, and before we know what's happened we spend more time looking at the TV than we do looking at and speaking to our partners. You can fix this by setting aside some time to talk everyday, even if it's just sharing whatever happened in your day. A great tip to get this going is to have a “No TV During Dinner” rule.

Long Term Relationship Advice 2
Arrange some quality time with each other. Again, everyday life can often force us into a life of routine, and sometimes our partners can become part of that routine. You can break this habit by starting something out of the ordinary. Find a hobby for you both to take part in and do it together. If you can't find anything you both want to do it can be something as basic as just taking walks together-the key is just to spend time together outside of the confines of your usual relationship.

Long Term Relationship Advice 3
Remember why you love your partner. When things become stale and routine, it's very easy to begin to see your partner as something other than a partner, just someone who lives with you, like a housemate or whatever. This is not a good place for your relationship to be, so if you feel like this sometimes, take a moment to remember what it is about your partner that you love. If you can remember what brought you together, you can make sure you do things which involve or bring out those qualities in each other.

Long Term Relationship Advice 4
Show your partner that you respect them. In a long term relationship, respect is one of the hardest things to get back once it has gone, so it's always worthwhile to show your partner that you respect them. You can show your respect by trying not to be critical about them and their ideas, and always making a point of listening when they speak to you. After a while you'll find that your partner will begin to do the same for you, and you will develop a better understanding of each other as a result.

Long Term Relationship Advice 5
Let it out. They say a problem shared is a problem halved, but I think it's even moreso when you are in a long term relationship. If you do have something that's bothering you, even if it directly concerns your partner, you are best of speaking about it with them. You'll usually find that if you don't tell them, things will get a little worse and a little harder for each day that passes. Plus, when you talk things over and resolve them in an open and direct fashion, you make your relationship stronger.

Long term relationship advice really can fix most problems before they get to be a big deal. Check out the links below to get some of the best advice around.

"Sauver Son Couple en 60 Jours"
d'Antoinette BOILEAU

"Comment Éviter et Surmonter les Crises de Couple ?"
de Camille ROCHET

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