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Alpha Male And Nurturing Love
A woman can love basically in two ways:
- Adult Love
- Nurturing Love
Nurturing love is an instinct. As such it is stronger than her will. In a word: women are hardwired to nurture. This instinct is meant to have children grow up safely.
Nature is sometimes a bitch. Instincts are very primitive brain features and they are meant to overcome our conscious will. Sometimes they direct themselves there, where they should not.
As alpha male if you let a woman nurture you what will happen is that it will destroy her sexual desire towards you and also her respect towards you will die sooner or later.
A good example of how a real male relates to his own weaknesses is from the life of Julius Caesar. He suffered of terrible headaches and he treated them by.. long, strenuous marches with all the weathers.
As alpha Male your destiny is to protect other people and live your life without being nurtured too much. You are alone with that job. You should not fear death and sickness. You should cope without nurturing.
Having said that we can distinguish two group of women in regard of how they express nurturing love.
The HSE (High self-esteem ) woman is very often not completely conscious of what she is doing when she is nurturing someone – there are of course exceptional women who have a full touch into their instincts but they are rare. When a HSE woman nurtures someone her nurturing is full of joy and positive frames. She enjoys it fully and it is for her a happy activity. Another feature of the HSE woman is that she will lose very fast her love and interest in an adult male if he lets her nurture him too much. Her nurturing is made for children and people who are weak and sick not for her big guy.
The LSE (Low self-esteem ) woman exhibits what I call malignant nurturing. You can recognize malignant nurturing by the fact that it is full of negative, depressive frames and tends to castrate the male early on by demonstrating that: ”You can't cope without my nurturing” and soon after: ”You are not a real man because you need me so much.” either said straightly or sub-communicated. This is especially a feature of LSE LD (Low self-esteem low sexual drive ) women.
How a healthy alpha male relates to nurturing? Simple: that is stuff for children, not for him.
One feature of some women is that they will very often feel ”offended” or ”uneasy” if a guy who enters a relationship with them does not let them nurture him.
Keep your positions then: don't let her do it to you. You need to live your life by being totally undependent from the need for nurturing. You do not need to be extreme in refusing nurturing: sometimes it is nice to be offered a cup of coffee or measured temperature when sick but the overall frame should be: a big man does not need nurturing!
Effects of nurturing on sexuality and respect:
- If a male lets his woman nurture him too much what will happen is that the sexual desire of this woman and her respect for him will die. Period.
- An alpha male can remain alpha in a relationship with a woman by practicing adult love with her and kindly refusing of being nurtured. Period.
- A beta male should never even start a relationship with a woman and/or a fatherhood before he has freed himself completely from the need of being nurtured. Period.
BONUS : Alternatives To Online Dating Sites
If you are a fan of online dating sites, then you probably know the most popular ones inside and out. You may even be the type of user that check or updates the accounts every few hours or days. Successful yet? Chances are good that if you have been using online dating sites for a number of years or months and have not found any success, you are either just not working them to their fullest capacity or you are not on the right sites.
The good news for online dating site visitors is that there are very viable and popular alternatives. In addition to the plethora of available sites, there is a host of sites that are not full-service dating sites, but that still provide the connectivity and relationship start that you may need. Among those sites are forums and chat rooms.
When you use forums and chat rooms, your communications with others is public. In other words, whatever you say in the chat rooms or on the forums is free for others to look at. For this reason, you will not be able to get terribly familiar with your crush, but you will be able to get a good idea of what your crush is like at least in public.
If you find that you and your crush have a lot in common on the forum and chat-room sites, then you may wan to invite him or her to communicate with you through email or instant messaging. When you are able to communicate personally, it is likely that you will be able to develop that relationship that you would otherwise would through an online dating site.
When looking for chat rooms and forums, start with sites and forums that interest you. If you are into auto racing, then look for auto racing forums or chat rooms. Similarly, there are chats and forums available just about anywhere for singles. You can visit local singles chats or chats for singles that are interested in the same topics.
As you begin to interact on those chat rooms and forums, keep in mind that you are one of many who will also be viewing and participating in the forum. Therefore, you may have to look a little harder to meet others and to make yourself visible to your potential crush. However, for some people, chat rooms and forums are the most appealing way to go
especially when first meeting people online.
In general, though, chat room and forums do not provide the same sort of personalized and targeted dating opportunities. For this reason, many people prefer to enroll in subscriptions to online dating sites. Your subscription to online dating sites will likely offer links to open chats and forums, which may help you to meet a bunch of other subscribers on a personal level.
Experiment with a bunch of different online dating options and choose the method that seems to work best for you. Some people prefer to put themselves out there on an online dating site while others enjoy using the back-door entry approach that comes with chat rooms and forums.