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Romantic Birthday

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Romantic Birthday

You are in love and your beloved's birthday is coming soon. Imagine the explosion of feelings. Already in romance, a person
loses all his sanity. Combine that with birthday of the beloved and you will get a perfect madcap.

I know of a lover who had sent 32 mails to his beloved on her 32nd birthday. He had no chance of sending anything else. It
was difficult to select 32 ecards, and hence all the mails went together, each expressing one particular message of love. Why
does one act like this? It is because of love. Love brings out the best in our nature. We feel on clouds all the time. Waiting to hear the beloveds voice itself becomes a great celebration. Looking at her/him is a bonus, and if one can be together for some time it is as if Gods themselves gifted this. It is romance.

A person in love will have the most difficult time on his/her beloveds birthday. What to do? What gift to give? Where to meet? When to meet? Mind goes in a spin thinking of all this. And the feeling of love is the icing on the cake. Till now we have spoken of love. Now let us talk of birthdays. You will find even people well beyond their every age, enjoying their birthday as if there will be no tomorrow. I have always wondered, why the birthday changes everything. The mood is different.

How the day manages to do this trick has always been a question for me. In the case of beloveds birthday, the combination is
of love with birthday. The result as I said earlier is explosive. Enjoy this explosion. Not everyone is lucky.

Enjoy life. Please do not let a single moment of pleasure slip away from your hands. You never know what the next minute will
bring. Life can be treacherous at times. Enjoy the moment with all your might and float in the bliss. The day may never come
again, as it happened with the lover of the story above. He was never given a chance to send 33 mails. The beloved had turned
into his biggest foe. The protector had turned the killer. Let that not happen to anyone again. So please, enjoy. I wouldsay, birthday or no birthday, enjoy your romance at all the times.
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BONUS : Romantic Candles - Can You Handle The Results?

"Romantic candles not only lighten our path but also fill our lives and spirits with warmth and romance. The exuberant energy and smell exuded by the flame touches our heart and soul."

That quote is from a friend of mine that writes for a living. I knew he was a big candle guy so I asked him why he liked to burn them.

I then went on to ask my friend to put into words why candles are so romantic, I can’t wait for you to read his response.

"Candles influence us in a number of different ways. Romantic Candle light spreads over a very small area, arousing a feeling of intimacy in couples basking in its warmth. Concentrating on the flame of the candle, relaxes one's eyes and one’s mind. The warmth created by the little heat of the flame is very mesmerizing and captivating. Also highly scented candles are like the icing on the cake, as they trigger the olfactory nerves and relieve all our stress."

WOW, I knew women love candles but I had no idea that men were equally as passionate about that little ball of wax.

All I know is after hearing him talk about candles the way he did I was sold. I wanted to rush right out and buy a few. I couldn’t wait to burn a candle or two in hopes it would relieve all my stress, and help my love life as a bonus!

That’s when I realized I had no idea where to go to buy candles or what to do with them once I had them for that matter.

So it was back to my writer friend again, I figured with all the candles he burns he surely could help me find the best place to buy candles and what to do with them when I got them.

"I buy my romantic candles on the internet believe it or not." Go figure I thought, what can’t you get on the internet these days? He went on to say

"I use candles many different ways to create a romantic mood for my wife and I"

Just as I was about to ask him what site he purchases his candles, his cell phone rang and he had to leave.

I did get a chance to catch up with him in the following days and we did sit down and he spilled the beans. He told were to get candles and how to use them to spice up the romance in my life.

I’d love to share these little secrets with you too, just visit the site listed in my signature below and you will learn my friends top 5 uses for romantic candles and how they will light up your love life.

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