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3 Things To Pay Attention To For Your Budget Wedding

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3 Things To Pay Attention To For Your Budget Wedding

Getting married is one of your most important day of our lives. Some people tend to have a budget wedding as to save their money for some practical reasons. What important to know is that a budget wedding does not mean a cheap wedding. It all depends on how smart you plan your budget wedding.

There are many aspects that you can cut cost of your wedding expenditures. However, you should pay attentions on some aspects so that you will not sacrifice the quality of it.

First, Wedding Photography and/or Videography. A professional wedding photography can charge you anywhere between $1000-$3000. You might think that you can just ask your friend or relative to take your wedding pictures. It is a No No. Wedding pictures and videos are the only things that you can see or view to re-live your wedding moments in future. If you really need to cut your budget, try asking around from some photography clubs. There are some members out there who really have a hobby of photography and would not mind to give you lower prices. One good practice is to pay them first to do your pre-wedding picture or video. If you satisfy with the results, you can contract him/her again for you wedding day.

Wedding venue. If you think that you could save money by having your wedding money in your house for free of charge, make sure that your house if conformable enough for guest to gather around. We would like the guest to be comfortable so that they would stay longer. In the end, how could the wedding party be nice when guests are leaving early? Try to find good venue that match your theme. You would find that in some days or time, the price could be lower.

Flowers. Have you asked around how much it will cost you for arranging wedding ceremony flowers? You get shocked when it could cost you above $700 right? Some of the flower vendor could charge you very cheap. But the be careful of vendor that will show you a good sample of flowers, and when it is time for your wedding day, he/she will arrange the flowers with some "not fresh" ones. Well, you can always cut your cost here buy ordering the flowers that are in season. Or, you can have a garden wedding without adding more budgets to flower decorations.

There are other aspects to consider for your budget wedding. Overall, the important thing is to have proper planning for your budget wedding. You can cut cost up to 50% of what you have budgeted.
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BONUS : 5 Tips For Solving Marital Money Issues

Whether you and your spouse both work outside of the home, or one of you stays home with the children, it’s easy for one person to feel out of the financial picture. It’s important in a marriage to feel equal to your partner, on all levels of the playing field. Even if you don’t feel “stuck”, it’s important for couples to communicate openly about their financial situation, and try to better it together.

Most marriages have their financial ups and downs. It can truly be a test to your relationship with your partner in dealing with the downs in particular. Here are some tips to help you deal with these situations in the quickest and calmest way possible.

1.) Pick the Right Time. Find a non stress time to sit down and have a discussion with your partner. Me and my husband love to go on evenings out, because it gives us a chance to discuss important issues in a non stress environment. If you must stay home, make sure the kids are not present during the conversation.

2.) Come Prepared. Write down the matters you have been thinking about beforehand so that you can stay on track during your discussion.

3.) Don’t Get Emotional. Avoid personal attacks towards your spouse. Use “I” instead of “you” when speaking. Don’t be argumentative and state how you feel. Don’t point fingers, and don’t start a fight.

4.) Take Turns. Common courtesy will help you achieve your goals. Feeling equal to your partner will come with a general respect between you and your partner.

5.) Make a Plan. Discuss the situation and future plans with your spouse. Make sure you have a basic budget in place and discuss you and your partner’s vital steps in your financial future. Compile a money to-do list and check your progress often.

Remember the love you have for each other during the conversation, and listen
Also to what your partner has to say during the discussion. If it seems to be a bad time in general to talk about it, remember that there will be another opportunity to let your partner know how you feel. Let it go, and pick a better time in the future.

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