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Prenuptial Agreements Should They Be A Prerequisite To Marriage

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Prenuptial Agreements: Should They Be A Prerequisite To Marriage?

While not exactly the glamorous side of a marriage proposal, the idea of a prenuptial, or ante nuptial, agreement is something that most people about to be married should discuss. In case a marriage doesn't work or one spouse dies before you have a chance to do a comprehensive estate plan, a prenuptial agreement can safeguard assets, protect one party from the other's debts, and make any possible divorce proceedings go more smoothly without unnecessary rancor. Since more couples are signing prenuptial agreements, you need to discuss this openly with your intended spouse.

Some prenuptial agreements can cover day-to-day details such as who will pay the mortgage and other bills or how child care is to be handled. Since more couples are signing prenuptial agreements, you need to discuss this openly with your intended spouse. If you both feel a prenuptial agreement fits your situation, you each need to see a lawyer to discuss it further.

Even though more prenuptial agreements are being signed then ever before, it is something to consider only if one of the following applies to you:

If either of you have children from a previous marriage. If you own a business or are involved in a family run company. If either one of you have significant assets which you want to keep separate. If you are concerned about the amount of debt of the other party. If you are giving up a lucrative career to get married. Once you have decided if you need a prenuptial agreement and what should be in it, the question becomes whether or not it will be valid and enforceable. There are certain essentials to creating a valid prenuptial agreement:

The agreement must be in writing and executed before the marriage, preferably in front of a notary public. Neither party should be put in the position of having to sign the agreement on short notice. If your future spouse confronts you with an agreement on the day of your marriage, it will probably not be enforceable.

The agreement must be fair and reasonable under all of your circumstances and based on full disclosure by both parties of all assets and liabilities. One lawyer cannot fairly represent both parties. Each party to the agreement should have their own attorney to prepare/review the document and answer all of your questions before signing.

The sooner before the wedding date that you prepare the prenuptial agreement the better it will be for both of you and your relationship. Either party broaching this subject is likely to be suspected by the other of lack of trust. However, since more then half of all marriages do end in divorce, having a prenuptial agreement should be considered a very practical thing to do and not a doomsday expression of your marriage's chances. In fact, open communication with your new partner could be the best way to start a new relationship.
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BONUS : Prevent Your Partner's Addiction Now

It's 3a.m, you're staring at the burning red numbers on the alarm clock that sits on your nightstand, and your thoughts are running a million miles a minute. Your significant other is out, again. You fear the worst ,and hope to hear the phone ring any moment. This has got to stop, you think to yourself, I can not continue to live like this. Well, if your significant other is near addiction, or already there, things are about to get a whole lot worse. Addiction can happen fast, extremely fast. Usually, people turn to drugs in times of crisis, grasping for something that will make their lives better or easier. Unfortunately, the vulnerability in their lives will be the factor that leads to an addiction. Don't think that all of the sudden the person you love will just stop using a powerful substance. They won't.

Something is driving them to use a drug, and until that underlying force is dealt with, they are not going to stop using. It can be extremely difficult to remove whatever problem caused a person to use drugs in the first place. Most likely, removing the drug producing obstacle can prove to be almost impossible. If it's a person's job, there's not much they can do, they may absolutely need that job to survive and feed their family. So, they will continually be driven to the drugs to alleviate their stress. And once they start using a drug, they will very likely not be physically able to stop, it may be nearly impossible. Especially if they are using a harder substance like cocaine. The brain will begin to physically change, making it impossible for a person to resist their drug of choice. The time to addiction varies from person to person, being dependent on genes, mental and physical health, and environment. A person can become addicted to a drug in a few weeks. Once a person is at or near addiction, your life, and theirs, will quickly lose touch with all reality.

Drugs cost money, and an addict will do anything to get their fix. If a savings account is available, they will start siphoning money off of it immediately. There will be fights about money being wasted, and your partner will just use that as an excuse to use more drugs. The whole scenario quickly spins out of control. If there is not enough money to support the addiction, your partner will do whatever is required to get that money. This often involves stealing or pawning possessions. If they steal, arrest is a very real possibility, and if they start pawning household items, and it works, then your house will soon have nothing in it. Using drugs is often a social activity, and if you're not participating, your significant other will find someone else who will. You will feel like a stranger when this happens; addiction will force your partner farther and farther away from you. This course of events will unfold quickly and painfully. Get as much support from family members and friends as you can, but also get professional support as quickly as possible.

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