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Follow Thorugh Is The Key To Successful Discipline

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Follow Through Is The Key To Successful Discipline

Let's face it. There are just some days when it would just seem easier to let your child have his way than feeling like you're fighting a losing battle when trying to discipline them. They beg, plead, cry, barter and scream - anything to get out of doing the time for their crime.

However, don't lose your strength and your will during this time. It's times like these when consistent disciplinary action is imperative to teaching your child positive and acceptable behaviors. There is no room for negotiation when it comes to bad behaviors and there should be no room for exceptions when it comes time for punishing misdeeds or bad behavior.

Hopefully before any misdeeds occur, you've sat down with your child and discussed the consequences of misdeeds and inappropriate behavior or decisions. Be concise and consistent when discussing these consequences so that when the time to implement them comes, you can follow through with ease.

Children are classically testing the boundaries and limits set on them on a continual basis, and the temptation to 'bend the rules' just once or twice can be overwhelming when they're really trying your patience. But be firm yet fair. Emphasize that this was the understood consequence for this particular misdeed or inappropriate action, and that now is not the time to negotiate.

Afterwards, take time out to discuss the situation with your child, and if it seems that perhaps a consequence that worked at first isn't working anymore, rethink that punishment and negotiate with your child. Of course, parameters that are set for their well-being or safety should never be negotiated. But in other instances, it may be time to develop a new consequence based on your child's age, temperament or maturity level.

It's also imperative that your spouse and any other adult caregivers are all on the same page and following through on punishments with the same level of consistency and clarity. Should you determine that what was once working isn't working anymore and develop a new parameter, be sure all adult caregivers are brought into the loop so that follow through remains consistent and clear.

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BONUS : Fun And Easy Indoor Calorie Burners 4 Kids

Often for one reason or another your family may be stuck indoors. Physical activity is does not need to be compromised. You don’t have to have a home gym for your child to stay active during rainy, cold and snowy months? There are plenty of places to take your child when cabin fever sets in and fun activities that you can do in your own home. Always try to make activity a fun family time. After all playing with your kids is a great for you to keep in shape too!

Try these indoor options.

Gyms/Fitness Centers:

Check out your local YMCA, gym or fitness center for calorie-burning fun activities that they offer kids like gymnastics, indoor basketball, wrestling, kick boxing, martial arts, wall-climbing, track, badminton, volleyball, ping pong, swimming, racquetball and tennis. You could even get your own workout while waiting.

Dance Studios:

A great way to burn calories in a variety of classes including ballet, tap, modern, jazz, hip-hop, line dancing, ballroom dancing, yoga, free movement classes and other music/dance combination classes.

Indoor Rinks:

Ice-skating, roller-skating, inline-skating can fill hours of fun without even realizing you’ve workout.


They exist in most cities, and provide interesting, educational and fun activities that keep your kid on the move! Indoor nature centers or aquariums offer similar movement opportunities.

Restaurants with Games:

They’re all over. Choose restaurants that offer the greatest energy burners, including laser tag and other fast-paced activities. Most have salad bars, so plan on light meals. Another great option is to create an ‘Activity/Play Room’ in your house, where you set up areas for your child to try different activities.

At Home:

 A plastic tub filled with costumes, dress-up clothes, and accessories like crowns, wands, toy shields, armor, masks, vests, belts, shoes, hats, grass skirts, scarves, play jewelry, wigs...

 Boom box with dance music tapes or CDs to have family dance parties

 Build a tent and have a living room camping trip.

 Hop scotch mat, action games like Twister, Charades, Simon Says, Follow the leader

 Paddle balls, indoor ball toss games, bean bags, juggling balls, hacky sack

 Indoor basketball hoop and soft foam balls

 Jump ropes, skip-it, small kid-safe hand weights, exercise stretch bands.

 Try household cleaning with items such as brooms, mops, vacuum cleaners, feather dusters. You would be surprised how many kids love to clean!

 Do the “TV commercial boogie” whenever the ads come on. You’ll be amazed at how much moving you’ll do to the soundtracks of those endless commercials! And be sure to engage in collective booing when junk-food ads fill the screen.

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