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Why Do People Date Online

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Why Do People Date Online?

Once upon a time, people generally met their future spouses when they were in high school. Then came the advent of the practically mandatory four-year college degree and people began putting off marriage until later... and later... and later. Now it isn’t uncommon for people to wait until they’re in their early thirties to get married, if they marry at all. Unfortunately, it is a lot harder to meet people when you aren’t going out to football games and rec-room parties, so... enter the glorious age of online dating.

Because gone are the days when online dating was thought of as strictly for losers (or worse!). The Internet is the ultimate singles’ bar—without the noise, the drunks, and the high cost of all those not-so-happy hours. Nor, thanks to online dating membership sites, do you have to depend on your friends and family to hook you up with people they think would be perfect for you—and who wouldn’t be perfect for, well, anyone, which is why they are still unattached.

But that’s not true of you. You’re savvy and know that online dating makes it possible for you to connect with a lot more people a lot quicker than you could any other way. You’ll find that person who’s perfect for you yourself, thank you very much, Aunt Myrtle. After all, there are plenty of fish in the sea, and online dating is an absolutely wonderful way to weed out the guppies from the sharks.

Because you do need to be cautious when connecting with other singles online. It almost goes without saying that most everyone stretches the truth a little, and it takes some practice to learn what to look out for. Actually, online dating personal ads are a lot like classified employment ads. You know, that ad that says a company’s looking for eager, go-getters is really after people who are willing to work 16 to18 hours a day for low pay and even lower appreciation.

The same is true for lots of online dating ads. Women will most likely fudge a bit about their weight, and guys are likely to add a few inches of, um, height. More serious lies happen, but not as often as you might think. These days, most people are trying to find more than just dates online, they’re looking for long-lasting relationships and use online dating sites to help with their search.

You may have some ho-hum dates that you’ve connected with online before you find the man or woman of your dreams. This isn’t necessarily because there are more ho-hums who are involved in online dating than with conventional dating, but that the pool of dates is much larger for online dating, so you actually date more or at least have chances to date more—and hey, that’s a good thing, right?
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BONUS : Why Do Women Love “jerks”? – Unveiling The Untold Secret & Mystery Within

Let us view the other side of the coin. What is it that a “Jerk” has, that makes women respond to him better? Even if they are voicing their dissent – nobody treats me nicely! The answer to this dilemma is simple: Jerks exude self-confidence, without even knowing it!

Consider how “Jerks” carry themselves:

1. When he is livid, he makes no bones about it, its all over his face and actions.

2. He hardly cares for the opinion of others. His ego state is at an all time high: I’m OK; rest of the world is NOT OK. Most importantly he does not idolize women.

3. He positions himself and his needs much before anything else. His sole priority is “me”. And talk about rejecting women? They do it faster than a wink!

4. He does not allow people to act rude or cheeky with him.

5. He doesn’t care if actions hurt or insult a woman.

Though it may sound irrational, but it is these qualities of a “Jerk” that a woman sucks up to! It is no wonder then that a “jerk” gets his way around. But a “jerk’s” problem starts right here. He goes to the extremes, thereby appearing to be a selfish, egoistical, coarse individual. There is of course a middle path, but it is essential for you to realize and appreciate why these people emerge triumphant. It is not rare that we hear women refer to such guys as “jerks”, as if they were talking in very derogatory terms about them, and all you Nice Guys go home believing that it is the opposite behavior that women are looking for.

The truth of the matter, when you hear such whining, lies in an amalgamation of two factors:

1. Women voicing their protest, because they can no longer be in the driver’s seat, so as to exercise “control” over the man’s behavior, which they are so used to, and,

2. The guy’s unpardonable “jerkish” qualities

Come to think of it, if it was really true that this alleged “jerk” was so abominable that no woman would touch him with a bargepole, they would not associate with him in the first place. Of course, his aggressive nature is attractive, his selfishness is very macho, and his unrefined, coarse ways are “cute” to women, hence the attraction.

Incidentally, guys who have been dumped by women after being identified as “jerks” are out of my consideration set, because here the woman has validated her opinion by dumping him. I am essentially discussing about men, who women love to date, be friends with, and simultaneously crib about.

An admirable man is a true and honest gentleman, whose manners and deportment are impeccable. So, what are the qualities of a “Jerk” you must learn to avoid being that “admirable” man:

1. Unreasonable and unjustified throwing of tantrums (teach yourself some self-discipline and self-control)

2. Physical or mental abuse

3. Impolite and discourteous manners.

4. Purposefully bringing mental agony and trauma to the woman.

5. Haughty, self-centered and impolite attitude

This article may be re-published with appropriate attribution to the author including name and website © Copyright.

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