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Quick Guide To Wedding Catering Part Two

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Quick Guide To Wedding Catering: Part Two

So you’ve tasted the offerings of the caterer and you’ve selected your main menu options. What about drinks?

What’s on tap

Much like selecting the menu options, you will need to factor in what kinds of drinks everyone would like to drink. The easiest way to take care of this is to offer a full service bar. In this way, guests can have mixed drinks of all varieties or they can stick to wine and beer.

You want to plan this option out carefully as you may end up paying more than you would like. Check with the provider as to how many drinks each guest can have, or can expect from the supply that will be brought. In most cases, there is no limit.

A word of advice: Don’t ever have a cash bar. Making your guests pay for their drinks when they may also have paid for their outfits and transportation is just a lot to ask.

What to choose for everyone

In terms of wine and beer, tastes and varieties are enormous—how does someone choose?

The best advice is to select four to five different kinds of beer with each one having enough to fill everyone’s glass. This may surprise you, but sometimes all of your guests will like the same thing and you may want to make sure that they can have it.

As for wine, you may want to have at least one of each a red varietal and a white varietal. This ensures a milder and more acidic selection. A way to make sure that everyone is happy is to find blends of each of these wines. By blends, this means to find a red that includes a merlot, syrah, and pinot noir, while the white might include a chardonnay, reisling, and zinfandel.

These can be tricky to find, but they are crowd pleasers.

Champagne for toasts

Toasts are just not toasts without a little glass (or two) of champagne. It’s common sense to make sure that the new couple and their wedding party have the very finest in champagne (as determined by the budget), while the rest of the guests have another variety. In many reception halls or catering services, the champagne for the wedding party is provided.

Of course, there will also be designated drivers at the wedding, so you will also want to have water, sodas, coffee, and juices available as well. When you’re planned it thoroughly, everyone will be well-watered throughout the evening.
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BONUS : Relationship Advice For Over 40s

If you are after 40, relationship advice can come as a real breath of fresh air to you or your relationship. It's very easy to get stuck into routines and patterns of behaviour that are damaging your marriage or relationship, and sometimes even the simplest of advice can make you see things in a different light. Check out the rest of this article for some tips to help you.

After 40 Relationship Advice 1
Remember why you are together-if your relationship has lasted a long time, there must be a reason. What were the reasons you got together in the first place? Figure out what they were and try to recreate them. Often in life we get so caught up in habits and routines that we lose sight of our actual reasons for doing things. If you can stay true to these reasons you can stay true to each other.

After 40 Relationship Advice 2
Speak to each other. Communication is the key to any happy marriage or relationship. And no, everyday “necessity” conversation doesn't count. Asking your partner to move their car or wash up the breakfast things doesn't count. I mean conversation for conversation's sake. Sit down with your partner and ask them about their day. Take an interest in their life. You'll be pleasantly surprised when you do. You may find that your partner is suddenly more interested in you.

After 40 Relationship Advice 3
Spend quality time together. An hour per night stuck in front of American Idol together doesn't count. Find some real quality time. Maybe find an activity or hobby you are both interested in and start it together. Even if you can't find anything, you should still strive to spend some good time together away from the habits of the home, even it means just taking walks together or something.

After 40 Relationship Advice 4
Don't bottle things up. If you have a problem, tell your partner. There's no gain in leaving things, in fact the problems are more likely to get worse as time goes by, especially if it's something that concerns both of you. Opening up to your partner in this way is a great way to develop trust between you both as well.

After 40 Relationship Advice 5
Have respect for your partner. It's hard to be kind and loyal to someone whom you have no respect for. You can show that you respect them by listening to them when they speak, and refraining from being critical about them. Criticism, although often meant well, can often get under the person's skin and cause them to resent and distrust you.

I'm hoping that this after 40 relationship advice will help you out and get your relationship back on track. Check out the links below for some more great help.

"Sauver Son Couple en 60 Jours"
d'Antoinette BOILEAU

"Comment Éviter et Surmonter les Crises de Couple ?"
de Camille ROCHET

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