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What Kind Of Dating Partner Are You Searching For

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What Kind Of Dating Partner Are You Searching For?

Do you know about what kind of dating partner are you looking for? Have you broadly specified the qualities that you are looking for in your dating partner? If not it is time you do that. Otherwise, you will never get satisfied with any dating partner. If you yourself do not know what you are looking for, how will you succeed?

Unfortunately, when we look for to buy anything, we try to find out what we are looking for. But when it comes to a dating partner, many of us have no clue about what kind of person will satisfy them. Let us look at some qualities that may specify your partner.

Physical - Are you looking for a great specimen? A smashing looker? Will you be happy, even if the other person is lacking in intelligence but has a great body? Or you need more intelligence and an Ok, body? Are you prepared to compromise on looks if your partner is otherwise good, or good looks are a must? Please think hard and decide.

Emotional - What should be the emotional makeup of your partner? Will you be emotionally satisfied only if you find a caring partner? Or you need someone for who you will care? Should your partner have his/her emotions ruling over the head? Are you looking for a very compassionate person or someone very tough and emotionally strong? Someone who begins crying looking at a miserable scene or one who will say - this is what life is and walk away? Emotions rule every facet of our life. We must know our emotional make up and also know about the emotions we desire in our partner. Please prepare a long list of questions about emotions you desire your partner to have in plenty and try to find out before you proceed further. If your partner is short tempered and if you hate anger, you will never love him/her. Am I correct? Please define your priorities.

Intellectual - Will anyone with normal intellect satisfy you, or you need someone who can write volumes on any given subject. What is your intellectual level and what kind of partner are you seeking in this area? Please decide very carefully about this. This quality is many times responsible for destroying relationships. Sometimes, people of average intellect manage to attract some one of very high intellect and then suffer from this complex all through their life.

Goals - What are your values in life? What are your goals about money, children, family life and other areas? If your partner has different values and life goals, it will be destruction right from day one.

If we know what we are looking for, we present ourselves as thinking individuals who know their minds to any dating partner. You will be respected for that and will surely attract the one you desire.
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BONUS : What Kinds Of Online Dating Services Are Available & Online Dating Site Reviews

Nowadays, there are so many types of online dating services to choose from that it's so easy to get confused about the various sites that are offering to hook up singles with a date. But those who are serious about finding their potential soulmates should take the time to find out about the various services that are being offered online. This way, they can choose exactly the type of service that works for them. This will increase their chances of finding their potential soulmates.

One of the most popular services available are online dating services that matches subscriber's profiles, with other members with the same interests and specifications.

Here's a run down of some of the more popular online dating services. These are some of the most highly rated online dating services that can be found on the internet:

Yahoo Personals- For a monthly subscription payment of $7.50-$19.95, (they offer premium services). Members can create their own profiles with pictures included, that they can then share with this online community of date seekers. Members can also communicate via Email, and IM. Yahoo personals have over 5 million members, and is one of the leading contenders in its field.

Dream Date- Has a membership of over 3.5 million. One of the exciting features that this online dating service offers is that its members can communicate with each other through voice chat. It also has text messaging, IM, and offers Email correspondence. In addition to the normal romance affiliation, it also offers its members an erotica section. All of these services are offered for the cost of $9.00-$24.95 a month.

Perfect Match- Perfect match is an online dating site created by the leading online dating authorities who pioneered, which is one of the original online dating services. It has over 2 million members. It offers a scientific inspired approach to match making. This site is a step up from other online dating services because it offers its members the choice to include a video message in their profiles! Members can take advantage of its text messaging, Email, and IM. The best thing of all is that all of these services are offered for free. Individuals who choose to sign up must create a basic profile, and write a couple of essays. First, an essay that describes themselves, and another one that describe the type of person they want to meet. Those who want to avail of their more advanced features can upgrade their account. Upgraded accounts offer: IM that includes a video webcam, initiating conversations, and an access to same sex and straight profiles. This online dating site is a must for all serious online daters! This is top on almost all of the online dating reviewers' list. It has a high success rate of matching people together. This site offers individuals a free trial that allow casual viewers 3 days of full access; but it does require participants to show a credit card before they can avail of the free access. Members are asked to create a profile, and post an add that includes one or two pictures. They can also add video greetings, and look through the profiles using their mobile phones. This site also provides a column that offers relationship advice, dating tips and so much more! This site has over 15 million members in 32 different countries.

Another way for singles to meet people on the internet is to post personals. This is different from a Yahoo personal ad, in a sense that individuals don't need to join a community. These 'personals' appear everywhere. Most online lifestyle magazines have a personals section included in their site. These are just pop-ups that randomly appear on the side of the page. It displays an individual's profile, picture, and contact number. If any person who happens to be browsing through that online magazine happen to be interested, all he or she would have to do is click on the personal. Then they'd find out more information about that person. The majority of mainstream online magazines that can be found on the net carry a 'personals' section on their website.

There are so many online dating services that are available nowadays, that individuals who are looking to partake, now have a choice of selecting just the right online dating service that works for them, and provides for their needs. Thanks to the endless demand of people who embrace this new trend in dating. Now individuals who are looking to find love have a better chance than ever!

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