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The Romantic Man

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The Romantic Man

Being a man and being labeled a romantic is not always desirable. Or is it? Just because you like pampering your lady doesn't mean that you are any less a man than any other man. You can spend your day finishing your basement, working on your car, just getting your hands dirty so to speak but at the end of that day there's nothing quite like the look of love and care on your significant others face when you cook an impromptu dinner for her. And the benefits of what happens after dinner, or even before you get dinner done, far outweigh any negative connotations being labeled a romantic have.

Being a romantic man is not that hard. In most cases it's the little things that women notice. A glance, a quick touch or brush across her back. Sure, flowers are nice, but haven't they almost become a cliché. That's not to say women don't like flowers because they do, but if that's all you've got then it will only go so far. You have to mix it up, change your style and use your imagination to create romantic moments for the woman you love.

And here's the most important thing to remember. If you truly know her and what her likes and dislikes are then it's easy. Think of something built around something she likes to do. Does she like shopping (not something men even like to think about much less do), fine dining, walks on a beach, watching movies and the list goes on. It's all about doing something she likes with her. And the fringe benefits of doing this are the only reward you will need.

Now here's a little hint. While it seems like you may be doing something you don't necessarily like to do that's not really true. Let's look at the shopping example. And when I say take her shopping it means shopping for her. Don't go to the local home remodeling center, you might find yourself sleeping in the dog house for a few nights. Remember, this is romance.

You take a day to go clothes shopping for her. This is about her, but it is also for you because the idea is to go to the more upscale type of shops. Why? Because you are looking for clothes that she looks good in, that she will ask your opinion on as she models it for you. Not only does she feel sexy but you can see that in how she moves and carries herself. And if by some chance you can guide her into a lingerie shop, well you just might be surprised when she lets you pick out something and she wears it that night at home, or if your really on your stuff, back at the hotel room (now there's an idea: a night away from home).

A romantic man is in a win-win situation. And the best thing is it can be allot of fun for both the man and the woman.

And women, if your reading this. We men like to be romanced to, but then you already knew that!
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BONUS : The Russian Bride And Her Uniqueness

Your first letter

So, you are creating your dating profile. It's very important to mention your REAL height, weight, marital status, your age, education and occupation; consider adding some photos to your profile. In your very first letter to the Russian bride you can write everything you think worth mentioning in the first letter to a stranger – this can be your life position, some aims and hopes, your interests, a description of person that your are looking for. Remember one thing – it not usual in Russia to call a woman 'dear', 'love', 'sweet' in the first letter. She may think you are insincere or too emotional.You should avoid official style, just be yourself.

What things to discuss

Never be afraid of expressing your feelings and thoughts: the Russian woman is naturally very sensitive and emotional. Ask questions and answer hers in return. Your questions might be like following: What kind of a man would you like to see near you? What is more important for you: family or business career? Ask how she spent last week and tell her what you did all this time. Write about everything you find interesting. Ask her advice on this or that matter or difficult situation in your life, share your plans for the future with her.

It would logical to wonder about how long the acquaintance by correspondence should last. In this matter you should retain the sense of proportion. On the one hand, long correspondence makes an opportunity to know each other better. On the other hand, Russian women don't like inert men and will find long correspondence a great nuisance. Therefore you have to pick the crucial moment of transition to personal meeting intuitively. Then you should decide where your first date will take place - in her country, in your country or in any other country. On the one hand, it's more comfortable for you to have a meeting in your country – you'll feel yourself a master of the situation but for your beloved one it can be difficult to be in the unknown place and and that can embarrass her. Meeting in her country may seem like a better idea – she is at home and this fact will help her to be herself while your meetings. But the more fair variant is to meet in any other country – there both of you are in the same conditions.

Russian bride and her Love

Due to the reality of the Russian life (the wars and totalitarian regime) the awareness of the of the submissive role of women and to the fact the number of women in the country has always been considerably larger than that of men; this definitely can be the reason for this self-sacrifice and artificially lowered requirements. Since then the demographic situation didn't changed.

In their love Russian women often trust their hearts, not logical thinking. One may be a tall, handsome and wealthy fellow and still fail to attract a Russian woman's attention; the other one may be crazy about her and still fail to arouse a response in her. It does not mean she needs a man with physical or spiritual shortcomings. The thing is that she must fall in love with You and Only You and then you may count on all-conquering forgiveness and on absolute devotion.

Usually Russian woman does not expect to profit by her love, she is genuinely selfless, and she often sacrifices her career and her interests because of her family interests and needs. Devotion determines to a great extent the behavior of a Russian bride in love. For most Russian women the words of the church wedding rite 'I vow to stay with my husband in grief and joy until death separates us', are still the matter of current significance.

Russian lady and her husband

A married Russian woman has her life values arranged like this: children - husband - relatives - her home - her job. As you can see, husband plays one of the predominant roles in her life. Always he is a regular sexual partner. A Russian women nowadays, especially those over 25-30 years old, has certain problems with finding a man to establish permanent sexual relations with. So, the husband is everything to her. This is also proved by the fact that after the wedding the number of female friends of a young wife is considerably reduced: she doesn't need them any more because her husband also becomes her best friend.

The husband has traditionally been the highest authority for the Russian woman. She will not go out, nor make major purchases, does not take any important decisions without first consulting with him.

For Russian women, children have always been the highest value. If you already have your own children Russian lady will surely love them too, as if they were her own ones, because the beloved man and his offsprings are inseparable for her.

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