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Online Dating Is It Still Just For Geeks

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Online Dating – Is It Still Just For Geeks?

In this article, I will try to answer some of those questions for you. I’m not promoting a particular online dating service or even online dating in general. However, I do believe people want to know a little more about what online dating is and what they need to be aware of and beware of if they choose to participate in online dating.

One of the things people need to consider, whether they meet someone in a chatroom, a forum, or in an online dating website, is that a person’s personality online in most cases does not equal that of their personality when you meet them in person. They may be very shy online, but not in person, and vice versa, which is the more likely of the two.

People tend to be more blunt, outgoing, and talkative online because of several reasons. Online they have a buffer zone between themselves and you. Sometimes that makes them feel more comfortable than they would be if you were sitting in front of them. People also tend to be braver online than offline for the same reasons.

One thing to beware of is that people also tend to lie more online than they could get away with in person. They can tell you they look like Tom Cruise or Jessica Simpson. And that’s just the guys. They may even use someone else’s picture in place of their own.

Before meeting anyone in person that you met on the Internet or at an Online Dating Service, you need to know all you can about them. Especially for you girls and women who are out there looking to use an online dating service.

Unfortunately, there are men out there who will take advantage of you and even those that might cause you harm. If you plan on meeting a man or boy in person, you need to let several of your friends know where you are going to meet him, who he is, and as much information you can give them. If you can take a friend with you, that’s even better. Always meet in a very public place and don’t go anywhere to be alone with them until you know a lot more about them.

Remember, you may have liked their online personality, but in person you may not like them at all. That does not only have to do with the way they look. It may be about their personality. However, if they do not look like or are not the same person in the pictures they sent you, leave immediately. They have already started off by lying to you, so it is not going to get better from there.

I don’t want to scare anyone off, because online dating can be a great way to meet people and start dating. You may even find your true love. I just want you to be cautious.

Many people have even married the person they met through online dating websites. It can be a great experience as long as you go in with both eyes open and realize you will meet all types, just as you do in everyday life.

There was a time when online dating was considered to be for geeks who couldn’t get a date anywhere else. That hasn’t been true for a long time if it ever was. Now many professional men and women use online dating as a way to meet new people because the demands on them from their professions require so much of their time that it leaves little time for socializing.

Others are just shy. They pass up opportunities to get to know people out there who might be Mr. or Mrs. Right because they never seem to make their move before the opportunity is lost. Online, they don’t have that same problem. So for someone who is shy, online dating can be a great way for them to meet people.

With many online dating services they do their best to make sure you are chatting with people who have similar interests. That helps break the ice, but don’t only try to meet people with similar interests. Remember the old saying, “Opposites Attract.” Don’t assume that because both of you like many different things that it cannot possibly work out. I’ll bet you know couples who seem to be two opposite people but still make one great couple.

As with any service you might pay for online, making sure you are dealing with a legitimate company is very important. Many online dating services are out for the money and will continue trying to sell you more and more products. Signing up with them is like agreeing to accept all the spam mail they can generate to you.

There are legitimate online dating websites that only wish to provide a good service for a reasonable signup fee. Ask around online. Find a website other people you know recommend. If you cannot get advice on which one to join, search the Internet for complaints about those you are considering. Find out all you can about them, then make your choice.

I hope this article has helped you learn a little more about online dating. However, you will never know more about it unless you are willing to try it. You don’t have to pick someone at an online dating service and meet them in person. Maybe you will just enjoy meeting them and communicating with them through the online dating service. Remember, you are in control.
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BONUS : Online Dating Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

Online dating is a great way for people to find love, but it’s not always as easy and straightforward as we would like it to be. Many people spend months trying to meet the person of their dreams on the Internet and get nowhere. The checklist below will help you troubleshoot your cyber dating experience if things are not going as well as you would like them to.

Have you uploaded a picture?

We’d all like to be loved and appreciated for more than just our appearance, but the fact is, online daters like to know who they are talking to. Many people won’t bother contacting someone who hasn’t uploaded a picture, thinking that person obviously has something to hide. A good picture is one that shows people what you look like. Don’t be put off uploading one if you are not conventionally “beautiful”. Whatever you look like, it’s a safe bet to assume that people who look like you meet and fall in love all the time. Uploading a clear picture where you’re smiling and look friendly is your best bet. Headshots are best, with full body shots OK as a second picture.
Uploading pictures of anything or anyone that is obviously not you will only damage your chances.

Is your profile as good as it can be?

Your aim when writing a profile is to make people want to get to know you. With thousands or even millions of people on a dating site, putting up a profile that says nothing but “ask me”, won’t make anyone want to contact you, unless you are a beautiful woman and have uploaded a photo (in which case, only guys who are after sex would bother contacting you). Show people a bit about who you are by writing a profile they will actually want to read. Spend some time actually describing yourself, rather than just listing adjectives (such as “I’m generous, friendly, good cook” etc.) anyone can write the words “I’m funny” but not everyone can make you laugh.

Have you tried contacting people?

Whether you are a man or a woman, it helps to get out there and contact people yourself. Online dating is fast moving us from the times when men were the ones who had to make first contact and women had to sit back and wait or be thought of as too “forward”. With so many thousands of people to choose from, the person you want to talk to may never have a chance to browse your profile unless you let them know you exist, so do it! Regardless of whether they’re interested in you or not, no one will ever hold it against you if you send him/her a message.

How did you communicate?

You think your profile is as good as can be, you’ve uploaded a friendly picture and have sent messages to as many people as you’ve seen but still no response. What now? The next questions to ask involve the way you communicate with others. Was your message too short? Just writing “hi” or other impersonal, short messages can make people think your message was not sent personally to them or that you didn’t feel they were worth spending a few more minutes coming up with something better to write. Try to write a couple of paragraphs and make the message sound like you’ve put some thought into it. Maybe comment on that person’s profile and say why you chose to contact him/her. Unless you are on a web site where the premise is people have come there looking for sex, don’t be too forward. It would most likely not be appreciated.

Are you ready for dating?

Sometimes people start dating again too soon after a recent break up. Every one of us has done this and we usually can’t tell ourselves whether it’s too early. Sometimes it’s easy for other people to tell, though. If you’ve followed all the advice in this article, contacted some people, started communicating and then never heard back, you could be subconsciously sending people signals that you are not ready. Maybe you’ve spent too much time talking about your ex, or about how you feel all men/women are cheaters and liars etc. If you’ve recently come out of a relationship, it may be that you need to give yourself time to grieve or to consolidate what you’ve learned from the experience before you move on. There is nothing wrong with this and we all heal at our own pace. Go at your own pace, not anyone else’s.

Is this the site for you?

Sometimes it does happen that the online dating site you’re using is not right for you. If you’ve spend a few months on a site, have tried your best, uploaded your best picture, sent good messages to people and have gotten nowhere, it could be time to change. Take a look around other dating sites and sign up for some free trials. In online dating, like in the world of flat hunting, location is sometimes everything.

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