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What Are Your Desires In Dating

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What Are Your Desires In Dating?

What will get you excited? What kind of woman turns you on? What traits do you look for in a woman? Does she have slim long legs or curvy hips and thighs?
Is she in a certain age group? Does she work out regularly? Athletic? Consider everything you can think of!

Now what personality type does your dream woman have? Is she outgoing or shy? Does she love to go out and socialize, or is she more of a homebody type that loves to cook and sew? Is she a lady or a tramp? Or a little of both? Write down anything you WANT. What are her music and food preferences? Does she like sporting events? Nightclubs? Traveling? Shopping? Does she like animals? Children? Does she have any children? Does she have a career? Is she a student?

You are going to find definite traits and requirements that you're looking for in a woman. Don't feel shy, or guilty, about these requirements. Never feel ashamed for who you are and for what you want. There are many kinds of women out there, and many of them will meet your demands. You need to decide your minimum requirements. You also need to figure out which qualities or attributes you are willing to compromise.
As you progress through meeting and dating different types of women your ideal woman may lose or adopt new qualities. You must stay focused on what you want, even if that keeps changing, in order to progress in a positive direction. By knowing what you want, you'll be able to eliminate undesirable types of women. You want to meet and get women you desire with little hassles or wasted efforts.

If you have answered the questions honestly you should know more about who you are, and what you are looking for. I'll bet that if you look over your analysis you'll find that the woman you want has similar physical and personality traits as yourself. No doubt she shares similar interests and values, and she probably likes guys like you. The information gathered here will be used later on to advance your plan to pick up and seduce the woman (or women!) of your dreams.

If you have not yet gone through and answered the questions above in writing!
then STOP whatever you're doing and answer them NOW!

It is in your own best interest to know who you are and what you want. Below we talk about what women want, so you need to know what you have going for and what you might have to change to become more attractive and approachable to women. Now that you know what YOU want, it's time for you to figure out what women want. Once you know what she wants, you can begin fine-tuning your own behavior to better your odds of getting Miss Right. Once you know what she wants, you then have the power to appeal to any woman and make her want you.

Women Will No Longer Be a Mystery!

For most women, it seems we hit a soft spot. In taking on this project our purpose wasn't to put women down, or to put them in check; instead it was to explain in-depth the fronts that many women unconsciously put up, the emotional processes that motivate their actions towards you, how to play off their emotional processes to make them think you're the man, how to recognize the signs of a girl that's leading you on, and then how to make her fall for you when you do.

This is absolutely THE DATING GUIDE TO END ALL DATING GUIDES. Women nowadays have a lot of attitude, and if you're a single guy there's a lot you need to know if you want a relationship, or just a one night affair. The truth is, women like the attention they get from guys, and that's why many of them go from one to the next. You have probably seen this for yourself. Susie Homemaker is a thing of the past. Many of today's young women are manipulative and scandalous and
most guys have found out the hard way.
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BONUS : What Attracts Women 101

It has been a well accepted fact that men are basically clueless to whatever it is that attracts women. In fact, some reports contend that women are so hard to comprehend that even if men master how to decode their body language, still, they just could not understand women, in one way or another.

According to some studies, 3 out of 10 men are can attest that they really understand women.

The remaining 7, you ask? They are out in the haystack finding needles. This means that almost 70% of the men population in the U.S. contends that whatever they do, they still could not figure out how to understand women.

For this reason, men are having a hard time to figure out what attract women sexually and romantically in a relationship. 6 out of ten men attest that women are so unpredictable that what they thought women are attracted to, they suddenly realize in the end that it is not the right things after all.

So for those who are still confused, dazed, and perplexed on what attracts women, here is a list that could serve as your guide if you want to know how to catch your girl’s attention:

1. Women are not attracted to “nice guys”

There are instances wherein some guys thought that in order to attract women, they must be good looking, smells really good, dress really good, and projects a goody-two-shoes image.

What these guys do not know is that, in reality, women are more attracted to men who project “bad-boy” image rather than those who are nice. This is because most women find nice guys relatively boring and uninteresting as compared to those who are funny and confident about themselves.

Surveys show that 30% of women value personality most. Though, this does not necessarily mean that women prefer nice personalities. What women would rather have are men who have lovable personalities brought about by their sense of humor and confidence.

The point is that some clinical studies done to uncover the truth about men and women revealed that men are, generally, more concerned with their looks, while women are more into the character and the way men behave around women.

2. Women are attracted to things that cannot be initially seen by the human eye

This goes to show that innate things, those that are not constrained by physical boundaries and limitations are what really attract women. Women are more concerned with what they cannot see literally. This could refer to personality traits, behavior, and attitude.

No wonder why most women would rather date a man who has good personality even if the guy is not good looking or he does not have a car.

3. Women are more attracted to men who knows how to handle themselves quite well

The problem with most men is that they are very egoistic that they are more focused on what the public would see them.

On the contrary, women are not so much on what makes a man but rather on how man makes out of himself. For instance, women are not concerned on the physical attributes of a man but more on how the man takes care of his body.

Another example, if a particular man is rich and famous, it may hold some possible attraction between the man and a woman. However, this will not guarantee that women will opt to have the rich and famous for a relationship. If the woman will be able to perceive how this man manages his finances well, then, that is the only time the woman will pay attention to the guy.

The point here is that material things like wealth, looks, physical attributes, education, influence, power, etc., still do matter. However, it these do not necessarily mean that these things are everything that a man needs in order to be attractive to women.

The truth is that in order to attract women, men must, generally, have nice attitude and personality. It is only when men make women feel that whenever women are with them, they would feel safe and secured.

Given all that, women and men view of the concept of attraction varies considerably. This goes to show that if ever a man would like to attract a particular woman, he should set aside his own point of view and interest, and instead, try to work out in order to catch the attention of the woman.

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