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Romance Rekindle With Thoughts

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Romance - Rekindle With Thoughts

Romance is in the mind. If anybody thought that body has anything to do with romance, he/she must rethink. Romance is in the mind and the heart. Romance is in the eyes. Romance is in words. Romance is in music. Romance is in beauty.

Imagine looking at a wreck. Now think of romance. You will fail. Go to a spot of beauty, say a mountain range. You will not have to think of romance. It will happen. Similarly listen to some noises and think about your sweetheart. You will not be able to. Now put on some lovely music and your thought will automatically turn to your darling. Romance has to do with senses. The senses receive stimuli and take us to the phase of romance. If you can combine a beautiful sight, with lovely music and love thoughts, you will be creating a romantic atmosphere in a short time. You will not have to do it. It will happen.

We all face typical problems. We work most of the times in surroundings that are highly unromantic. No four walls, full of cubicles and people working on their computers can by any stretch of imagination be called romantic. What if you download a screensaver that combines beautiful visuals, lovely music and text that can create love in no time? You will feel romantic watching it even sitting in the same work place full of cubicles. Am I right? You can do it now. Such screensavers are being offered on the Internet. You have a large choice and can download as many as you want at no cost. Whenever you are feeling unexcited and tired with your work, remove the stress and go in the mood of romance with such screensavers that are full of love thoughts.

Romance is enchanting. Romance is life giving. If you are in romantic love, please don't waste any time. Enjoy the love as much as you can. One day, that love will disappear. It is like a small kid. Parents who miss loving their kid when he/she is small, find that after some years they can never do that. The clock does not turn back. Same applies with romance. Bring romance thoughts in front of you and enjoy the bliss now.
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BONUS : Romance - What If You Are Not An Alpha Male?

There is a lot of talk about alpha male in the articles. Who is an alpha male? Somebody who looks very confident, a winner, has animal appeal, knows how to attract women and leads from the front. Unfortunately most of us are not alpha males. I wonder how many of our romantic poets were alpha males? What to do if you are not an alpha male? How to be a romantic?

What is romance? In simple English to be in romance means to love each other intensely. It does not mean anything more than that. How do you get a girl to fall in love with you that is intense and passionate? For that is it necessary to have looks like a movie star? No. What it needs is intensity in the eyes. Create intensity in your eyes. Let your eyes give that come hither look. Let your eyes have that dreamy look. Let your eyes speak about your love. Gaze into the eyes of your beloved without speaking a word for few minutes and you will win her forever.

What about words and voice? Do you need to have husky voice and great vocabulary? No. Does saying I Love You need great vocabulary? It is the way you speak that affects the hormones. Make your voice as love filled as possible. Let the girl feel very special with your words. Let her feel that she is the princess and you are trying to win her over. Speak few words. But speak them with a voice full of love and care. Handle her as if she is as fragile as a china piece. Treat her as if she is more precious than the whole world. Let her feel very wanted. Let her feel loved. Let her feel the love and let her dream of that. Take her to a world with your voice and actions to a world she had never dreamt of. She will be yours forever.

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