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Alternatives To Online Dating Sites
If you are a fan of online dating sites, then you probably know the most popular ones inside and out. You may even be the type of user that check or updates the accounts every few hours or days. Successful yet? Chances are good that if you have been using online dating sites for a number of years or months and have not found any success, you are either just not working them to their fullest capacity or you are not on the right sites.
The good news for online dating site visitors is that there are very viable and popular alternatives. In addition to the plethora of available sites, there is a host of sites that are not full-service dating sites, but that still provide the connectivity and relationship start that you may need. Among those sites are forums and chat rooms.
When you use forums and chat rooms, your communications with others is public. In other words, whatever you say in the chat rooms or on the forums is free for others to look at. For this reason, you will not be able to get terribly familiar with your crush, but you will be able to get a good idea of what your crush is like  at least in Âpublic.Â
If you find that you and your crush have a lot in common on the forum and chat-room sites, then you may wan to invite him or her to communicate with you through email or instant messaging. When you are able to communicate personally, it is likely that you will be able to develop that relationship that you would otherwise would through an online dating site.
When looking for chat rooms and forums, start with sites and forums that interest you. If you are into auto racing, then look for auto racing forums or chat rooms. Similarly, there are chats and forums available just about anywhere for singles. You can visit local singles chats or chats for singles that are interested in the same topics.
As you begin to interact on those chat rooms and forums, keep in mind that you are one of many who will also be viewing and participating in the forum. Therefore, you may have to look a little harder to meet others and to make yourself visible to your potential crush. However, for some people, chat rooms and forums are the most appealing way to goÂ
especially when first meeting people online.
In general, though, chat room and forums do not provide the same sort of personalized and targeted dating opportunities. For this reason, many people prefer to enroll in subscriptions to online dating sites. Your subscription to online dating sites will likely offer links to open chats and forums, which may help you to meet a bunch of other subscribers on a personal level.
Experiment with a bunch of different online dating options and choose the method that seems to work best for you. Some people prefer to put themselves out there on an online dating site while others enjoy using the back-door entry approach that comes with chat rooms and forums.
BONUS : Am I Cheating? Fidelity And Online Dating
Online dating is one of the fastest growing industries in the UK today. Every day, hundreds of thousands of us log on to one or more of the growing number of sites available; some looking for serious relationships, others for friendship and companions, and still others for casual flings and that extra Âbit on the sideÂ.
Some sites claim to be purely for genuine singles seeking committed, long term relationships, others turn a blind eye to, or even actively encourage, married or cohabiting members who may or may not use the sites with the blessing of their spouse or partner. Of course many people who use online dating sites do so purely for chatting and exchanging messages and never meet face to face; with the steady growth of the Internet as a communication tool since itÂs inception, it has become increasingly possible for netizens to conduct deeply involved, real time relationships with people they have never actually met.
So what does this change with regard to the old ways of doing things? When does an online relationship become ÂintimateÂ? Can you fall in love with an avatar, and can you cheat on someone, or with someone, who is in a different time zone?
A recent study by Dr Martin Graff of the University of Glamorgan showed that our perceptions of what does and does not constitute Âcheating online are affected by a variety of factors  most prominently, and perhaps unsurprisingly, by the level of information dating site users are prepared to disclose about themselves; Dr Graff explains
ÂFrom this study, it seems that the greater the level of typed disclosure, then the stronger the perception of infidelity.Â
Seemingly, in the absence of the 'nonverbal cues' on which face to face interaction relies so strongly, how much we are prepared to give away about ourselves is the primary indicator of how intimate our online relationships are and by extension, the degree of unfaithfulness inherent in the actions of non single site users.
Perhaps more surprisingly, the study also showed that the time of day at which online encounters took place was also a key factor in establishing infidelity, concluding that
ÂExchanges later in the evening were perceived to be more infidelitous, than those which might take place in the day or early evening.Â
Dr Graff's study is ongoing and subsequent phases will look at the issues of jealousy and trust in the0020context of online relationships.
Ultimately the jury is still out on exactly what constitutes online infidelity and indeed relationships over the net as a whole. It is doubtful that a firm conclusion will ever be reached as the world of online dating and relationships, as in 'real life', will always be immensely subjective due to the differing moral standards and emotional responses of the individuals involved. Studies like Dr Graff's can however provide a fascinating insight into the human causes and effects of the modern world, and how these are shaped by the direction of our rapidly developing and changing communications technology.