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How To Thank 380 Million People With Class
Brides and grooms have to thank close to 380 million people during the year 2006. It sounds like an impossible task, but there is help. Wedding favors are small tokens of appreciation presented to the reception guests. Historically, wedding favors were valued little and often ended up in the trash after the wedding. The wedding favors of today are not your mothers wedding favors.
As the average amount spent on weddings has skyrocketed to $28,000 brides have a larger budget for wedding favors. Only a few percent of the total budget is spent on favors, so brides have to be creative to find unique products.
Brides have to provide wedding favors for an average of 165 guests. You dont have to spend an arm and a leg to buy stylish wedding favors. A couple of dollars per guest can get you a wedding favor that is going to be cherished. Make no mistake, though, a stylish wedding favor can make the difference between a good wedding and a great wedding
It is difficult to come up with gift ideas both men and women appreciate, so it make sense to have different favors for men than women. Men may appreciate an elegant wine stopper while you give a beautiful rose candle to your female guests.
Wedding favors can be a variety of different products. One of the most popular wedding favors is personalized chocolate. Chocolate is a sure hit with most people and it is only natural that chocolate wedding favors are a welcomed gift. One of the greatest advantages of chocolate favors is that they can be personalized. Often, the names of the bride and groom and date of the wedding is printed on the wrapper, while a short message such as Thank you for sharing our special day! is printed on the back.
Although destination weddings cost a couple of thousands dollars less than traditional weddings, brides dont have to do without stylish wedding favors. Many destination weddings are in exotic beach destinations where beach theme wedding favors are most fitting. Seashell filled gel candles are favors your guests can cherish for years to come. Dolphin wine stoppers or bottle openers are functional wedding favors that perfectly fit the destination-wedding theme.
Although millions of dollars are spent on wedding favors, many brides leave ordering to the last minute. The best place to start your search for wedding favors is online. The prices and selections are abundant. The fierce competition among online favor retailers drives prices down benefiting the brides. It is possible to find functional favors for less than a couple of dollars per guest. Just a little effort and creativity can promote a favor from a throwaway item to something wedding guests will have in their home as a keepsake for years to come.
BONUS : If Your Marriage Was A Business
Who Would Be The Chief Financial Officer?
In an informal, unscientific poll of random people, I asked which of the following three issues was the most common cause of frustration in marriage: sex, kids or money. While many scratched their heads and wanted to choose all of the above when I pressed for the best option, the overwhelming majority chose money. Not surprising, whether couples have a lot or a little money, it is not unusual that money conversations and decisions can turn sour in a hurry.
First of all, we have to recognize and acknowledge that we come from different backgrounds and have different ideas about money. Some people think Money doesnt grow on trees and others think Money is there for the taking. Can you see how Ann who thinks A penny saved is a penny earned and John who thinks Live for today may face some conflict in their buying decisions if they dont discuss money clearly together as a couple?
In business, when a company makes a decision that will require a financial commitment, one of the key players involved in the decision making process is the Chief Financial Officer. This is the person whose job it is to know all the numbers and approve or deny requests based on the financial data.
If your marriage was a business, who would be the Chief Financial Officer? Would you and your spouse be Co- CFOs? Do you regularly de-brief each other on the state of your financial affairs?
When Im working with salespeople they always tell me they want to sell more and make more money. My first question is more than what? Where are you right now in real dollars? If they stumble for the answer and cant give me a clear cut bottom line number, I know the problem is that they just dont have a grasp on where they are today.
How do you know if you should pull back and tighten the spending belt or when you can splurge on a fancy dinner or vacation without feeling guilty if you dont know the numbers?
If you dont take responsibility for knowing your financial reality it can only hurt you. No good can come of being in the dark when it comes to your net worth and bank account. Its only more frustrating for the spouse who does look at the finances to talk about money with the spouse who does not understand the finances. Now, Im not assuming its always the man who understands the money and the woman who goes out and spends unnecessarily. It can work both ways. It is not the CFO spouse whose job it is to explain the financial position to the other; its the other spouses responsibility to make sure they understand their situation.
Businesses look at their numbers constantly. If they didnt consider the numbers in all their decisions they would not be around long. When I coach a companys salespeople, they have to know on a daily basis where they are in relationship to making their sales goals. How can you make any adjustments if you dont know exactly where you stand?
Business people have to be comfortable talking about money. In our personal lives, this is as important as it is in business. Make sure you set up a regular date with your spouse at the end of every month to spend an hour going through the credit card statements and bank statements. Calculate your monthly expenditures and create a budget you can both align on so you know what you can and cant do before you have to consult each other on money issues and purchases.
Couples who work together as a team when it comes to money are much less likely to argue about money. Money is one of the most common things people argue about so talk about it regularly and ensure there are no surprises by planning, budgeting & setting goals, just like any business would naturally do.
Its much easier to make good financial decisions for the family when the CEO & CFO (you and your spouse!) of the marriage understand the balance sheet.