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No Prince Charming You Ve Got To Be Kidding Me

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No Prince Charming - You’ve Got To Be Kidding Me

It all started with, “Once upon a time there lived a noble gentleman who had a little girl.”

Stop right there and rewind! Before we get to the end of this story, where two people go off and live a fairy tale life, I have to tell you that there is no Prince Charming.

The sooner that we ladies wake up and realize that, the better life will be.

The average woman spends her life waiting for that perfect man, the one who completes her. He’s the one for whom she would not only give her heart, but her life. She keeps hoping and praying that Prince Charming will ride up on his horse and sweep her off her feet, and then they’ll ride off together and live happily ever after.

What you see in movies and read in books isn’t what real relationships are about.

The perfect man isn't out there. Do you want to know why he isn’t out there? Because, he doesn’t exist! In my opinion, there is no such thing as perfect. Like every woman, each man has his flaws, his weaknesses, and his strengths. How can a woman expect a perfect man, when we as women are not perfect?

In the movie, “The Perfect Man” Holly Hamilton (played by Hillary Duff) creates the illusion of "the perfect man" for her single mother, Jean Hamilton (played by Heather Locklear) who believes that she needs a man to be complete. Along the way Holly and Jean both learn that life isn’t really all that simple. Of course the movie is flawed because she winds up with a guy in the end. Go figure!

But my point in all of this is: Ladies true happiness comes from within and while you are busy searching for that perfect man; you could be missing out on someone very special.

There may be such a thing as true love, but you won’t find it kissing frogs. He won’t be placing a glass slipper on your foot and he won’t say the right words and do the right things all the time.

Quit dreaming about fairy tales and start living your life. As one learns to see one’s self more clearly, she will see others more clearly. Don’t be influenced by images and illusion.

Life's funny that way. We spend so much time searching for a Prince. We have to ask ourselves if we are looking for love while blindfolded? A successful relationship is hard work and it takes commitment from both parties to make it last a lifetime. Remember that we all have faults and we all have short comings. Sometimes you just have to meet somewhere in the middle.

While there may be no such thing as a true "Prince Charming" and life isn’t quite like you dreamed as a child. There certainly may be a man out there that can be the next best thing.

Ok, start the story. “Once upon a time there lived a noble gentleman who had a little girl.”

I bet you can’t wait to see the ending.
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BONUS : On Anxiety And Dating

It is already six o'clock. You are ready for the big date. Well, almost. The little black dress that you bought at Neiman-Marcus still hangs in your closet. Feeling butterflies in the stomach, you reach for it and slip it on (for the tenth time), and zipped it up. Perfect. Well, almost. All glammed up and ready to go. You've got the vanity kit in the purse, the make-up's been re-touched, and the mandatory spritz of perfume is through. You've got everything in place, well, except for the guy. “Where is my date?”, you ask. A million other questions race through your mind. You can't help think about whether he was in a car accident or, even worse, if he changed his mind about the date. Feeling the anxiety now creeping through your body, you dial his cellphone number. He answers the phone and tells you in a half-embarrassed voice that he is now your front porch. The immediately, you hear the doorbell. “He's here!”, you silently scream in your as you glide down the staircase. Of course, you first had to take one last look at the mirror to check your teeth, hair, and dress before taking that one long breath of air. Finally, you open the door and given out your sweetest smile to the guy --- your date, who, at least came, even if he was 20 minutes late.

This scenario describes how one woman can feel the anxiety when it comes to dating. The emotional roller coaster of preparing and waiting for the date --- not to mention the actual outcome of it --- can put even the most stable of women in panic. It has been a tradition for almost everyone to have dates in order to know more about each other, spend time together, and see if your attitudes, beliefs, or interests are compatible. Of course, not all expectations or agreements about this thing or that thing are met with ease. Dating is necessary because it takes time to know a person well, and hopefully, after that, the simple getting-to-know-you would blossom into a good relationship.

But not all people are accustomed to or even ready to have a date. Dating is considered as a social event, where two people are dressed up appropriately based on where they are going, or what activity they are going to do. In these times, dating can be done in various ways, not just the candle lit dinner for two setup. Double dates, group dates, blind dates, and even the ones where you go to a certain spot, be with nineteen other women and twenty guys that you have not met, and go on rotation to speak with a man for at least five minutes. Speed dating, anyone? Crazy, right?

Still, even with all the innovations on how to meet and date people, some individuals still find it a struggle to actually be around others of their kind. The fact of being near other people can stress out or cause panic is such a serious concern that there is even a term for it --- Social Anxiety. Social anxiety often refers to fear and worry about being around other people or of establishing contact with another person for the first time.

In a society like ours, they are often seen as loners, anti-socials, or wallflowers. In a scene like that, a person dealing with social anxiety might just run, be silent for the rest of the night, or even faint! Those with this type of anxiety disorder may often experience sweaty hands, butterflies in the stomach, and nagging thoughts about not being “good enough” for the person they are about to meet.

Needless to say, any feeling of anxiety may be considered normal as long as it does not interrupt with your daily routine or with prevents a person from having a happy, fulfilled life. Every single person on earth wants the best, and by that, it means that all of us aspire to look good, feel good, and show how wonderful we are as human beings --- especially during a date.

In dating, a person feels the anxiety before or during a date --- which is perfectly all right. Taking time to relieve the anxiety is key before going on a date. What then should be the first step an anxious dater should take before going out?

Deep breathing can really help ease nervousness. Focusing on the other person (or your date) and not just obsessing about whether you will be liked or not is a good start, too. Most of all, just be yourself.

People who suffer from social anxiety should participate in social therapy and treatment in order to decrease their fear of meeting other people. It is essential for a person to grow and interact with others, so it is wise to address this kind of anxiety as soon as possible. Going out on a date need not be such a hassle. It should be one of the most fun things every one should try and experience.

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