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Beware Of Russian Dating Scams

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Beware Of Russian Dating Scams

This has gotten so bad the U.S. embassy has issued alerts to warn people about this. Here are the basics from the embassy.

United States citizens should be alert to attempts at fraud by persons claiming to live in Russia professing friendship, romantic interest, and /or marriage intentions over the Internet.

Typically, once a connection is made, the correspondent asks the U.S. citizen to send money or credit card information for living expenses, travel expenses, or "visa costs". Sometimes, the correspondent notifies the American citizen that a close family member, usually the mother, is in desperate need of surgery and begins to request monetary assistance. Scams have even advanced to the point where the U.S. citizen is informed of a serious or fatal accident to the correspondent and the “family” asks for money to cover hospital or funeral costs. Several citizens have reported losing thousands of dollars through such scams.

The anonymity of the Internet means that the U.S. citizen cannot be sure of the real name, age, marital status, nationality, or even gender of the correspondent. In every case reported to the embassy, the correspondent turned out to be a fictitious persona created only to lure the U.S. citizen into sending money.

These scammers have created male as well as female characters and entice same sex correspondents as well as those of the opposite sex. A disturbing recent twist are scammers who have connected to U.S. citizens through chat rooms for HIV positive individuals, posed as HIV positive individuals themselves, and asked for money for treatment or travel to the United States.

Correspondents who quickly move to professions of romantic interest or discussion of intimate matters are likely inventions of scammers. A request for funds almost always marks a fraudulent correspondent. U.S. citizens are cautioned against sending any money to persons they have not actually met. If they do choose to send money, they can take several precautions.

-They may refer to U.S. immigration web site for authoritative information about the immigration process and the true costs involved. For example, U.S. law does not require Russian visitors to have a certain amount of "pocket money" or "walking around money" in either rubles or dollars.

- They may arrange to prepay for a plane ticket directly with the carrier rather than wiring money for transportation to the traveler.
- If the correspondent provides an image of a purported U.S. visa as proof of intention to travel, the U.S. citizen may contact the United States Embassy in Moscow to ascertain the validity of the visa.

Be careful. Be skeptical. Think and then do your research.
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BONUS : Bird Dogging – Tell Her Friend Bye – Bye

We have to recognize that many of us, men, would like to have a beautiful, sexy lady as a partner, the woman of our dreams. But, in the same time, it's not a secret for many of us that usually these beautiful women are not too available, most of them being into a relationship.

What happens if you fall in love with a beautiful girl that has already a boyfriend? Let's say that you have met a fantastic girl, you really like her, but she already has a relationship. What you should do? You have two choices: or you take action to get her, or you let her go. This depends on how much you care about her, if you are ready to make all is necessary to get her.

Even it is a frustrating situation, you shouldn't be discouraged. Even if she has already a boyfriend she may be pretty curious about you and wouldn't want the existence of a boyfriend to scare you away. She might be even considering dumping him in favor of you, if she considers you the best for her. So, you should start your plan to get her.

First, you have to establish a method of constant contact, like getting into her group of friends, or maybe you know her already because is your neighbor; anyway, you have to try to become her friend. After you become friends, acquire a private method of contact like telephone number, email address. Also, you should take a look at her relationship. She may have a great relationship with him and love him very much, then your chances to get her are minimum, she may have problems in her relationship and want to end it anyway, or she may get rid already of her boyfriend, and this is the easiest situation to get her .If she sees you already as a friend, the next step for you is to make her sees you as a potential partner.

If you are friends for some time, when you are alone with her, you may start flirting with her. Also you have to have a lot of patience, until she sees your good points. You have to cover up your bad points, and show only good points, even if you don't really posses. So, do romantic stuff to make her think that's the kind of guy you are. Let her know that you are interested and wiling to give her everything she is lacking in her actual relationship.

As an advice for you, do not bring up the fact that she has a boyfriend when you are with her. You’d better wait until she begins to talk about him, in this way you can find out her actual level of interest in him. All you have to do is to keep up your flirting skills and work on how attractive you are to her. Remember that you purpose is to turn her interest away from him and to make her be interested in you more. So, intrigue her and make her curios, to make her start see in you all that is missing in dating with the other.

If she starts talking about him, you need to take a different approach, and go ahead and talk about him by asking a lot of questions. In this way you may find out what is missing her in that relationship and assure her that you can offer her all she doesn't get from the other. But never talk negatively about him; it is not in your advantage.
Your job is to get rid of her boyfriend and turn all her attention to you, but in a nice and positive way, without critics and lies.

So, after all, bird dogging is not such bad idea to get the woman you like, if you really love that girl. Bird dogging is definite as a situation when another guy steals a girl from her boyfriend; it is used as a nasty, unethical and immoral tactic. But we all know that there are no rules in love and war.

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